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Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


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Hey everyone, I'm Corebrute. I've noticed a frequent recurrence on some threads, about how no one has ever played in a Green Lantern campaign but "I would really like to"!


How can this be the case? I am sure I missed out some post somewhere that says contrary but it seems we are indeed lacking in such a campaign.


So I am here to solve our problems (If there is one). I have a campaign idea I am willing to run online for anyone interrested. The game will involve Lanterns from all the colours, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, etc except for Black. The black are the ememy.


Each player will be one of the members of a corps, and are newbies fresh out of recruitment/training. They have all been assigned to the same sector by chance. They don't have to be human, and they can have super powers besides the rings (like Sodam Yat of the Green Lanterns or Cybrog Superman of The Sinestro Corps) but they would be weaker with their rings because they rely on their own abilities .


They have to deal with the dangers of the Black Hand who is reputed to have a cult in this sector, as well as with each other who are all from different corps and have different goals.


The power levels will be in the 450-550 point range.


I will post more info if enough people are interrested.

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


No problem with that. You do know however that:

Upon putting on a charged red ring, the wearer's heart is destroyed and ejected in vomit, as is the wearer's blood. The ring then pumps liquefied rage into the body, which is also ejected through the mouth


Actually to be fair, I think I will make it that new recruits don't have to do this, but later on if they want more power they have to do it.


Otherwise they become dependant on being angry, so they don't die from lack of blood.


I see a lot of views, and I know most of them are not by me. I'm starting to wonder if people like the idea...


You guys want more info? If so, please ask!

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


Would be interested, especally if on Hero Central.


Given common origin/everyone has the same focus, think GM should create/define the ring. I'm thinking a VVP contained in a inobvious accessable focus. (But would there also be a EC attached with the "always on" powers; flight, life support, force field?)

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


From the Lantern test that Hermit posted a few months ago:


You are strong in the dark side of the emotional spectrum. You have hate. You have anger. Good... good...


You will make a powerful Red Lantern Lord. Draw on your anger, your rage. Let it build inside you. It makes you stronger than others. You will have your revenge.


Totally fits me. I even re-wrote the lame-o Red Lantern oath…


In hottest rage, in fury cold

When evil has grown brave and bold

Let those who laugh at anger's pyre

Beware my light: Red Lantern's fire!



No problem with that. You do know however that:


“Upon putting on a charged red ring, the wearer's heart is destroyed and ejected in vomit, as is the wearer's blood. The ring then pumps liquefied rage into the body, which is also ejected through the mouth”


Yeah, I know. I posted a bit of a rant about that back when the Reddies first appeared:


Personally I think the whole blood/missing heart/vomiting thing is gross and creepy and all, but that's all it is. There's no long-term usability with it. The Red Lanterns are relegated to gross-out villain status, without much room for growth or development into something more. Just IMHO, but I don't think we're ever going to see a "good guy" Red Lantern who is at one with his rage and uses it to fight those who harm others -- a darker, cosmic vigilante-type. These guys just sound like mad dogs who need to be put down.


It's also a pretty limited view of what anger/rage is capable of. Sure, there's the whole "I'm so angry I just want to eat someone's intestines" thing. But there's a whole spectrum of anger that the "blood vomiting" thing just doesn't take into account. There's the red-hot berserker rage, there's the ice-cold quiet rage, there's the general "anger fog" where a person is just mad about everything, and there's the laser-beam focused rage (heaven help its target), and there's a million variations in between.


Maybe I'm thinking about it too hard. But, you know. Ebil bunneh filled with the rage of a thousand exploding suns and all that. So I feel a sort of kinship with these guys. Or at least I would, if they could just keep their lunch down.


So, yeah. The whole vomiting blood thing. It’s your game, it’s entirely up to you. But may I personally suggest you dump the idea, so that the Reddies can be something beside gross-out villains? :)

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


I'd definitely be interested in something like this as well. I'd prefer to play a Blue, Green, or possibly an Indigo Lantern, but I'm flexible. I have a beginning idea for a character that might work but I can wait for more information before settling on something.

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


Lanterns unite!

I never actually knew that much about the green lantern, besides the occasional appearance on another hero's show. Is there a Teal Lantern? (yes I know it is lime) Sounds like fun although I will take a back seat to anyone who knows more about the game specific universe. Can't wait to hear more about it!


La Rose

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


From the Lantern test that Hermit posted a few months ago:


Totally fits me. I even re-wrote the lame-o Red Lantern oath…


In hottest rage, in fury cold

When evil has grown brave and bold

Let those who laugh at anger's pyre

Beware my light: Red Lantern's fire!


Can you post a link or send me a link to that thread? It would be interesting to see what I would get.


