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So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


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I want to run a Dark Champions Vigilante crime fighting campaign based on a Crimelord trying to expand his territory, but I can only think up phase one of his plan, which goes:


1a: Revenue: Go all out to get money. Hire mercenery villains to commit high revenue crimes, set up drug suppy lines ect

1b: Recuit- Hire goons. Get dagger or someone to train them.

1c: Supply: Set up smuggling routes to bring guns and equipment into the city.


But then I'm stuck. How do you move in on the lesser crimelors territories? (I already worked out you should leave Card Shark for last)

Any help would be greatly apprecieted, thanks.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Start by looking for a vacancy. Batman is a mixed curse. Sure, he's liable to take you down, but that means you can always look for an open territory where the last guys to attract his attention used to be. Then you can look for the weak mobster to move in on.


Offer to help him. He's weak and presumably losing ground unless things are quiet. If they are quiet, shoot someone important without letting anyone know there's a new player in town until later. That'll fix that. Offer, in return for a slice of his action to take down his threatening neighbour. That way, you've got both his territory and his neighbour's territory. Moving into the neighbour's territory you have two approaches. Massacres are appealing, but probably attract too much attention at this early point in the game. Instead you should rough up his street operators, show them that you are bigger and badder. At this point you want a show of force, but not an all-out war. Push them to the brink of war, then arrange a meeting between the three of you in which you negotiate new boundaries and make marketing and franchising deals that leave you on top. If you've got more firepower this gives you the upper hand, but firepower between gangs as between nations is better used as a threat than as an actuality. Cops, feds, vigilantes and bigger fish will all be attracted by the smell of blood. When a vigilante does show up however, it's important to take him or her down, particularly if they have the kind of gunslinger rep that will intimidate your colleagues because if you kill them, or even take them out of action for a while their rep becomes your rep. Eventually someone will decide enough is enough. A bigger fish will take notice of you, or a smaller one will refuse to see reason. Assuming that you aren't prepared to settle for less than the whole city, whack their top man and see if you can't deal with their successor. If they're cohesive and out to avenge their boss, it's massacre time.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Clonus pretty much has it down I think. Not much to add.


I'd note that criminal empires aren't just built on territory but also on who controls which rackets. So you go around a particular area convincing shop owners and the like that they should be more afraid of your gang than they are of others, when opposing enforcers turn up intimidate or beat them until they back off. A ruthless criminal might want to make a few examples of businessmen who are slow to accept the change in their 'owners', kidnapping, breaking fingers, trashing shops etc.


Recruit smaller gangs wholesale, they will of course benefit


You can also muscle in on other people's deals. Offer drug's smugglers a higher rate to sell to you or make sure that other buyers never make it to the pick up point. Bribe corrupt cops to only look the other way when presented with your operations. And buy yourself some eyes and ears in opposing organisations.


There's also that comic book staple of a new gang acquiring a new edge. Maybe assembling a new team of villains, getting hold of a new weapon or unleashing a new drug on the streets.


But inciting a war between rival gangsters is probably the best way forward and one that vigilantes are going to take the most notice of.


One more thing. The crime lord may be hard at work creating a positive public persona. Giving money to charity, work with underpriveliged kids and problem teenagers, (a good way to quietly recruit new blood as well), setting up legitimate businesses, even providing information to the police about rivals.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Clonus has a good idea. For my own two cents I suggest making an alliance with a rival boss's lieutenant and have him wack his boss in return for running his new turf. Repeat until you have enough new bosses in your back pocket to make a move on the ones you can't take down this way.


Oh and blackmail is always useful. Even if you don't use it or reveal you have it, it's a good back up in case one of your new puppets decides to strike out on his own. Plus it's a great plot hook for the PCs. (The new capo will tell them what they want to know if they can destroy the blackmail evidence.)

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Take a look at the backstories of Cardshark, Speargun, El Azteca, Buckshot, & Strad. Those guys are all trying to grow and expand their business.


Obviously, Retro is a great example and as a "victim" of Hudson City Blues I can say that it was one of the most impressive gaming experiences ever... period. Funny enough, the technology is even more feasible now than it was 10 years ago. Read up on the Omega Team adventures against the Hudson City Blues module for a feel of what it can be like (see Edsel's sig line or hop over to Killer Shrikes site for the full campaign log).

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Yes' date=' but what exactly do you need to do to take over a crimelords turf? That's the problem I'm having[/quote']


Go to youtube and check out the TV series "Underbelly" about the Melbourne drug wars. The king is dead, long live the king.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


A key element at all stages is: gather information.


Knowing who is who and what is what is useful.


Another thought: a lot depends on exactly which rackets you are trying to take over.


Product supply rackets like guns and drugs are different from service rackets like gambling and prostitution (although the two can overlap). In the first example, access to sources is important.


Then, of course, there are things like protection, which rely on you having nastier thugs than any would be competitors. (There are also sidelines like "standover" work, where you extort/torture money out of other criminals). You could probably lump in organised theft/bank robberies etc into this category.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Taking over something is easy once you understand the theory.


Step 1: Create a problem. This problem can be real, imagined, or theoretic.

Step 2: Create opposition to the problem. Fear, panic, mass hysteria, lack of supply, lack of guns, loosing money etc.

