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END, Stun and REC


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Ok...so one of my players is moving at max running....this uses 9 END every Turn. He gets back 6 every turn for free in REC. So eventually he starts burning Stun as endurance. But now he gets back 6 stun and 6 END free every turn...so he gets to this equilibrium point where he can run indefinatley and not tire out!


Is there a rule I'm not recognizing?

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Re: END, Stun and REC


Ok...so one of my players is moving at max running....this uses 9 END every Turn. He gets back 6 every turn for free in REC. So eventually he starts burning Stun as endurance. But now he gets back 6 stun and 6 END free every turn...so he gets to this equilibrium point where he can run indefinatley and not tire out!


Is there a rule I'm not recognizing?


You want to look up the optional rule called Long Term Endurance use, or LTE

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Re: END, Stun and REC


It's 1D6 Stun Only Damage per 2 END, actually.


But yes, you really want to look into Long Term END Rules for this.


So at 9 END per turn he is probably is covered for END and STUN burning and does get to a potential equilibrium if, as is normal in superhero games, LTE rules are not used.


Of course, when the character gets to where they are going they are going to be at 0 END, not where I'd want to be if starting a fight....




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Re: END, Stun and REC


This is a good point though. Nicely spotted. I'd be inclined to simply rule that stun burned for END cannot recover until your END is back up to full, or that you cannot recover stun at all in a turn where you have burned stun for END, which should stop this sort of thing without unnecessary complications.

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Re: END, Stun and REC


...or that you cannot recover stun at all in a turn where you have burned stun for END


I think this makes sense and is the least bureaucracy generating ruling. If you are pushing yourself beyond normal END limits then you do not get a free post segment 12 recovery.






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Re: END, Stun and REC


My brain might not be right, all I could think of with this was the 9 end per turn running. Is that 6" of running with a 9 speed or 15" of running with a 3 speed. It just seems an unusual number.


I guess it might be relevant if he's overspending in 3 1 pt units vs. 1 3 point unit.


I don't know, how do people apply the 1d6 damage? I've generally divided by 2 round in players favor minimum 1d6. So above he would either take 3d6 or 1d6 depending. At 1d6 you're back to wanting the LTE rules.

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Re: END, Stun and REC


I'm assuming you have a SPD 3 character and, well, quite a lot of running: at least 13", to get 9 END/turn.


This means that, you recover 6 END at ps12 and your first 2 phases are therefore 'paid for' but you need 3 END fopr the third phase. You'll need to burn 2d6 stun to generate 3 END (actually it generates 4, but the extra point is lost). This will average 7 stun per turn, so, in this particular instance, you will eventually run out of stun too, but it will take a long time.


One way to avoid the LTE rules, which are not entirely straightforward, is just to assume that any END used that is obtained from stun and any END burned to push an ability counts as LTE, so when you are really pushing yourself you get tired quickly.

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Re: END, Stun and REC


Or.. just let the player run his character like this.


It takes fairly Brick-like REC to even partially ignore the disadvantages of being at 0 END when you get where you're going, as well as being a bit low on STUN.


Since it represents a painful level of pushing one's limits, you might treat all circumstances where someone's doing this as having circumstance modifiers for perception and skill rolls.


And it does seem like a time for examining the character's Psych Lims to see if they have the mettle to keep hurting themself like this.. for example by an EGO roll, if they're in conflict with one of their Psych Lims... Overconfident? They're sure they'll get there on time by just walking. Show-Off? They know this sort of thing makes them look bad, all that panting and wincing and moaning.


But for the most part, if it's in-character, and you don't use LTE options uniformly, it seems like a heroic thing overall, to run to the limit and a bit beyond.

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Re: END, Stun and REC


I guess it might be relevant if he's overspending in 3 1 pt units vs. 1 3 point unit.


I don't know, how do people apply the 1d6 damage? I've generally divided by 2 round in players favor minimum 1d6. So above he would either take 3d6 or 1d6 depending. At 1d6 you're back to wanting the LTE rules.


I apply 1d6 for every 2 END, and 1/2 d6 to account for any odd numbers. Any END burned when at 0 END creates some STUN damage.

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Re: END, Stun and REC


3END becomes 2D6 STUN Only Damage.


Even if they have 40 END, at SPD4 they last an hour and a half, or 96 minutes. A long time in "Phases" but not that long overall considering.


These are the guys that run the marathon then fall over and get rushed to the hospital I'd assume.

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