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Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Many of the effects are staples for comic book heroes to begin with! Your constant emasculation of Characters for no rational reason other than you have some set idea of what a Superhero is "supposed" to look like is just annoying - not to mention a clear misunderstanding of the rules as a whole.

Okay, I will say up front that I'm not that concerned about Life Support giving a character too much protection against unusual attacks. However, I have to say that your statement was uncalled for. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think Zac is a rational person, and one concern every HERO gamemaster needs to keep in mind is the character that buys a lot of special defenses (I know that statement is in the book, but I don't have time to do a search for it). When you have a character with a PD/ED at campaign limits that is fully resistant and hardened, with Flash Defense, Mental Defense, Power Defense, Lack of Weakness, and a comprehensive Life Support package, the character may be legal by campaign limits but can only be defeated through raw damage, no finesse involved. It is this situation that Zac is trying to prevent. Furthermore, he has shown a willingness to negotiate on those powers. He even recommends special defenses for certain characters, so they won't be put in an untenable situation during his game.


I think you prefer a different style of gamemaster, who is a bit looser with the power constructions and adapts on the fly when these situations come up. However, since Zac and I are sharing villains between the two campaigns, this is a bit more difficult than it would be with a single GM. Based on that, and your previous comments, I think you would prefer a different style of game. I'm going to assume your statement is a withdrawal from consideration for the campaign. Take care, and I hope you find what you're looking for.

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


1) I'd already withdrawn citing just that - conflict of style. You're right, Zac's entire attitude isn't my style. It has nothing to do with "looseness of power constructions" - I think he's rude. In fact since you apparently missed my post: If you downloaded my character image that I had originally posted please delete it from your hard drive, I'm retaining the copyrights for future use.


2) You're obviously looking for a very specific style, and judging by the number and way you've altered many characters I don't think you've communicated that style across very well.


3) I seriously think Zac is trying to hard to prevent issues.

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Okay, I've done my best to be diplomatic, and I'm only going to say this once. Only the last few paragraphs are specific to ghost-angel, though his post did bring about this response.


Between preparing material, reviewing characters, offering advice, and all the other things that go into getting a campaign off the ground, I've put two to three hours per day into Catalyst for at least the past month. That's like having a part-time job. I don't expect this campaign to be for everyone, but apparently at least 6 people were satisfied enough with what was offered to join the game when I contacted them with the news that they were accepted. For them, at least up to this point, that "very specific style" works.


If you don't like that style, fine. No hard feelings, good luck in your next endeavor. All you need to say is that the campaign doesn't match what you're looking for, and move on. That's the polite way of leaving. But to stay around and do nothing but complain about the tone of the game ("gag me with a spoon", indeed) or harp on why the campaign guidelines are violating the rules (Hint - HERO is a toolset, not a bible) when you're not even going to be involved is just raining on someone else's parade.



Ghost-angel, you may want to look at how you're phrasing things. If you start a sentence with "Your constant emasculation of Characters for no rational reason...", all you're doing is burning bridges and being petty. Would you say that to a person's face and expect anything other than anger? While I appreciate all you've done with reviews and your other contributions to the HERO system, I have to say that after your recent posts I don't like you very much. You've said what you have to say - move on and let us game in peace.


Your image has been deleted...and was the first time you posted about it. If you're that concerned about your artwork being misused by others, then you probably shouldn't be posting it on a public board in the first place. I'm just glad that Storn doesn't share that attitude.


We now return you to your regularly-scheduled campaign discussion...

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Hi again.


First off, let me say happy birthday to the five year old.


Second of all - I didn't mean to start any "trouble" what with the life support. If it makes you feel any better ghost I have no problem withdrawing the life support. You shouldn't withdraw just because of that.


I didn't actually read anything but the first 3 pages of this thread. :nonp: So I can't say for certain, but the feeling I get is more that what they are doing is just being aggressive in trying to resolve problems before they occur? The other GM for the other game I play in on herocentral, we went through 11 revisions of my character before he was ready (He's Alex Raywell / Stingray in the Champions First Wave game).


I think maybe, on line, people treat it differently than in person RPing - if a person turns out to be a total munchkin gamer in real life, you can oft times reason with them - they're your friends. Online, I imagine it would be easier for one jerk to ruin everybody else's time, by bogging people down in a discussion of what the character would or would not do (even in real life, I've had to discuss a characters motivation at length with a few more war-gamery friends of mine).


But yea, I hope you aren't leaving just because of that, because I don't mind revamping characters to fit with a standard. Heck. I don't even mind making new ones!


Plus immortal was just something I sunk points into because my new build brought him below 350. Hehe. I'm not particularly attached in that manner anyway.




