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Energiser Bunny Effect

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Sorry man, I know it's not good forum etiquette, but whilst having my coffee break I only had time to poke fun at Doc.


I had a quick skim through your post and will have a proper read and give it a decent response at lunch.


Thanks again for your input.


That's fine :) I'll read it tomorrow. Different timezones and such... I really liked my Aid (without inherent, it's exactly 60 AP, 40 real points for 2d6 per phase and 20 maximum effect, talk about neat numbers), and I think some sort of encounter will use that soonish. Only problem: That enemy is already high-speed / high dex, it might become quite invincible by just going for a abort-dodge if attacked a lot and then recovering quickly. I wonder if my players can take him on...

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect



Yes, Constant Powers only work during your phases. So Healing, Constant, Always On, Persistent will heal you in every of your phases. Technically, it's illegal, because you cannot heal yourself for more than max Effect (1d6 = 6) per day (or up to per turn for a +1.75 advantage I think).


I know the Hero System isn't perfect but one of my favorite aspects of the game is its continuity and virtual organic nature that I find intuitive. (Here comes the big BUT) The Maximum Effect and/or Once-Per-Day guideline on Healing power because of the potential abusive nature of the power is the exception. It's one of the few powers that instead of putting a stop sign warning on the power the warning was configured into the definition.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I know the Hero System isn't perfect but one of my favorite aspects of the game is its continuity and virtual organic nature that I find intuitive. (Here comes the big BUT) The Maximum Effect and/or Once-Per-Day guideline on Healing power because of the potential abusive nature of the power is the exception. It's one of the few powers that instead of putting a stop sign warning on the power the warning was configured into the definition.


That's an interesting point, I honestly don't think that the build I'm trying to make is 'broken' he's not meant to be a munchkin, there's a genuine desire to create a build that follows an (hopefully) interesting character design.


I agree it would be better to have the responsibility let to the GM decide if it's a broken use of the power, after all they have a lot other powers to keep an eye on.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Another way of providing a character who sticks aorund is to buy BODY and STUN as a power and buy it as a lock out with some other power.


It means that as your STUN and BODY go down you begin to lose you powers as you automatically draw upon the extra STUN and BODY but that locks out various powers and abilities.




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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


That's an interesting point, I honestly don't think that the build I'm trying to make is 'broken' he's not meant to be a munchkin, there's a genuine desire to create a build that follows an (hopefully) interesting character design.


I agree it would be better to have the responsibility let to the GM decide if it's a broken use of the power, after all they have a lot other powers to keep an eye on.


I don't think your idea is broken, actually, I like it a lot. Like others have said your character is a Brick archtype but not typical... pretty cool I would say.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


If you just want basic Stun regeneration, buy a multiple of your speed in REC and just distribute it about your phases for a +0 advantage. Fair enough. Using a complicated Healing power is just more dice for no difference.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I actually didn't expect you to be sensible about it :) Most people react very violently after I tell them into their face that their character concept sucks (in the sense of: YOU won't have fun playing it). Ok' date=' some clarification:[/quote']


I'll have to work on my skills, I only have Troll 7- :)


Yes, Constant Powers only work during your phases. So Healing, Constant, Always On, Persistent will heal you in every of your phases. Technically, it's illegal, because you cannot heal yourself for more than max Effect (1d6 = 6) per day (or up to per turn for a +1.75 advantage I think). Let's try some other approaches:


First off: "Standard" Regeneration 1 body/ turn, or a few more (but not needed, I'll get to that).


Second: Instead of Healing, we use Aid. Reason: While you cannot Aid more than Standard Effect either, you can add it as often per time as you like.

Energized: Aid Stun, 2d6 (20 points) increased maximum effect +8 (for 4 points), Constant (+1), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Always On (-1/2). 66 Active points, 37 real points.


How this works: In every of your phases, you roll 2d6. These add to your temporary stun value. If you take damage, these go down first. These points are allowed to go above your normal maximum. You can have up to 12+8 = 20 stun like this. So if you have a maximum of 30, you will start all battles with 50, 20 of which regenerate extremly quickly.

