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The brown note


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Re: The brown note


Aledgidly there is a specific low frequancy sound the will cause a person to loose control of thier bowels called the "brown note" :help:





used on Southpark: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Recorder_Concert


how would you make it happen? (in hero)


:idjit: Ugh! Stop watching South Park...

:sneaky: However since you bothered to ask... I would make it some sort of transform, with NND (Flash defense hearing group) wears off after the character changes his clothes.

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Re: The brown note


Oh Sh!t!: Mind Control, telepathic vs CON, single command: move your bowels, now!


I'd likely add area effect, since it's sound. But this Brown Note causes a person to do something they wouldn't want to do, that should be Mind Control, and since it's actually affecting the body, not the mind, it would be against Constitution (a more fit person should be able to better withstand it.)


It's "telepathic" since there's no actual spoken command.


I'd also probably make it NND vs Flash Defense (hearing).

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Re: The brown note


I dunno; depends on what you're simulating, doesn't it? Are you rendering them non-functional for a brief time (Mind Control)? Are you squicking them and everyone near them out? (Change Enviornment?) Are you, in fact, changing the color of their pants? (Transform?)


I wouldn't build it at all. :idjit: But if I were to design something similar, I'd settle on a specific result I wanted first, then go backwards.

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Re: The brown note


I know we have talked about this before but I can't find the thread...


Anyway, what you want here, never mind the actual mechanism, is to make someone throw up and loose their bowels. That's probably going to hurt some: violent muscle spasms usually do, but isn't going to be anywhere near as effective against targets that don't have to eat or have unusual composition or structure.


So, a damaging power, possibly a NND (sonic defences, unusual physiology) or even an AVLD (flash hearing defence) - that is your base power.


Then it depends how much detail you want. You could add some smell images; the target will honk. You could have a movement and/or PRE drain. You could dispel LS: self contained breathing based on any kind of suit focus (throw up in your space helmet, will you? Try breathing THAT soup).


Probably the most straightforward 'single power' way would be to use CON based Mental Illusions (nausea) - I'd shy away from mind control because their is a damaging element (even if only dehydration and muscle spasm) and MI is more suited to that. Transform, as is often the case, works but seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Change Environment works mechanically if you want to impose specific penalties, but, to be honest, the actual effects are likely to be pretty variable: someone who has been eating well for the last few days is probably going to get it a whole lot worse than someone who has been fasting.


You might need transform after all to generate chunks of carrot: there are always chunks of carrot, for some reason.

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Re: The brown note


hummmm. area of effect smell/taste group flash centered on each victim. one continuing charge lasting 2 hour or untill shower and change. +10 to smell targeting/tracking


It isn't for a character (yet), it's just a idea that occured to me while watching south park.

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Re: The brown note


So the effect you want to create it to make the victim smell really bad?


How about Images vs Smell/Taste as an Attack (so it sticks (ew!) to the target) that with +X Perception Modifier, Continuous Uncontrolled (stopped by washing/changing clothes). Flavor with Limitations to taste (or tasteless) like allowing a Constitution/Ego roll to prevent it and that the target must have an appropriate physiology (You can't make Mechanon poop himself). Maybe linked CE if you want the stench to be so bad it impairs people.


Would that work?

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Re: The brown note


So the effect you want to create it to make the victim smell really bad?


How about Images vs Smell/Taste as an Attack (so it sticks (ew!) to the target) that with +X Perception Modifier, Continuous Uncontrolled (stopped by washing/changing clothes). Flavor with Limitations to taste (or tasteless) like allowing a Constitution/Ego roll to prevent it and that the target must have an appropriate physiology (You can't make Mechanon poop himself). Maybe linked CE if you want the stench to be so bad it impairs people.


Would that work?


Yes, but some of the other stuff also. :sick:


On Futurama Bender ate some ancient potatochips that they found that were fried in that "healthy oil" that gave people the craps. He had a pile of bricks fall out of his butt.

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