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Shadow Angelus


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Re: Shadow Angelus


City directions....


You know - North, East, South, and West are useless distinctions in Angelus. The city moves which means that the compass points change. Navel terms really don't make sense either since it isn't a ship based vessel.



Urbana: Toward the north end of the map [heading towards Iota and the residential sections of town]. Alternitively, "Go Domestic."

Corporate: to the east [corporate, omega, and Rho sectors] - others call this direction "Going Ghetto" as a deliberate put down on the corporate headquarters since both Rho and Omega are in the same general direction.

Downtown: Towards the south end of the map [near the reservoir and Sigma sector]. Others might say, "Head toward North Hollywood," a reference to all the pretty lights and money flowing that direction.

Market: Towards the west end of the map [the industrial and market sectors] "Go to the mall" is a euphemism for heading west on the Angelus map.


Speaking of that - Other ideas...

Question: Should Angelus have nationalized residential areas? Do ethnic neighborhoods abound (Eastern European, Chinese, Italian, Middle Eastern, European, Distinctly American?) or are there a few (Asian and Eastern Block). I can see first and second generation enclaves but mostly I would think that Angelus would be past most of that... If it is past that then how would people segregate themselves (other than rich/poor)?


The sectors are much too big to maintain any kind of identity - I'd recommend including more neighborhoods like "china town." Here are some suggestions for the types of things we could do.


Ryukin (a type of goldfish). China Town is fairly generic and could be in 200 cities so why not go for something with a little more character? Named because many Asian *immigrants like to raise their own fish. Ryukin should feature an aquarium for exotic fish and many restaurants, clubs, etc would have large aquatic displays, like a pick your own fish, lobster, crab, etc... and we'll cook it type of place. It remains much more than simply "Chinese immigrants," and more of a Pacific hub.


Métropole (French - Metropolis) would be a district merged from Zeta & Sigma sector. A residential area for the yuppie crowd into high tech or climbing the city leadership. Lots of nightlife. Safe. Upscale but not freakishly expensive like Alpha.


Cyber residencies. I think those attracted to "upgrading" would probably seek similar resources and thus live in close proximity (specialized doctors, equipment, mechanics/upgraders). Think Silicon Valley but in this case I might call it Fountainhead (from Ann Rand).


Corporate Neighborhoods. If 35,000 people in Angelus work for Benthic Petroleum and most of them work in a few areas it would make sense that they would move closer together. These are your friends and people whom you interact with on a daily basis - plus it is fairly close to work or there is a common mode of transportation provided by the company.


What other kinds of neighborhoods could spring up?


*All residents in Angelus are Immigrants. Interesting thought on how that might translate socially.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


I might put the Fountainhead Neighborhood on the border of Zeta Sector and Rho Sector - it can get sleazy at times.


The Corporate Neighborhoods could dominate Beta Sector (derisively called Shilltown or something like that)


Clades in Epsilon... They should call their area something like New Hope, Freedom, or Liberty City but others might call it something like "The Kennel."

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Re: Shadow Angelus


*All residents in Angelus are Immigrants. Interesting thought on how that might translate socially.

By the start of the campaign the nucleus of the city has been around for about 70 years. There are bound to be many second generation inhabitants and probably even some third generation. But there will still likely be a large immigrant population and 2 or 3 generations will make for strong ethnic ties.


Overall I like what you have been doing. I certainly haven't had time to work on the physical and social aspects of Angelus. I have had a lot of personal stuff going on lately. I still need to get the vehicles into Hero Designer and look them over. I need to start plotting outlines for plots that will unfold once we get started.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Once Edsel has confirmed which of these are canon articles' date=' you need to send them to me so I can build the SA III webpage.[/quote']

I am going to have to print all of this stuff so that I can go over it and make notes about what I want to keep (from the originals) and what I want to change. Hopefully my personal life will calm back down to something approaching normalcy in a few days so I can get around to it.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Other thoughts from today (what else are you going to do for an hour on the threadmill?)