The power is legal, quite powerful and quite useful. If you take many hits in quick succession, you will go down. If you only take one every now and then, you can totally shrug it off. Buy decent REC with it. Actually, this power sounds like fun :)


Next on the list: Tiny hits shall not do much to you: Use Flying instead of Running, that makes you take +1d6 Knockback ;) Have good Defenses, defined as "Yeah, you hit me, and I fall over, but I regenerate so quickly that I am as good as new in my next phase." Sure, you don't write down any damage, because it bounces off. But isn't that what you want? You bounce attacks because they cannot really hurt you. High defenses it is. Do not forget unusual defenses. Also, make them either Armor or resistant (!) PD/ED, because that way, they are always there and since they are resistant, you won't take BODY (which makes sense). That is also why you don't really need lots of regeneration. How often does someone do more than 25 Body in a single hit?


*NOTHING* can hurt me: Healing 2d6, self only (-1), broad special effect (+1/2): Any characteristic below maximum value, one stat at a time. Keeps those pesky drain Con and what do I know at bay. Sure, you have to spend a phase to use it, but still worth it. Flashed? Yeah, right, not for long.


Get Up Quick: Teleport 1", Trigger "When I fall over" +1/4, Trigger resets itself (+? look it up), Shift Position Adder (+5cp).

Everytime you fall over, your teleport will make you get up with the position shift instantly, and because it is triggered, you don't have to do anything for it. The trigger will reset itself every time, and the power costs about 1 END to use.


The Constant power only working during your phases is a little disappointing, ah well.



Aid: with the Always On you have to roll for the effect every phase, is this action "free"? Meaning, can I still go do other things? Or is this Aid benefit using up action times?


My thought here is that he'd still be in the same boat, recovering all the time, rather than having much impact on the combat.


If there's no time penalty then this is pretty sweet, it's essentially a free recover every phase. Nice.



That's another suggestion of SFX for the effect. Now there's been talk of the free action triggered "kippup" move here, could this be added to the Aid power, which I'm still hoping is a free action, to give the following?


Get smacked around (flying optional :-)) land in a heap (SFX) next phase free "kippup" ready to go again, then free Aid, I feel much better now.


If that works, I really like that, having a lower SPD would really only impact if someone decided to pound on you when you were down.



Another way of providing a character who sticks aorund is to buy BODY and STUN as a power and buy it as a lock out with some other power.


It means that as your STUN and BODY go down you begin to lose you powers as you automatically draw upon the extra STUN and BODY but that locks out various powers and abilities.





I like the broad idea of that, it fits the character idea, as he's going to be a Hulk style alter ego, I like the idea of fading back to his "normal" self as he gets beaten around.


Now, I was looking to use Multiform for the alter ego effect, would this still work? Can you have some sort of trigger that forces the Multiform to end and revert you back to your "normal" form?



I don't think your idea is broken' date=' actually, I like it a lot. Like others have said your character is a Brick archtype but not typical... pretty cool I would say.[/quote']


Thanks, this is my first supers build, based on a character concept I've had for years.


Once all the various discussions are over I'll post him up.


Thanks again for all the help/comments, it really gets the old creative juices flowing.



If you just want basic Stun regeneration' date=' buy a multiple of your speed in REC and just distribute it about your phases for a +0 advantage. Fair enough. Using a complicated Healing power is just more dice for no difference.[/quote']


Hmm, that's gone a little over my noobish head.


Do you mean buy as in Aid or as a Characteristic?


Also this distribution idea, is this just a limited power disadvantage? Obviously +0 as there is no detriment to the player.


Ooh lightbulb!


with regards SPD, if I'm SPD 2 and the normal SPD is 4, then you'd suggest buying my REC again and splitting it in half for each Phase? This way I have enough to hold off the damage I'm taking during my off phases?