Revision 7 drastically lowers the absorption and adds in a density increase instead of an attack power (the one with penetrating). I'm not really sure about the density increase. Even though his powers are psychokinetic, so you can pretty much 'magic' anything away (he excites all the molecules in his body, increasing some energy potential and thereby their mass). Maybe try and think of a better fitting power. The Absorptions are small by comparison now (11/11) I was thinking of maybe just linking them directly with a stat (Like one to STR and one to CON or something... Ooh, or even END).


Eric Krieg


Player: Revision 7


Val Char Cost

25/55 STR 15

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

18 BODY 16

13 INT 3

14 EGO 8

18 PRE 8

16 COM 3


5/31 PD 0

4/30 ED 0

4 SPD 12

16 REC 14

64 END 14

40 STUN 0


11" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

5"/11" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 133


Cost Power

30 Psychokinetic Barrier: Armor (10 PD/10 ED)

30 Instinctive Psychokinetic Field: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Self-Contained Breathing)

13 Instinctive Psychogenic Field: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4)

6 Psychokinetic Inversion Field: Absorption 1d6 (physical, Critical Mass), Can Absorb Maximum Of 11 Points' Worth Of Physical Damage, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (9 Active Points); Visible (-1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: Red sparks around body, emenating from the source of the impact, as Inversion absorbs.]

6 Psychogenic Inversion Field: Absorption 1d6 (energy, Critical Mass), Can Absorb Maximum Of 11 Points' Worth Of Energy Damage, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (9 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Visible (-1/4) [Notes: Red sparks around body, emenating from the source of the impact, as Inversion absorbs.]

15 Kinetic Field Control: Elemental Control, 30-point powers

15 1) Psychogenic Shield: Force Field (10 PD/10 ED/5 Mental Defense/5 Power Defense) (30 Active Points) [Notes: With Full Psychogenic Shield {PD 25(20r), ED 24 (20r) 3 END / Phase, 12 end / Turn}]

15 2) Critical Mass: Density Increase (4,200 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6" KB) (30 Active Points) [Notes: At Base Critical Mass {Strength 55/ PD 31(10r)/ ED 30(10r), 3 END/ Phase, 12 END / Turn}]

15 3) Psychokinetic Amplification: Running +5" (11" total), x32 Noncombat (30 Active Points)

0 Mock Full Power Critical Mass: Density Increase (67,600 kg mass, +50 STR, +10 PD/ED, -10" KB), Custom Adder [Notes: At Full Critical Mass. [strength 75/ PD 25 (10r) / ED 24 (10r), 5 end / Phase 20 end / Turn]]

0 Total Defense Power: Custom Power [Notes: With Full Power Critical Mass and Psychogenic Field [strength 75/ PD 35 (20r) / ED 34 (20r), 8 end / Phase 32 end / Turn]]

Powers Cost: 145



Cost Skill

3 Bureaucratics 13-

3 Climbing 13-

5 +1 with HTH Combat

3 Conversation 13-

3 Electronics 12-

3 Gambling 12-

3 Hoist 12-

3 Linguist

3 1) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 2) Language: French (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 3) Language: German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 4) Language: Italian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 5) Language: Portugese (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 6) Language: Spanish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 Oratory 13-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Persuasion 13-

7 PS: Interpreter 16-

3 SS: Linguistics 12-

Skills Cost: 60


Cost Perk

2 Deep Cover

1 Fringe Benefit: License to practice a profession [Notes: Licensed Interpreter]

2 Money: Well Off [Notes: Upper-Middle Class Income]

Perks Cost: 5



Total Character Cost: 343


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Enraged: Injustice (Common), go 8-, recover 14- [Notes: One of the more obvious psychological manifestations of Erik Kriegs complex is his profound anger at injustice - as though it were a personal affront to his power or identity. This complicates matters with trying to keep the identities of Erik and Blitzkrieg separate - more than once has Erik called in sick to work to go marauding as Blitzkrieg for the day. Too many such instances and someone might put two and two together.]

20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Very Frequently, Major) [Notes: Erik Krieg has so far been successful in keeping Blitzkrieg's identity safe from even his family. A reporter thinks she may have a lead, and has been sniffing around Erik for the past several weeks.]

20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common, Strong) [Notes: With such incredible resilience, Erik has developed something of a God Complex. Eventually, he will run up against the limitations of his powers - hopefully, he won't be running too fast at the time.]

20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Total) [Notes: While Erik doesn't mind breaking things, breaking people is another story altogether. Erik is not willing to accept that he cannot subdue any threat.]