1. If Beta Sector is shilltown then Iota sector should have much more of an artsy feel.

2. Campaign history has Magic and Esper powers coming along in 2035. I'm gonna lobby Edsel for Esper Powers come along as indicated in Kazei 5. It doesn't make much sense that they both develop at once. Using Jama's theory it would make more sense for Magic to go full tilt just after the great quake.

3. Angelus has a fairly unique crime situation. What kind of gangs and organized crime is in the city and do they all fight for Rho turf or do some of them operate in the city.

4. Do the corporations have private police? I'd argue that they do maintain a private security force but that it can only enforce within corporate territory.

5. Alpha and Corporate sector should have a different social strata. Maintenance and menials are never above street level, middle management in the mid-body and leadership in the upper floors of skyscraper city. Other sectors would base social status on building, living space, view, etc...

6. How much of the world is going to intrude on Angelus and what has significantly changed? How much do players need to know? (We know clades, espers, magic, and cyber stuff but what about religions, governments, weaponlogy, computing, etc...)

7. Embassy row in sigma sector should be its own hood.

8. The city needs a fact sheet like the one for Hudson City.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Shadow Angelus


Isn't Benthic Petroleum the outfit that featured prominently in The Abyss

(and had a limited "cameo appearance" in Twister)?





Major Tom :confused:

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Other thoughts from today (what else are you going to do for an hour on the threadmill?)


1. If Beta Sector is shilltown then Iota sector should have much more of an artsy feel.

2. Campaign history has Magic and Esper powers coming along in 2035. I'm gonna lobby Edsel for Esper Powers come along as indicated in Kazei 5. It doesn't make much sense that they both develop at once. Using Jama's theory it would make more sense for Magic to go full tilt just after the great quake.


I think that might have been the case. Also, in SA I there was evidence magic went through phases of greater and lesser ability. Sort of like in the CU. Magic had been a lot more prevalent in the distance past.


3. Angelus has a fairly unique crime situation. What kind of gangs and organized crime is in the city and do they all fight for Rho turf or do some of them operate in the city.


In SA I & II the Yakuza were major crime figures.


4. Do the corporations have private police? I'd argue that they do maintain a private security force but that it can only enforce within corporate territory.


This reminds me of Shadowrun's extra-territoriality. I think something like this came up in SA I.


5. Alpha and Corporate sector should have a different social strata. Maintenance and menials are never above street level, middle management in the mid-body and leadership in the upper floors of skyscraper city. Other sectors would base social status on building, living space, view, etc...

6. How much of the world is going to intrude on Angelus and what has significantly changed? How much do players need to know? (We know clades, espers, magic, and cyber stuff but what about religions, governments, weaponlogy, computing, etc...)

7. Embassy row in sigma sector should be its own hood.

8. The city needs a fact sheet like the one for Hudson City.


Do you have a format for said fact sheet?

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Re: Shadow Angelus


In SA I & II the Yakuza were major crime figures.


Hmmm, that makes my brain tumble. Yakuza, Vory, and Muerte. The old, the mature, the young.

Yakuza could be in on most of the white collar crime and control parts of Sigma, Zeta, Omicron, and Alpha Sectors. [muscle = Espers, ninja, and some bad monkey martial artists.]

The Vory could control much of the weapons and munitions type of crime. They'd have a concentrated area of control (maybe Epsilon, Beta, or Iota) and then territory that they held in Rho. [muscle = clades, borgs, and scads of high tech weaponry]

Muerte (or Santa Muerte) - South American death cults - would be the vice traders replacing modern street gangs. Each temple would control their own little area and there would be lots of strife as well as a few powerful overlords. [muscle = magic, creepy stuff, and a horde of gunch dummies to throw at their enemies]


You'd still have other types of crimes but this seems like a good three way rivalry that could develop. It also seems sustainable. I'll develop this one further if Edsel likes the idea.


This reminds me of Shadowrun's extra-territoriality. I think something like this came up in SA I.


We'll have to wait for input from Edsel but I kind like it. I've never played Shadowrun but I grok the "Extra-Territoriality" clause. How did you guys work that one out?