I hope that makes some sense, I can feel my Hero Brain growing by the day :-) And it hurts.



Thanks again for everyone's input

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Yes, Constant means it runs by itself without you doing anything for it. Like Force Field (you only activate that once) or any "Poison"/"Burning" attack which does continuing damage without you doing anything. Technically, you would have to start it at some point (and pay END all the time), but since Aid does not cost END and you add persistent, even that is not necessary. Also, you are *VERY* hard to KO, as your "-10 Stun" starts technically at -30 (or else, the aid will bring you above -10 very quickly in a phase or two). That is probably the most interesting part of the power and will make you hellishly annoying.

You could also buy some additional defenses / aid which only work when below 0 stun (-1 or so) for "impossible to take out for long"-effect.


The same is true for kippup teleport: Since it is triggered you only spend a zero phase action for it (meaning: You can only do it in your phase, but that's it), and another one to reset the trigger (and pay the END if necessary).


full phase action: you can do one of these per phase, and that's that.

1/2 phase action: You can do two of these per phase, but any attack will instantly end your phase right there.

zero phase action: You can do as many of these as you want during your phase, but not after attacks, only before them. That would be the level you want your trigger to be at.

action that takes no time: You can even do these when it's not your turn. speaking eg.


If you fall over at the end of your attack, you remain prone until it's your phase again. Then you instantly revert to being standing. You could also just buy lots of breakfall (only to get up quickly -1) so you always make your roll to do that.


Multiform ending: Instant Change disadvantage in the Multiform. State a condition and a roll (in your case: "badly hurt at 0 BODY" 14-) and you have to not roll 14- every phase or you revert automatically. If that is what you want. There might also be a limitation on MF, but I don't remember that.



REC: Yeah, exactly. Instead of having 36 REC which only comes into effect post-12, you just agree with the GM that you will take half your post-12 in post-12, and half of it in post-6, or even 2 REC per phase. In the end, the difference is minor, but it makes sense to do this at some point of high REC (after all, if your REC is 40, and you only have 40 Stun, you will never reap the full benefit of your stat, that's hardly fair).



Also, I recommend the Edit button instead of replying two times in a row.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Yes, Constant means it runs by itself without you doing anything for it. Like Force Field (you only activate that once) or any "Poison"/"Burning" attack which does continuing damage without you doing anything. Technically, you would have to start it at some point (and pay END all the time), but since Aid does not cost END and you add persistent, even that is not necessary. Also, you are *VERY* hard to KO, as your "-10 Stun" starts technically at -30 (or else, the aid will bring you above -10 very quickly in a phase or two). That is probably the most interesting part of the power and will make you hellishly annoying.

You could also buy some additional defenses / aid which only work when below 0 stun (-1 or so) for "impossible to take out for long"-effect.


The same is true for kippup teleport: Since it is triggered you only spend a zero phase action for it (meaning: You can only do it in your phase, but that's it), and another one to reset the trigger (and pay the END if necessary).


full phase action: you can do one of these per phase, and that's that.

1/2 phase action: You can do two of these per phase, but any attack will instantly end your phase right there.

zero phase action: You can do as many of these as you want during your phase, but not after attacks, only before them. That would be the level you want your trigger to be at.

action that takes no time: You can even do these when it's not your turn. speaking eg.


If you fall over at the end of your attack, you remain prone until it's your phase again. Then you instantly revert to being standing. You could also just buy lots of breakfall (only to get up quickly -1) so you always make your roll to do that.


I'm really liking this idea, the imagery & mechanic really fit the character, lying on the floor battered, then *ping* up on his feet, feeling refreshed, raring to go.


Whilst I like the breakfall idea, I think the character should be getting knocked around rather than gracefully landing.


Multiform ending: Instant Change disadvantage in the Multiform. State a condition and a roll (in your case: "badly hurt at 0 BODY" 14-) and you have to not roll 14- every phase or you revert automatically. If that is what you want. There might also be a limitation on MF' date=' but I don't remember that.[/quote']


Presumably you could take this without the activation roll for a higher disadvantage penalty? It would definitely fit the character more, my Hyde side wont know that the Jekyll side exists, hence wont be trying to maintain his form.