15 Hunted: Thebes Police Department 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Mildly Punish) [Notes: Looking to ticket/fine/try Blitzkrieg for his reckless damage to property in the apprehension of criminals.If they did so, his identity might become compromised.]

30 Dependent NPC: Parents, Siblings 11- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs) [Notes: Brother Lukas is a hedge fund manager, sister Sofie is a pianist, Father Jonas and Mother Anna are retired. All call upon Erik for help from time to time, thinking him to be 'connected' from his job as a court interpreter.]

10 Hunted: Jessica Knox of the Daily News 14- (Less Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) [Notes: Jessica Knox is an up and coming reporter with a local rag, who believes she may have a great debut article to put her on the front page - the identity of the notoriously reckless Blitzkrieg. She's been snooping around Erik Krieg, looking for proof.]

15 Reputation: Reckless, 14- [Notes: Blitzkrieg is seen as irresponsible and reckless in the popular media, he has very little sympathy from the everyman, as they see laying waste to entire city blocks of property to be more the purview of villains and bad guys.]

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN To Be Decided (Uncommon) [Notes: [ooc] I want him to have a cryptoninte like weakness that he doesn't yet know about. I know that's kind of cliche, any other ideas for a weakness that he could run up against are welcome as well.]

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



If flat footed his PD/ED is just 15/14 with 10 resistant. Is that too low do you guys think? Will he be getting creamed all the time? He does have regeneration healing, so if he can survive the initial affront and get his defenses up, he can probably heal it back over a long fight.


And at full defense value he is 35/34 with 20 resistant. That's kind of out of bounds I know, but I was thinking it might be a trade-off with the end usage.


Talk to you all later

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Second of all - I didn't mean to start any "trouble" what with the life support. If it makes you feel any better ghost I have no problem withdrawing the life support. You shouldn't withdraw just because of that.


I didn't actually read anything but the first 3 pages of this thread. :nonp: So I can't say for certain, but the feeling I get is more that what they are doing is just being aggressive in trying to resolve problems before they occur? The other GM for the other game I play in on herocentral, we went through 11 revisions of my character before he was ready (He's Alex Raywell / Stingray in the Champions First Wave game).


I think maybe, on line, people treat it differently than in person RPing - if a person turns out to be a total munchkin gamer in real life, you can oft times reason with them - they're your friends. Online, I imagine it would be easier for one jerk to ruin everybody else's time, by bogging people down in a discussion of what the character would or would not do (even in real life, I've had to discuss a characters motivation at length with a few more war-gamery friends of mine).


But yea, I hope you aren't leaving just because of that, because I don't mind revamping characters to fit with a standard. Heck. I don't even mind making new ones!


I don't have issues with Life Support (or the lack of it) in a campaign. Trust me. I left before this conversation even came up. I rarely have characters make it to a game on draft one, editing isn't the issue either. Heck, some of the best games I've been in have been severely restricting in what's allowed and not allowed.


There's just a irrevocable difference in style between me and them - nothing more and nothing less.

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


I don't have issues with Life Support (or the lack of it) in a campaign. Trust me. I left before this conversation even came up. I rarely have characters make it to a game on draft one, editing isn't the issue either. Heck, some of the best games I've been in have been severely restricting in what's allowed and not allowed.


There's just a irrevocable difference in style between me and them - nothing more and nothing less.


ah okay. Well, sorry to hear that. If you like sci-fi, join my game!



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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Life Support is not a Defense Power and is not considered "a form of defense" for most people. Your overall fear of defenses baffles me as well.


Life Support is listed as a Standard Power, and may be used as any Standard Power can be used (Frameworks included - with the exceptions of Elemental Controls unless Costs Endurance is added).


Such massive abuses of this "defense power" in the real world include:


SCBA Gear (of which SCUBA is the most commonly known subset)


Radiation Pills

Inoculations against viruses (like the flu)

Heat Shielding (tiles on the space shuttle)

Snow Suits (especially arctic ratings)

Gas Masks

Space suits


You can further use this power to simulate a number of other real world effects:


MREs (and other portable food sources)


Various plant and animal toxin immunities (Clown Fish for example)


Many of the effects are staples for comic book heroes to begin with! Your constant emasculation of Characters for no rational reason other than you have some set idea of what a Superhero is "supposed" to look like is just annoying - not to mention a clear misunderstanding of the rules as a whole.


Ok, I am back from the party (which went great btw) and I have a few minutes.


I agree with a lot of this, but not all. I consider Life Support a defense because it does defend vs a fair number of NND/AVLD style attacks. Also, I am focusing on day to day living in a hero game. If you don't need to eat, breath, sleep, then you are not bound by any of the limitations in normal life. You don't have to take a time out for anything (though you can if you want).


