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Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?

Boll Weevil

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Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?


I have no issue with pre-gens.

I have no issue playing random characters either.


I pretty-much consider pre-gens to be random characters that are guaranteed not to suck.


As long as I can choose the pre-gen for a personality I could best play, create the personality myself, or there is some other thing letting me really connect with the character, then it is all good.

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Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?


for beginning players yes (you might want to tweak them a bit if the player has an idea of what they want to play)

as part of a 1 shot game like at a convention ok

as part of an ongoing campaig?

No,I want to build my own character

of course following whatever guidelines the GM has set down

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Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?


If it is just the mechanics...sure...or a rough background...sure.

If the game is a one shot or mini campaign to get a feel for the system or world no problem.


My GM ran a game where the players drew character out of hat...with pretty much a background, but the PC got to decide about personalty and the like...it was just more of who the character's parents were, where they grew up, and the certain events. It was a very interesting idea and would have liked to have play...but was not invited to it. :(


Anyway I do perfer to make my own characters but I can live with pre gens if the campaign and characters are interesting.

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Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?


I would play in a game with Pre-Generated characters if it were a mini-series. In a longer run, I would either want to rebuild the character to personalize it a bit or create a new character of my own.


I have had a ton of fun in a game where the GM had most of a background/roll created for the PC's. The nice thing was that we were allowed to create the character we thought fit into that background/roll best. Also he allowed us to fill in the details of the characters background and then he added to it to fit in with his vision. It made for one of the best gaming experiences that I have ever experienced. It's really too bad that he moved to another state. I really miss that game.


Tasha :D

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Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?


One of the GMs in my group has used cards to fill roles (with spotty success depending on the time, sometimes it works, others... not so much) It's a nice area between pre-gens and free form character generations. If done right, you make sure you get a balanced group, with plot hooks where you need them. Before making characters everyone gets a card with something like "hero" "scholar" "country bumpkin" "Tri-D star" "noble" (an assortment of cards from various campaigns) You can give free feats/skill levels/powers to the roles to help focus things and make sure they are doing their job. You do have to make sure you think things through (we had a D&D campaign where he totally spaced on having a card with anything close to "healer" on it)

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