REC: Yeah' date=' exactly. Instead of having 36 REC which only comes into effect post-12, you just agree with the GM that you will take half your post-12 in post-12, and half of it in post-6, or even 2 REC per phase. In the end, the difference is minor, but it makes sense to do this at some point of high REC (after all, if your REC is 40, and you only have 40 Stun, you will never reap the full benefit of your stat, that's hardly fair).[/quote']


Hmm, I'll need to digest that one a little more to get my head round it fully.


Also' date=' I recommend the Edit button instead of replying two times in a row.[/quote']






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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Whilst I like the breakfall idea, I think the character should be getting knocked around rather than gracefully landing.


Once again you'r emixing up mechanic and game effect.


Breakfall will allow you to avoid damage from falling. That does not mean that you necessarily do stuff like Batman. It can mean doing stuff like Daffy Duck - both get to the bottom essentially unhurt - the special effects of how they did that vary considerably...






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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Once again you'r emixing up mechanic and game effect.


Breakfall will allow you to avoid damage from falling. That does not mean that you necessarily do stuff like Batman. It can mean doing stuff like Daffy Duck - both get to the bottom essentially unhurt - the special effects of how they did that vary considerably...







Curses Doc! You insufferable man :-)


Fair point though, I need to be less literal.


How do the points stack up?


I have priced up the Teleport, which comes out at 9 points, I've added increased END, I like the idea of onr of the teleports triggering, he stands up, then falls over again :-)


For the same points I can get a 14- roll in breakfall, assuming a base dex of 10.


I like that fact that the Teleport just works, there's no rolling for a possible success.


Which would you go for?

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I had a weeble character (Kestrel) who I must say was a lot of fun to play (he remains one of my favourite superhero characters). He was essentially a middle-level martial artist with a tiny gadget pool/utility belt: his only "superpower" was "regeneration". Essentially he was an "agent" with one power. He got hit more than a regular martial artist, but he could deal with the hit.


The build was self only Aid to STUN (continuous, persistent, 0 END, with increased maximum as already mentioned: I didn't bother to make it inherent), plus regeneration, plus damage reduction and decent CON and BOD. The damage reduction is key, because it essentially doubles the effect of your Stun Aid (making it cost effective: which otherwise it isn't, really) and keeps you from being wiped out with a single large hit. If your GM is nice, you can roll the whole lot into an EC called "Wolveregeneration" or something similar. It's not really a munchkin build because it's still not super-efficient. It's going to be a big chunk of the character either way: figure on around 100 points on this "power". But if you do that, the character really is a weeble: with 50% damage reduction and 2d6 STUN aid even an attack that does 100 STUN through his defences will fully "heal" in a turn if he's SPD6: attacks on a more normal scale will heal in 2-3 phases - meaning the character can usually soak one or two hits per turn and stay functional - more, give him a few phases unhit, and he'll be fresh as a daily (relatively speaking).


This has several advantages over the "High defences actually represents regeneration of damage" approach (which is perfectly viable: just not what I wanted in this case). The first is "feel". In this case, mechanics = SFX. The character does get hurt and he does get better. Secondly, it allows you to face off against opponents with exotic attacks and have the character perform as desired. Since you don't rely on your defences as much as a Brick, an opponent who can avoid defences is actually not much more dangerous to you than a conventional one. Thirdly, it means that the character can still be threatened by lower-powered opponents: lots of small attacks are as dangerous as one big one - again, this is different from the high def builds.