Now, if Life Support is part of your character and there is a reason behind it, cool. However, I really don't want a lot of immortals running around in Thebes. Out of the applicants I have so far, 1 in 6 will live forever... and I think that is plenty. If you want to take life support and it be part of a system/foci, that is fine too. However, most of the items listed were Foci related, which means not always on. You want to have a rebreather in your utility belt, fine. You want to have a life support so you can jaunt into space in your power suit, fine. You want your character to take stimulants and have the No need to sleep, thats cool (no one has submitted that yet) but I need to put some disad on that joker (addiction, jitters on wear off, something... I dont want to promote drug use here :eek:). You want to buy immunity to the Flu and say I take the Flu shot every year I can roll with that (though the shot has not been effective against the flu that has hit the US in the last two out of three years). Buying immunity to all biowarfare agents, umm why? (when no suit even does that... dont belive me... check of the NBC Manuals for the US Army... get hit with a Blood agent, your filters are now junk... better not get hit with anything else or you are dead. What Soviet Doctrine says use Blood and something else in rapid succession... hmmm). Just having life support to have it though, not fine. Does that sound like massive abuse to you?


You can use Life Support to simulate a lot of real world things. True... but that is just a silly arguement. Are you saying that a grocery store is a 100,000,000 point building. Look at all the Foci that lasts for 5+ years stashed in there. Sure you could make it on points, but ahem... why? Does everything in the RW have to be rationalized by a power choice? I sure hope not. I dont spend my time pondering "jelly fish toxin is an NND unless you are wearing a rubber suit" while I am on the beach with my kids or I wonder how I could use that in a game.


Now, a lot of powers in the game are completely acceptable. However, we are not allowing Damage Reduction, period. Perfectly legit power, players cant have it. I like Missle Deflection, and will allow it very easily. I like the feel. Fed is not really fond of Missle Deflection, he would rather people buy a specialized force field or something (so you can take slings, arrows and punches). I can see that too. Difference in GMing and play styles.


[being Rude Rant On]

You can run your game how you like. If I don't agree with your game, we dont game together. W part ways, end of story. I am cool with that and it is the adult thing to do. You want to come back after you said "goodby" and stir up the pot. Not cool, very immature. Thank you for your time, bye bye.

[being Rude Rant Off]

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Hi again.


First off, let me say happy birthday to the five year old.


Second of all - I didn't mean to start any "trouble" what with the life support. If it makes you feel any better ghost I have no problem withdrawing the life support. You shouldn't withdraw just because of that.


I didn't actually read anything but the first 3 pages of this thread. :nonp: So I can't say for certain, but the feeling I get is more that what they are doing is just being aggressive in trying to resolve problems before they occur? The other GM for the other game I play in on herocentral, we went through 11 revisions of my character before he was ready (He's Alex Raywell / Stingray in the Champions First Wave game).


I think maybe, on line, people treat it differently than in person RPing - if a person turns out to be a total munchkin gamer in real life, you can oft times reason with them - they're your friends. Online, I imagine it would be easier for one jerk to ruin everybody else's time, by bogging people down in a discussion of what the character would or would not do (even in real life, I've had to discuss a characters motivation at length with a few more war-gamery friends of mine).


I don't most of you from Adam. I have never gamed with you before. Not had an IM, Email, or even a candygram. That disclaimer aside, I have to feel out the merits of each person as a RPer as best I can. We are playing and RPG on herocentral. You may be great in a face to face game but have poor written communications skills... maybe this is not the best fit. Maybe you think powergaming is completely accetable and Monty Haul is cool, not the best fit. You fall in love with the first character you create and are inflexible as Capt' America's shield, not the best fit.


We have to got through every characters choice and balance them to the tone of the game, 350+5 points and the other party members. Just because it is legal and can do it with the points, does not mean it will be accpeted. Heck, we are debating a penetrating attack in a multipower slot. Debating 1 slot (costs like 3 points) on one character. We could do this in a face to face game in about 1 minute. It is taking DAYS here, but that is the medium.


I am trying to make sure the group fits Thebes and can crossover with Silverstone. Be flexible. I was not really fond of Hyperintelligent rats earlier. My knee jerk response was "what tha?" and to say no, no, no. However, I sat back.. took a breath... and ask some what ifs. I am not saying I am crazy about Hyperintelligent Rats in someones basement, but it could be fun. So now I am adapting how I see the game to a player. That is what it is about.


