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Vigilantee PC


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In your character's secret identity, after a hard day fighting bad guys you turn on the tv/look at the newspaper and are astonished by what you see.


A bank robbery was stopped yesterday in the campaign city's sister city (Let's call it Blüdhaven for simplicity's sake) by a young hero/ine they are calling, 'Hood' after the hoody s/he always wears and the sunglasses so her/his face is constantly covered.


Yet what is most surprising is his/her powers. They are almost identical to your character's, except used in slightly different ways and weaker (using flight to bounce around like a ping ball, using super strength to wield taxi cabs as boxing gloves etc). Also his/her methods are rather crude and violent, as he was willing to break the legs of some escaping robbers (possibly by accident the report doesn't say). Also if your character wears any specific colors or has a color in their name, Red Avenger, Blue Cobalt etc his hoody is the same color design. The gender is the same as your PC's.


This hasn't escaped the notice of the Blüdhaven media and they are accusing your character of training young people to become super heroes and subjecting them to dangerous procedures to replicate your abilities.


If your character is an adult, the vigilante is around 16. If your character is a teenager the vigilante is around 9 or 10.


That same day, your hero is contacted (by whatever means, bat signal, letter to headquaters or an actual visit) by a couple who claim to be the vigilante's parents. They say s/he ran away from home and emulates the PC because the PC inspires her/him. They want the PC to bring her/him back without letting the media know and ruining any possible secret identity or normal life.





If your character goes to Blüdhaven and meet the teenager, s/he is incredibly excited to meet you. S/he takes off his sunglasses and reveals himself. S/he certainly looks like the couple and might be their child but he looks a lot like you. And then he explains his story.


He is an alternate version of you, where he was born later and got his powers younger and started acting as a hero fairly recently. In his world he was investigating Mechanon 2.0, a robot the Original Mechanon built but with a more child like personality. The was building a device that could create a black hole but when the hero interfered in the plan, Mechanon 2.0 and the Hood were sent into this new world.


Hood hopes to learn as much as he can from his more experienced counterpart and hopes to find a way to get home. He is surprised when you talk about parents, and seems to be dodging the question. "Must be imposters or something." He's clearly hiding something, but tests indicate his DNA does match with yours.





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Re: Vigilantee PC


I highly doubt this new hero would have sunk to the depths that Vigil did during his career as a supervillian, before he turned his life around (and for that matter, it's highly unlikely that the kid knows anything about that past!), so he would be unable to judge the kid too harshly. Besides, Vigil lives in a very Iron Age world, so merely breaking legs is actually pretty easygoing - the thugs are lucky they weren't killed!

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Re: Vigilantee PC


Soulbarb: Not really applicable for much of her career; she's too secretive. If she's advanced enough in her career for this to be applicable, she'll be investigating both the kid and her parents to find out the whole story behind this before she does anything. With her detective skills, mystic resources, and her Soulsight, this shouldn't be too difficult.



On finding out that the kid is yet another dimensional duplicate, and has brought a 'friend' along, she'll begin working to get them sent back post haste. She's had visits from dimensional duplicates before and is not a fan of dimensional duplicates mucking about with her personal life. This will definitely become cause to step up the investigation and find out the whole story about this 'family.'



Sylph: If the kid is a bit less easygoing than Sylph, that's probably just putting her in the range of normal superheroes; Sylph is entirely too nice for her own good. If the teen in question is really violent, then the story about being inspired by Sylph really doesn't add up, unless they're actually inspired by Maenad, in which case all bets are off. She'll probably find out the kid to hear her story, and then go have a chat with the local avatar of Dionysius to find out what to do. It's very possible that her patron has a hand in this somehow.

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Re: Vigilantee PC


Black Ops: Idiotic Kid. Hmm Is he my Version on this parallel ? Needs looking into it.

Headcase: Huh ? Where was I to that time ? (He had multiple personality disorder, even if it is currently under control.)

Yomi: Very unlikely. His main residence is at Monster Island. Despite his crudityand being a Gajin he is pretty popular in Japan and with UNTIL, there would be a lot of sudden interest.

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Re: Vigilantee PC


Actually, if you talk to the kid you find out s/he isn't necessarily violent as he is inexperienced in his abilities. He doesn't know his own strength/speed/energy so to speak. He's really sorry about what happened. And if your character is really perky, the teen is excessively so, and so becomes depressed when s/he finds out about causing the broken legs.


If you try and bring him to his parents, he will act terrified and try to flee. He knows Blüdhaven better the your character does so will probably escape.


An investigation into the parents, reveal that they adopted the child 3 years ago, and only recently has he run away. Until 2 weeks ago he showed no memory of another parallel world or his powers due to dimension travel giving him amnesia, but when he used his powers at a school dance to stop Mechanon 2.0 his parents thought he had become delusional, and got his powers from the PC.


Now the teen is torn between going back to the home dimension or staying with his new adopted parents, and is fighting crime to delay choosing.


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Re: Vigilantee PC


looks like we need another target boy


Ickerus and The Brain would offer to tutor the child

Beast would find the boy and see if the boy can come up with truly outrageous diversions to do (such hard work)

Marcus would offer the child a job as an ice cream truck driver

Sunset would ... wait what? there's another dragon running around?

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Re: Vigilantee PC


Badger-If they have the same powers then it would be obvious that they had the same species of alien blood in them. If the couple are the parents it would have to be adoptive. More than likely the kid's story of being from alternative timeline would be a bit more believable. As more than likely, a kid with his power type would have been sensed by Badger a long time ago. And if the parents arent adoptive, at least one of those parents would have been of the alien species. (which goes back to have been sensed from a nearby city). So, be very suspicious, in short. "play by ear"


Frosty Bob- couldnt be Bob. Bob would never be so merciful. Though a hoarded pile of guns isnt that unusual a super power. So, I take it the kid displayed some kind of super quick healing/extremely high CON ability. Bob generally wants little to do with brats. So, try to stay away from the kid. (yeah, I'm sure he would hate a version of himself as a kid, too)

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