Now, Kestrel did spend a fair amount of time lying down taking recoveries, :D but he was always there at the end of the fight. In fact, the GM actually expressed some frustration (along with some admiration) at exactly how hard the character was to take out of play: and to me it suited exactly the "torn costume, covered in blood, but still going" image I had. My only other comment is that you need some other shtick for this guy unless you want to play Punchingbag Boy. Since it sound like you don't want other superpowers, depending on the game this could be super soldier (a weapons and gear gadget pool) wandering immortal (lots of skills, a sword) martial artist (guess the power set!) or infiltration expert/bounty hunter (Stealth, concealment, computing skills, a weapon or two, lots of skills), etc


cheers, Mark

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I had a weeble character (Kestrel) who I must say was a lot of fun to play (he remains one of my favourite superhero characters). He was essentially a middle-level martial artist with a tiny gadget pool/utility belt: his only "superpower" was "regeneration". Essentially he was an "agent" with one power. He got hit more than a regular martial artist, but he could deal with the hit.


The build was self only Aid to STUN (continuous, persistent, 0 END, with increased maximum as already mentioned: I didn't bother to make it inherent), plus regeneration, plus damage reduction and decent CON and BOD. The damage reduction is key, because it essentially doubles the effect of your Stun Aid (making it cost effective: which otherwise it isn't, really) and keeps you from being wiped out with a single large hit. If your GM is nice, you can roll the whole lot into an EC called "Wolveregeneration" or something similar. It's not really a munchkin build because it's still not super-efficient. It's going to be a big chunk of the character either way: figure on around 100 points on this "power". But if you do that, the character really is a weeble: with 50% damage reduction and 2d6 STUN aid even an attack that does 100 STUN through his defences will fully "heal" in a turn if he's SPD6: attacks on a more normal scale will heal in 2-3 phases - meaning the character can usually soak one or two hits per turn and stay functional - more, give him a few phases unhit, and he'll be fresh as a daily (relatively speaking).


This has several advantages over the "High defences actually represents regeneration of damage" approach (which is perfectly viable: just not what I wanted in this case). The first is "feel". In this case, mechanics = SFX. The character does get hurt and he does get better. Secondly, it allows you to face off against opponents with exotic attacks and have the character perform as desired. Since you don't rely on your defences as much as a Brick, an opponent who can avoid defences is actually not much more dangerous to you than a conventional one. Thirdly, it means that the character can still be threatened by lower-powered opponents: lots of small attacks are as dangerous as one big one - again, this is different from the high def builds.


Now, Kestrel did spend a fair amount of time lying down taking recoveries, :D but he was always there at the end of the fight. In fact, the GM actually expressed some frustration (along with some admiration) at exactly how hard the character was to take out of play: and to me it suited exactly the "torn costume, covered in blood, but still going" image I had. My only other comment is that you need some other shtick for this guy unless you want to play Punchingbag Boy. Since it sound like you don't want other superpowers, depending on the game this could be super soldier (a weapons and gear gadget pool) wandering immortal (lots of skills, a sword) martial artist (guess the power set!) or infiltration expert/bounty hunter (Stealth, concealment, computing skills, a weapon or two, lots of skills), etc


cheers, Mark


Why not use a STUN Heal instead of an Aid? As I understand it, current Aid boosts your max and doesn't "heal" damage, and it seems like what your concept calls for is the opposite (not a higher STUN score, but rather a "continuous recovery").

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Whilst I like the breakfall idea' date=' I think the character should be getting knocked around rather than gracefully landing.[/quote']


Then just use Breakfall to get back up *after* having been knocked around. The GM might even allow you to put a Limitation on it saying that it can't be used to prevent/reduce damage.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


The build was self only Aid to STUN (continuous' date=' persistent, 0 END, with increased maximum as already mentioned[/quote']


This is the idea that seems to be floating to the top, it's the one I'm currently working with in my build.


The damage reduction is key' date=' because it essentially doubles the effect of your Stun Aid (making it cost effective: which otherwise it isn't, really) and keeps you from being wiped out with a single large hit.[/quote']


I wasn't going to go the damage reduction route, but that's probably because I'm not overly familiar with Hero Combat, and I have the picture in my mind of taking damage, so DR seems counter intuitive.


Is DR essential? Will my guy get smeared across the floor without it?