La Rose


Edit in:


As per the great wiki:


"With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,

Together with our hellish hate,

We'll burn you all--

That is your fate!"

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


Can you post a link or send me a link to that thread? It would be interesting to see what I would get.


The Which Lantern Are You? Quiz


"With blood and rage of crimson red,

Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,

Together with our hellish hate,

We'll burn you all--

That is your fate!"


Yeah, like I said. Lamerz. :rolleyes:

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


You are an exemplar of hope.

You have a place in the Blue Lantern Corps. We exist to fill the universe with hope against the dark times ahead. The universe needs you.


I have always loved that color anyway. I stole this oath from another site, but I like it.


Blue Lantern Corps


"In Brightest Soul,

In darkest Heart

No despair will will escape my sight,

Let all those without hope, see the light,

The Light Blue Lantern."


or possibly


In demist day, In bleakest night...

Through hope and faith we'll end the plight

Let those who try to spread their blight,

feel the power of hopes bright light.


Edit in:


The Blue Lanterns


"In darkest soul, now shine the light

where all men find the will to fight

Let hopelessness give way tonight

for the shining power of



La Rose

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


Actually McCoy, I have already given thought to the rings. While they are all OIF, for the players at the start they have a small multipower, but when they become strong enough they become VPPs, to represent increased Willpower.


Power Skills I think would be replaced by PS with things like architect or graphic novelist etc.


The The EC will be small to begin with, no FTL travel, just a forcefield, life support and flight if your species can't already fly (Like The Zamorans or the Daxamites).


Also because everyone will be part of a different corps, each ring will have unique properties. Blue rings can charge all other rings, Orange can drain other rings' energy etc. Each of the rings will also have a unique weakness, Like Green's vulnerability to Yellow and some made up stuff.


This will go away as they gain experience (i.e. Pay it off).


I like the oaths. Much more then the real one. I think Im going to make each group have some good parts, not all evil. I'll leave the evil for Black Hand's group.


More coming up. Anything you guys want to know right now though?

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


If you're looking for galactic level challenges, you might want to look over Galactic Champions. You can find some reviews on it at RPG.net, and it's listed in the online HERO store.


Mechanon's Death-Star sized head, for 's sake...


Other ideas..


It's definitely not safe for work, owing mostly to language, but Mightygodking.com's 'I should write the Legion' posts have some perfectly stealable ideas.


The book of Oa is an excellent resource, both for villains and the ring itself.


That's about all I got.

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Re: Green Lantern: Against the Blackest Night PBM


I have Galactic Champions, but thanks for the advice.


Sector 2768

This sector posses 12 planets, and 4 sentient species unique to the sector, not to mention the various animals on the planets and the visitors. The Sun Morkala, 3 times he size of Earth's sun, is unusual in that two planets circle it in the same orbit, without crashing into each other. What is even stranger is that these planets carry life.


Regrod 1 and Regrod 2 as they are known have a completely barren landscape, which would burn a human to touch, sustain a species similar to the manta ray but they live on the surface. They fly on the solar rays and are continuously moving so they can remain in the shade of the planet. They move from planet to planet to avoid the seasons, able to survive in space. They move at incredible speeds, matching some low tech space ships.


Mendrol is a religious centered planet, dominated by the The Roin’esh Union, a species whose sole desire is to bring a unique form of socialism to the world. All members of the religion share in a mind meld to see into each other’s mind and soul. They allow anyone who has engaged with the mind meld to rule for a day. Every member of the religion can rule the whole orginisation for one turn of the moon.


However in their eagerness, the species has taken to forcing the machine on people who visit their planet without permission, believing they will thank them after seeing the wonders of the event. It has an unusual effect on the minds of those with enhanced mental capacities (Psionics). The psionics experience great pain in their mind, from seeing the whole world of these people, and others who use the mind meld afterwards can use their powers for a short time.


It is unknown what would happen if a member of the Lantern corps uses the machine, because the rings are connected to the wearer’s mind and makes him unique in controlling them.


The 4th planet in the Sector was Krin-Ty IV, which was one of the greatest hubs for interstellar trade and travel. Species from planets Trillions of light years away would come to enjoy the highly advanced capital Merlon Sur, after it’s founder of the same name. The planet’s main supply is a special material that is harder then diamond, but light enough to be fabricated into materials.


However, the planet attracts some of the less savory elements of the galaxy. Gangsters, Convicts that have run to this planet to cause havoc and avoid other planets’ jurisdictions have sprung up everywhere. The Green lanterns have been gone for 5 years. But now all the lanterns are back, how will the criminals take to this ‘intrusion’.


More to come, Let me know if you guys have any ideas for races, or the remaining 8 planets.

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