I am not saying "No" most of the time. I am saying "why"... and then maybe a no:idjit:

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Oh yea' date=' almost forgot. What is meant by layered defenses?[/quote']


Natural 8 pd

Body suit, armor (IIF) - 8 pd points

Battle Suit, Armor (OIF) - 8 pd


So, my hero has standard 8 defense, 8/8 rPD if I am caught out of my battle suit and 8/16 rPD when I am all armored up. Then I turn on my

Force Field - +6 defense and I link some extra resistant in to boot. Now when I turn on my force field I have 30 rPD.


I think Kuan Ti has natural 15/15 non resistant defenses with a 5/5 forcefield and 5 points of resistance when his armor is doned. So he has 15/15 non resistant out of his armor, 15/15 with 5 resistant in his armor and 20/20 with 10 resistant when his forcefield is turned on.


Tada! :nonp:

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Ah, I getcha, thanks. Yeah. The revision 7 has something like that, staged defenses, just didn't know what the term referred to.


Hey, also. I'm no good at drawing. I know everyone else seems to have a cartoon character, but can I just try and find a picture somewhere for my character?


Or maybe one of you fine artists could make me one :o


Otherwise, my character is going to have to be a stick figure.


"For a tank, you have awfully spindly little arms there."


.| Erik Krieg modeled for the HERO logo design.

/ \

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


I think Kuan Ti has natural 15/15 non resistant defenses with a 5/5 forcefield and 5 points of resistance when his armor is doned. So he has 15/15 non resistant out of his armor, 15/15 with 5 resistant in his armor and 20/20 with 10 resistant when his forcefield is turned on.


Tada! :nonp:


Numbers a little off, I think, since Fed tampered with him, but the explanation of layering still stands. ;)


Also, we don't have any scientific accident heroes. What's with that? I want to see a Human Bomb or a Flash or a Parasite running around in this game!



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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Also, we don't have any scientific accident heroes. What's with that? I want to see a Human Bomb or a Flash or a Parasite running around in this game!


You know, it's utterly ridiculous, but I just don't get into scientific accident characters. Something about that explanation always felt so...fake...yes, fake, in a world full of spandex-clad people, always flying around and shooting energy beams.:nonp::nonp:

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


You know' date=' it's utterly ridiculous, but I just don't get into scientific accident characters. Something about that explanation always felt so...fake...yes, fake, in a world full of spandex-clad people, always flying around and shooting energy beams.:nonp::nonp:[/quote']


I think of them as a distinct sub-genre, so I can understand why you'd hold a grudge against them in general. They're a trope from the end of the 19th century and its gothic science genre of fiction. Always makes me think of Robert Louis Stevenson and Mary Shelley. The best are the ones that embrace the grotesque nature of their origins, like Parasite or Dr. Manhattan.



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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Ah, I getcha, thanks. Yeah. The revision 7 has something like that, staged defenses, just didn't know what the term referred to.


Hey, also. I'm no good at drawing. I know everyone else seems to have a cartoon character, but can I just try and find a picture somewhere for my character?


Or maybe one of you fine artists could make me one :o


Otherwise, my character is going to have to be a stick figure.


"For a tank, you have awfully spindly little arms there."


.| Erik Krieg modeled for the HERO logo design.

/ \

There are a few websites that you can use to make pictures, they are linked earlier in this thread. Also, you can just google HeroMachine or Fabrica de Herois which are two of the most popular used on these boards.

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


My only comment about Hiroshima's monologue is this: I've never been able to get through one GMing a face to face game. Boxed text, NPC speeches, the campaign shattering reveal... I never, ever get to finish them.


It's always,


NPC: "I have you now--"

Player: "I jump out the window."




NPC: "You're under arrest for--"

Player: "I shoot him."




NPC: "At last, my plan is complete. Surrender now, or--"

PC: "Shut up and fight me!"


I never thought of using a Presence attack to make the players listen to the whole speech! ;)

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


There are a few websites that you can use to make pictures' date=' they are linked earlier in this thread. Also, you can just google HeroMachine or Fabrica de Herois which are two of the most popular used on these boards.[/quote']


Couldn't find them in the thread, got all the way to page 11. Just googled heromachine though, thank you.


I'm having the same problem that one guy is having though, when I try to save it just gives me a bunch of numbers.


How do I set it's output to a .jpeg or something?

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Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central


Couldn't find them in the thread, got all the way to page 11. Just googled heromachine though, thank you.


I'm having the same problem that one guy is having though, when I try to save it just gives me a bunch of numbers.


How do I set it's output to a .jpeg or something?


Windows: Do Alt-Printscreen, then Paste into MS Paint. You can edit it there, crop it down, and save it.


Mac: Cmd-Shift-4, your cursor turns into a crosshair, highlight the part of the pic you want to save and it puts it on your desktop without all that fuss.

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