This has several advantages over the "High defences actually represents regeneration of damage" approach (which is perfectly viable: just not what I wanted in this case). The first is "feel". In this case' date=' mechanics = SFX. The character [i']does[/i] get hurt and he does get better.


The feel is exactly what I was looking for with this power.


Cheers Mark


Why not use a STUN Heal instead of an Aid? As I understand it' date=' current Aid boosts your max and doesn't "heal" damage, and it seems like what your concept calls for is the opposite (not a higher STUN score, but rather a "continuous recovery").[/quote']


The way I understand this is that this creates a maximum effect of current STUN plus a maximum of 20.


Therefore any recoveries you take are effecting your actual STUN value and the 20 sits on top of that figure and can regen every phase, I think STUN buffer might be a good description.


I'm still at the Noob stage so I wont have hurt feelings if the old timers around here set me straight on my explanation :-)


I prefer options that do not need a dice roll...


That's a great way to look at it and also supports the idea I was leaning towards.


I remember an old thread where I posted "Unkillable Joe" a char with this sort of concept taken to the most outrageous degree...the thread might have some usefull ideas though....


I think this is the thread you were referring to, I'll have to check it out later.


And instead of an EC' date=' you can always use the "Unified Power (-1/4)" limitation, which is essentially: drained as one. I really hope this Limitation replaces EC outright in 6th. But then, I have loooow hopes.[/quote']


I'm not great with power frameworks, but on the surface they seem pretty complex, I for one would like a simpler solution :-)


Then just use Breakfall to get back up *after* having been knocked around. The GM might even allow you to put a Limitation on it saying that it can't be used to prevent/reduce damage.


Again, another example of shifting my mindset, it will come with time I guess. :-)


Thanks all for your input on this topic, I'm starting to work up the full build now and will let you know when he's posted and ready for critiquing :-)




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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


15 Healing Stun 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½), Continuous (+1) (30 Active Points); Always On (-½), Self Only (-½)


Technically' date=' it's illegal, because you cannot heal yourself for more than max Effect (1d6 = 6) per day (or up to per turn for a +1.75 advantage I think).[/quote']



I believe it's technically a legal build, but it definitely doesn't function the way some think. As Kdansky points out, it does not heal you for 1d6 STUN every Phase. This is because of the limit on re-use built into Healing in 5er (p186, top left). It needs the Decreased Re-Use Duration Advantage to bring it down to once per Turn (the minimum, and a +1½ Advantage) -- but again, it's still only once per Turn.



Second: Instead of Healing, we use Aid. Reason: While you cannot Aid more than Standard Effect either, you can add it as often per time as you like.


Energized: Aid Stun, 2d6 (20 points) increased maximum effect +8 (for 4 points), Constant (+1), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Always On (- 1/2). 66 Active points, 37 real points.


How this works: In every of your phases, you roll 2d6. These add to your temporary stun value. If you take damage, these go down first. These points are allowed to go above your normal maximum. You can have up to 12+8 = 20 stun like this. So if you have a maximum of 30, you will start all battles with 50, 20 of which regenerate extremely quickly.



Not exactly. After reaching it's maximum, the Aid cannot add more until some of that effect fades, not gets damaged/expended away. 5er p106.



*NOTHING* can hurt me: Healing 2d6, self only (-1), broad special effect (+1/2): Any characteristic below maximum value, one stat at a time. Keeps those pesky drain Con and what do I know at bay. Sure, you have to spend a phase to use it, but still worth it. Flashed? Yeah, right, not for long.



Don't forget the Decreased Re-Use Duration so you can use it once per Turn. :) Which means that the second Flash in the same Turn is likely to get though. :(



Get Up Quick: Teleport 1", Trigger "When I fall over" +1/4, Trigger resets itself (+? look it up), Shift Position Adder (+5cp).

Every time you fall over, your teleport will make you get up with the position shift instantly, and because it is triggered, you don't have to do anything for it. The trigger will reset itself every time, and the power costs about 1 END to use.