My first blush is that legally defined corporate entities have the right and responsibility to defend their "person" from hostile action. Many would run their own hospital, fire departments, civil engineering, social safety net, and police. There would be trigger events (or "Reportable Events") that necessitated involvement by Angelus City Council. Any major fire or chemical/industrial accident. Any arrest of non-corporate personnel. Any discharge of firearms by corporate security. Most of these are simple cases of filing the paperwork type events and the corporations use them to bury much more serious events - like a protracted gun fight that leaves 8 dead. Also, the corporations are allowed to investigate internal crimes but if the crime invoves non-corporate persons then they will work in conjunction with the Angelus Police Force (Slang; "Apes" as in "Dude you keep this up the Apes are going to be all over us"). They probably work with a special division of the PD, one that is highly susceptible to bribes.


Again, I'll work this into something usable if Edsel likes the idea.


Do you have a format for said fact sheet?


No, I was just thinking that the Hudson City Fact Sheet was always such a good hand out that something similar would be nice for Angelus. It is in HC: The Urban Abyss near the front.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


We'll have to wait for input from Edsel but I kind like it. I've never played Shadowrun but I grok the "Extra-Territoriality" clause. How did you guys work that one out?


I think we went in anyway, as the needs of the city outweighed the needs of the company. Also, the end of SAI had us telling the corps "no" on the idea of "Extra-Territoriality," which is why a lot of corps bailed on Angelus between SA I & II.


No, I was just thinking that the Hudson City Fact Sheet was always such a good hand out that something similar would be nice for Angelus. It is in HC: The Urban Abyss near the front.


I don't own it, so I'm not sure it will help. I have the new Champions of the North... have you seen the city profiles in there?


PS: Chrysine states the Yakuza were heavily involved in Lace & Steel as of SA II (which was 2123).

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Re: Shadow Angelus


I meant to post this before for your perusal.




I see Lace & Steel as a mixture of the gladiatorial games of ancient Rome, the Ultimate Fighting Championships, modern American professional wrestling, and American Gladiators. While violent, it isn't a blood-sport per se, although deaths do happen.


Lace & Steel (a.k.a. L&S) features cybernetically and/or genetically enhanced female humans and Clades. Contestants are chosen for a certain degree of physical fitness and appearance, as fan-service and sex-appeal are a major selling factor. As part of the marketing of L&S all fighters adopt a "persona," which helps determines the contestant's name, costume, choice of weapons, and in some cases, fighting style.


Lace & Steel isn't broken up into weight classes, but is divided into style/gimmick/weapon (need a term here) classes.


For example:


Unarmed: the basic L&S fighter uses no weaponry. She wears a fairly form-fitting costume with simple pads and/or guards on the hands and feet. Fights last until a set stopping point it reached -- usually one fighter is unable to continue. This form of L&S has a minimal number of gimmicks and the like, almost never features Clades, and basically looks like a modern day UFC match with some pro-wrestling posturing thrown in.


Theme: this is an attempt by L&S to bring old-school video games to life. The fighters (both human and Clade) wear costumes and use weapons that fit a certain look or theme -- Marcie the Mechanic for example. Weapons tend to be formed from composite materials to keep the weight and lethality down. Some armor is worn -- usually rigid plates on the forearms, lower legs, and the like. Fighters are handled much like an unarmed match -- they go until one of the fighters can no longer continue. In order to keep damage to the fighters down (the people may want to see violence, but the stable handlers have an investment to look after), "unable to continue" doesn't mean "out cold."


Live Steel: this is what people think of when they think L&S. Live steel matches star the top-end fighters. There are more Clades than humans in the Live Steel category, mainly because it is easier to grow a new Clade then train a new fighter. However, true live steel matches are rare, only held 2-3 times a year (and usually for championships). Normally, live steel fighters use weapons with composite or hardened rubber blades. These sort of weapons leave deep bruises and will break bones, but don't automatically kill. That said, a live steel fighter still wear the classic plate armor look one expects of L&S fighters. Clamshell vest, shoulders, arms, lower legs, and boots. The head and thighs are left (mostly) unprotected.