Step 3: Create a Solution to the problem. Higher taxes, clean supply lines, more controls into people lives, etc. (here sign your life over to me I'll help you)




From here you should be able to find examples and arguments on how it works.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Now here is how to apply the stratagy stated above.


Find out how the mafia or "guy in charge" does illegal business.

Step 1: Create a problem for the mafia, (Batman, lack of drugs, lack of revenue from underlings, etc)

Step 2: Offer your services to solve the problem by lending "philanthropy" or donating something you can offer to solve the above problem.

Step 3: Make the mafia dependent on you for a continuing solution to the problem.


You don't have to own the mafia, just control it.


That is how you take over another mob family.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Take a look at the backstories of Cardshark, Speargun, El Azteca, Buckshot, & Strad. Those guys are all trying to grow and expand their business.


Obviously, Retro is a great example and as a "victim" of Hudson City Blues I can say that it was one of the most impressive gaming experiences ever... period. Funny enough, the technology is even more feasible now than it was 10 years ago. Read up on the Omega Team adventures against the Hudson City Blues module for a feel of what it can be like (see Edsel's sig line or hop over to Killer Shrikes site for the full campaign log).


Omega Team

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


In a criminal organization whoever makes the most money rises to the top.


That and whoever isn't dead.


My recommendation for a credible plan:


1. Kill. Kill people until you are on top of the heap.

2. Kill anyone that could possibly threaten your hold on power.

3. Profit!


So it basically boils down to does the group that you want to rise to the top have the grit and muscle to spill the blood needed to get there?



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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


posted by assault

Political ranting aside, this "theory" has never actually been put into practice.


Actually its used on a daily basis, ever buy insurance you did not need? Ever give up something because you thought it was bad for you only to discover there was nothing wrong with it in the first place? Ever question the motivation of popular beliefs that turned out to be false?


If you just open your eye's you can see it on a daily basis. The mafia, and other organized crime influences use this method daily. Why not use it against them?


Furthermore you can apply this process to mafia cartel drug trade. (Your goal is to control the drug trade so the mafia works for you rather than the other way around.)

Step 1: Mafia needs more more drugs to provide for a growing population.

Step 2: Decrease the supply of Drugs available for street sale or eliminate the competition so that your drug supply is the only one. (This can be done by force or by trade control at the docks. Ever wonder why the docks are so important to the mob?)

Step 3: Force dependence upon your supply, so that you control the economic forces of supply and delivery. (Never mind or dismiss the fact that your supply is so large because you stole or killed to gain control of the drug commodity in the first place.)

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


posted by Teflon Billy

My recommendation for a credible plan:


1. Kill. Kill people until you are on top of the heap.

2. Kill anyone that could possibly threaten your hold on power.

3. Profit!


The main problem here is that by killing the infrastructure you slow down the amount of profit you can potential earn. Instead if you can use a busniess model even if that busniess is the busniess of vice, you can maximize your profits. Killing would be for those who do not get a clue and get behind your plan as they should. Usually only as a way of influencing others.


Please don't misunderstand the mafia and organized crime does kill people but busniess & profit almost always come first.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


The main problem here is that by killing the infrastructure you slow down the amount of profit you can potential earn. Instead if you can use a busniess model even if that busniess is the busniess of vice, you can maximize your profits. Killing would be for those who do not get a clue and get behind your plan as they should. Usually only as a way of influencing others.


Please don't misunderstand the mafia and organized crime does kill people but busniess & profit almost always come first.


That's why Retros plan is such a flaming brilliant one. All the street vendors remain in place while the executives get 86'd or assimilated.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


That's why Retros plan is such a flaming brilliant one. All the street vendors remain in place while the executives get 86'd or assimilated.


I disagree.


In a pyramid situation (most drug dealers work on a pyramid scheme) this secretive society runs on relationships. If I kill mob boss Fiorello and don't know Fiorello's contracts what's the point in killing him. However if I can alter Fiorello's supply lines I can control Fiorello and his contacts. No one died except perhaps the original supplier. Fiorello's dealers are happy and the customers are happy. This is why controlling the source is so very important.


Fiorello's pays me instead of his former boss Tony and the other boss Tony eventually goes into debt, I offer to pay off Tony's debt (philanthropy) on the condition Tony works for me now.


Anyone else see how this works?


I now control Tony, Fiorello, and anyone else in the pyramid. Anyone who disagrees ends up at the bad end of a busniess decision. :bmk:

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


Yes and I happen to be a big fan of Hudson City and mafia themed adversaries for years. I was heavily inspired by a D&D game I was in many years ago where the chief antagonist of the players was an organization called Evil Temps. It was one of the best well run RPG drag out Thief guild scenario's I was ever in and the G.M. used tactics such as the Hegelian dialectic as a backdrop and boy was it just bloody vicious near the end. Since that time my Mafia style games have only improved.


The busniess of vice and destroying lives is simply evil in its purest form. After that killing is easy.

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Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?


So, he was making a hypothetical example. His point about how the process of fooling people is more or less valid (whether or not the example he chose to use is an actual example of the process is irrelevant), at least as much as any another abstract theory that you haven't proven yourself.


Seriously, can we move on?

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