10 Up, Simba!: Teleportation 1", Position Shift - Trigger(One Condition Activates Power: I choose to get up; +1/4, Time Required to Activate Power (Zero-Phase Action); +0, Reset Time (Zero-Phase Action); +1/4; +1/2 total)(10 Active Points). 1 END each time you "Stand Up".


Though technically, I believe the condition "I choose to get up" fails Trigger's "must be easily verifiable" clause IMO.



If you fall over at the end of your attack' date=' you remain prone until it's your phase again. Then you instantly revert to being standing. You could also just buy lots of breakfall (only to get up quickly -1) so you always make your roll to do that.[/quote']



I'd vote for the Breakfall, myself (Though at first glance I think -1 is a bit much).



Multiform ending: Instant Change disadvantage in the Multiform. State a condition and a roll (in your case: "badly hurt at 0 BODY" 14-) and you have to not roll 14- every phase or you revert automatically. If that is what you want. There might also be a limitation on MF' date=' but I don't remember that.[/quote']



I don't understand what this use of Multiform is supposed to do. Help, please?



REC: Yeah' date=' exactly. Instead of having 36 REC which only comes into effect post-12, you just agree with the GM that you will take half your post-12 in post-12, and half of it in post-6, or even 2 REC per phase.[/quote']



36 REC = 2 REC per Phase? :confused:



Breakfall will allow you to avoid damage from falling. That does not mean that you necessarily do stuff like Batman.



True, but being a skill, it presumes an ability to move (which includes being conscious). I wouldn't allow Batman to use his Breakfall to avoid going splat when the Joker throws him off the top of Gotham Tower trussed up like a full-blown loony bin resident. (He can try his Contortionist Skill to try to get free on the way down, but that's a different matter. ;))




It's not really a munchkin build because it's still not super-efficient. It's going to be a big chunk of the character either way: figure on around 100 points on this "power". But if you do that, the character really is a weeble: with 50% damage reduction and 2d6 STUN aid even an attack that does 100 STUN through his defenses will fully "heal" in a turn if he's SPD6:



Is that 100 STUN before or after the 50% Damage Reduction?



This has several advantages over the "High defenses actually represents regeneration of damage" approach (which is perfectly viable: just not what I wanted in this case). The first is "feel". In this case' date=' mechanics = SFX. The character [i']does[/i] get hurt and he does get better. Secondly, it allows you to face off against opponents with exotic attacks and have the character perform as desired. Since you don't rely on your defenses as much as a Brick, an opponent who can avoid defenses is actually not much more dangerous to you than a conventional one. Thirdly, it means that the character can still be threatened by lower-powered opponents: lots of small attacks are as dangerous as one big one - again, this is different from the high def builds.



How about a Limitation (possibly -0. probably no more than -1/4) called Rebounding* on a defense that works like this:


*If you can think of a better name that isn't a whole paragraph, I'm all ears. :yes:


Mr. Webble has 10 PD bought normally (but made resistant), and has +20 PD Armor w/ Rebounding(-1/4). He is struck by an attack that generates 42 STUN and 12 BODY. The Rebounding DEF doesn't count against this now, so he takes 32 STUN and 2 BODY. Next Phase, his body "Rebounds" from the damage by a tune of 20 points, so the player erases the 2 BODY and changes the 32 STUN to 12 STUN. IMO because it's only a -1/4 Limitation, this increase will remove a Stunned effect if the now-reduced damage wouldn't be sufficient to cause that. At some higher level I can see this being different. And at a higher level still, it won't "bring him back to life".


This way, you get the Defense, and the "damage" that gets though is "phantom damage" in the sense that the Defense gets to reduce it apparently retroactively. Though the "phantom damage" is real in that it can cause Stunned, Knocked-Out, and Dead results (until it gets Rebounded, that is).