When fighting with steel, victory depends on the match setting. The most basic live steel match is "first blood," which is often used when the steel fighter is expected to have more than one match in a night. The next step up is a set number of blows that actually impact the fighter. Three is the most common, up to nine. The next setting is disablement, which means exactly what is says -- the fighters go until one of them falls and can't continue (this is also known as a 'bob till you drop' match). Finally, you get the death matches. These are mostly illegal, and tend to feature only Clades, although desperate humans sometimes end up in them.


Other: it might be possible to see L&S fighters armed with energy weapons, magic, or even espers. That's up to Ross, although the classic K5 version of L&S did feature the energy weapon class, who used Normal Damage "blasters."

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Things awaiting Edsel's Comments


  1. Map of the West Coast - Does it work or do you want to try something else?
  2. Mass Transit - the central hub for the "Lev" or maybe the locals call it "Maggie" needs to be placed.
  3. Angelus Design Essay - I assume no issues exist?
  4. I assume the Sector Locations are set as of map 5?
  5. Esper History and Esper/Magic simultaneous resurgence or go with the K5 Esper and then after quake Magic?
  6. Comment on History at First Blush 1 before I work on History at First Blush 2
  7. Problems with 700 Terrace?
  8. Does the direction issue work for you? What about neighborhoods?
  9. If I read your post right you want me to go with ethnic hoods.
  10. Extra-Territoriality?
  11. Organized Crime Structure? I'll need to put some flesh on the bones and include a few more groups including an alternate form of DEMON that works with the Entities but the big three would be Yakuza, Vory (Russian/Eastern Block), and South American Death Cults. American criminals would be cyber gangs and Entity Cultists but they don't rise to the level of being in the "Big Three."



Eosin List

  1. Write up Lake Angelus
  2. Neat City Locations (underground rivers, maglev through buildings, super-mall, etc...)
  3. History At First Blush II - incorporate some of the magic theory into the background work, incorporate entities, science advancements, and energy storage (I got a good idea for this last one).
  4. Re-write the vision building as a standard (example) Angelus building.
  5. Write Neighborhood descriptions
  6. Angelus Fact Sheet
  7. Develop Organized Crime [make notes of Entity involvement but leave the details vague for Edsel]
  8. Finish Map [place maglev central station, sweep up corners, adjust colors, settle on icons and text issues]


I just wanted to have everything in one place. I am forgetting where I am headed next or what I've touched on but meant to come back and flesh out. If I am forgetting than I know Edsel is forgetting. This is just a reminder note.


PS - Edsel, I have all the articles in a word doc that is laid out but until it passes the "fly this by Edsel" test I leave it here in rough form.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


I am at the state library and only have about 10 minutes free time.


1. Map of the West Coast: Has one been posted? If so I haven't seen it.

2. Mass Transit: I had understood we had agreed on a tube-like maglev system. This could go below ground level in area (tunnels under the canals) and above ground in other areas (bridges and links between large important buildings, etc.).

3. Angelus Design Essay: I need to print and read this before I can comment.

4. I have no problems with the sector locations as your map currently shows them.

5. Espers/Magic: The timeline in my latest document to the group addresses this somewhat. Magic was first, Espers came later. Magic may have always been around, just not know. Espers seem to be a more recent developement.

6. History: Another thing I want to read in more detail before I can comment.

7. Problems with 700 Terrace? Sounds like a cool idea. It would be a large building even by Angelus standards but probably not quite in the top 10. Ought to be fun tearing up a high rise tomb in a battle with an entity or two.

8. I like the directions idea. Angelus specific CPS (City Positioning System) could use some sort of carrier wave from cells across the city. The ethnic neighborhoods sound neat too and can add a bit of flavor.


Sorry. I am out of time now. I hope I have more time to read an post when I get home.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Which vehicles? I have HD files for several SA vehicles as well as stuff from the files I sent you. In fact' date=' I have HD files for all of the stuff I sent you.[/quote']


I have data for the XSWAT spinner and two versions of the Blue Steel Special (its either two versions of the same thing or its Mk I & II). All of this is in text format not HD. If you have them in HD or or data for other vehicles I'd like to see it.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Here is the post with the quick mock up of the west coast.

Post 44


On the mag-lev the questions was where to place "central station." I'd put it in the Government Sector.