And instead of an EC' date=' you can always use the "Unified Power (-1/4)" limitation, which is essentially: drained as one. I really hope this Limitation replaces EC outright in 6th. But then, I have loooow hopes.[/quote']



Even if it doesn't replace the EC in 6E, I see nothing preventing a person from using it since it is IMO a valid Limitation.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I've argued before, anmd I will again, that DAMAGE REDUCTION is not a defence at all: it is a multiplier to your stun/Body/Con/Rec characteristics.


So, take a bog standard 'well trained human'


He has (maybe) 10 REC, 20 CON, 15 BODY and 40 STUN. PD and ED around 10 too.


Add in Resistant damage reduction (50%) PD and ED and, against physical and energy attacks, or anything with those sfx, you have effectively doubled his Body and Stun and Con and Rec. An example:


Malady hits Weeble with a 40 stun, 10 Body normal attack.


Normally he'd take 30 stun, be stunned and not far off unconscious. It would take 3 recoveries to be back to full health.


Add in teh damage reduction and he has taken the same hit, but now only half the damage 'gets through', so he only takes 15 stun, isn't stunned, can take 2 more hits and is back to full health in less than 2 recoveries.


In effect you are getting added value from your characteristics and the higher your stun is the more added benefit you get.


Now if that seems a little too 'brick' for what you have in mind, how about limiting the power a bit:


Only v attacks he is aware of -1/2 (to simulare a character who prepares himself for the impact, so feels it less)


Movement based (-1/2 character must not be prevented from moving) to simulate a character who moves with the blow to take the sting out of it.


You could probably combine the two.


OR only allow the damage reduction when the character is performing a defensive action, or holding an action, or...whatever.


You have a simple construct (no extra dice to roll), a tough charcter, but someone not plated in iron.



Alternatively: +100 STUN 1 charge (33 points) - the character doesn't really feel it until he's pretty battered, and the bruises take about a day to heal.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Alternatively: +100 STUN 1 charge (33 points) - the character doesn't really feel it until he's pretty battered' date=' and the bruises take about a day to heal.[/quote']


I sure hope that's a 1 Day Continuing charge. Otherwise at the end of the Phase that +100 STUN goes bye-bye. :winkgrin:

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I sure hope that's a 1 Day Continuing charge. Otherwise at the end of the Phase that +100 STUN goes bye-bye. :winkgrin:


I though of that but dismissed it: you are not using the stun until it goes away, and it is not really a constant power, just a counter. Requiring it to be a continuing charge just makes it silly, cost wise - in effect you get no cost break at all for the limitation, and it is clearly a substantial limtiation: (-2) barely covers it adequately.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


Can't keep me down: Succor STUN 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (20 Active Points)


A SPD 4 character, for instance, gets +14 stun per turn on average and this can exceed starting stun, but there has to be some common way to turn the succor off, making the character vulnerable, perhaps, to a particular type of attack, or with an Achilles Heel.


Personally I would not allow it.

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Re: Energiser Bunny Effect


I though of that but dismissed it: you are not using the stun until it goes away' date=' and it is not really a constant power, just a counter. Requiring it to be a continuing charge just makes it silly, cost wise - in effect you get no cost break at all for the limitation, and it is clearly a substantial limtiation: (-2) barely covers it adequately.[/quote']


But you are using it because it adds to whatever STUN you had beforehand. And a Charge, once activated, doesn't "hang around" until you choose to activate the power. That's what the Advantage Delayed Effect (or possibly Trigger) does.


Now, what I'd posibly do is make a Continuing Charge that lasts an Extra Phase (1 1/4) and apply that to +50 REC. Then I'd take a Recovery. :D

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stunstunstunstunstunstunstunstunstunstunstunstunst unstunstun


Physical and Energy Damage Reduction 75%, STUN Only (-1/2), Not vs Con Stun (-1/4) and buy plenty of STUN. Your guy will keep getting knocked down, but be able to keep getting back up.


Only in HERO can you have a power that both works specifically only against stun and specifically not against stun. Also, 'stun' is kinda fun to say. Stun stun stun.

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