It would be nice, when you can find the time, for you to write up a magic and esper history. Right now they are mostly hollow. I'd like to see how you figure magic into the world and who really has it in the 20th century (sorta like Mage does). Ditto for Esper history, I understand the K5 stuff which is the government experiments in the 20th century leading to minor powers then with genetic & pharma treatments blowing into full powered psi and that kinda stuff will be confusing until it is cleared up.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


If you have access to it you may want to read the background material from shadowrun on the rise of magic, I think you will find it helpful on how they progress the rise of magic.


You could even use some parallels of how they develope the races as recessive genetic traits being activated by the raise of the mana(magic) levels. Instead of manifesting as different racial trait sets, it could manifest as various manifestations of ESPER power sets.


I know in the past Eosin has expressed a dislike of the shadowrun campaign setting, however there are many things you could use for your game that would be helpful. You could also use some of the shadowrun conversions that were previously done and posted on the hero boards. I cannot remember who posted it, but if there had been interest I was going to run a game with it before leaving Oklahoma. It had good rules builds for cybernetics and also adept powers(a branch of magic you may want to look at). I may build you an Adept example and send to Eddie to look at.


As to the extra territorial situation. You would not be able to truely use this. In shadowrun this occured within the Archologies(self contained cities). You could not fit a true Archology into the city as described. I think the limited independance as previously described would for my money be your best bet.


Also something to define is not just the public outlook on magic and espers,

you also will need to define legal guidelines for the use of those abilities. You will have to consider the civilian use of these abilities. Even is espers are not commonly known, the are sure to exist.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


I know in the past Eosin has expressed a dislike of the shadowrun campaign setting, however there are many things you could use for your game that would be helpful.


As to the extra territorial situation. You would not be able to truely use this. In shadowrun this occured within the Archologies(self contained cities). You could not fit a true Archology into the city as described. I think the limited independance as previously described would for my money be your best bet.


I dislike the whole elves, dwarves, and orcs. Pthooey, however, I don't harbor any inherent dislike for the magic aspect or psi aspect.


Yeah, I think the corporations would only have limited autonomy. On an island city the authorities would have to have the power to override. Like Susano's example - "We went in anyway."

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Re: Shadow Angelus


I dislike the whole elves, dwarves, and orcs. Pthooey, however, I don't harbor any inherent dislike for the magic aspect or psi aspect.


Yeah, I think the corporations would only have limited autonomy. On an island city the authorities would have to have the power to override. Like Susano's example - "We went in anyway."

Yep, I never liked the idea of transplanting traditional fantasy races into high-tech settings. Strangely the Clades don't bother me I guess they seem unique enough to me due to the replicant-like factor.


The corps have a lot of political influence. Most of them own a councilman or two. If a single (or a few) companies are caught doing bad things they are in real trouble. It the majority of the Megacorps are behind something it may not be so easy to get council approval for an investigation. The assorted Corps control the lion's share of the money that flows into the city's coffers.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


My Big List of Replies. Since my mom was seriously ill for a few days, I was pretty preoccupied. I copied a lot of the posts from the last several pages into word and inserted a bunch of comments and replies. Rather than post a gigantic post here, which would mean a lot more typing for me. I have simply attached a copy of that Word document for interested parties to download and examine.

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Yep' date=' I never liked the idea of transplanting traditional fantasy races into high-tech settings. Strangely the Clades don't bother me I guess they seem unique enough to me due to the replicant-like factor..[/quote']


Hey, it's anime, and anime needs catgirls!

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Re: Shadow Angelus


Extra-Territoriality -- enter corporate enclave' date=' you're now subject to he corp's laws, not the country the corp is sitting in. Basically, a corporate enclave is like an embassy.[/quote']

Figured it was something like that. I would think that wouldn't exist as such inside Angelus. However I bet that laws and the corps lawyers make it pretty darn hard to get a warrant to search their secret facilities. In fact it may be hard to figure out were certain corps have secret labs for hidden research. If you do manage a legal search and your cause was proven wrong you and XSWAT could be cast in a bad light.


Basically if you got good evidence you can get a warrant for just about any megacorp, but you better be real sure you are going to find something illegal, because if you don't there will be political hell to pay.


Sound about right?

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