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A bad Situation(Kind of Long post/rant)


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Well this is another fine mess


The person playing Stellar has decided to Take some time off from game, for personnal reasons ( I know them but they dont need to be disscussed here).


Thank you for all your input once again, I do appreciate the help.



Now i gotta figure out how to close this up....

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Originally posted by Chuckg

Well, actually, I posted my opinion of Stellar -- throw the book at 'im -- several posts ago, but it seems to have been entirely ignored in the rush.


I saw it, but had no real comments to add - it's pretty close to my thinking as well.


- Stellar was outside the genre conventions


- The player was warned, so he can't say he didn't know he was putting the property, and its occupants, at risk


- In my view, he ignored/weaseled out of his psych lim; at a minimum the frequency should be reduced if being near a villain results in "loss of innocence".


Negilgent homocide would seem the most reasonable charge.


And the political climate is heated by Lechtenstein's desire to cause Stellar (and Team Vanguard) as many difficulties as possible (maybe to prevent a search of the winery ruins before Eurostar can get some evidence out? Maybe just because it's an opportunity to strike at the heroes?)

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Re: Well this is another fine mess


Originally posted by Patriot

The person playing Stellar has decided to Take some time off from game, for personnal reasons ( I know them but they dont need to be disscussed here).


Thank you for all your input once again, I do appreciate the help.


Now i gotta figure out how to close this up....


I see a couple of options:


1. Stellar has disappeared. When the player is ready to rejoin, he can decide whether he wants Stellar to stay "disappeared" or run some resolution scenario. Then you can decide whether Stellar was in hiding, or some other plot was going on.


2. Team Vanguard is ready to deal with the Stellar problem when something more urgent demands their attention. That "something" keeps them occupied until Stellar's player is ready to come back.


#2 works best if you know how long the player will be missing and have something that can happen in the meantime (can we say "fill-in story"? "Annual"?)


Otherwise, just "disappear" him and give some thought to what may have happened. Surely in his long career, he's met with someone who coul;d remove him from the campaign scene, whether for noble or sinister reasons. Maybe he's kidnapped by aliens/ otherdimensionals/time travellers for whatever reason ("Only his power can save us in our time of need"; "access his teleportation powers to aid in the conquest of the Universe"; "we need another Gladiator for the games - here's a likely target").


EDIT: Whether you have an idea why he disappeared or not, you might just find player speculation and theorizing provides you with a better plot anyway! Then they can "discover" that their speculation was correct and feel great pride in their clever deduction of your plot! :D

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The Ultimate Cheese


Since Patriot was kind enough to provide the Hero Designer file of Stellar; I thought I'd post Stellar so everyone can see. I can't remember when I've last seen a "character" this cheesy.



Val Char Cost
23/73 STR 13
26 DEX 48
35 CON 50
15 BODY 10
12 INT 2
17 EGO 14
13 PRE 3
17 COM 4
36/46 PD 1
33/43 ED -4
6 SPD 24
12 REC 0
70 END 0
67 STUN 22
6" RUN02" SWIM04 1/2"/14 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 187


Cost Power END
25 Gravitonic Elemental Control: Elemental Control, 50-point powers
50 1) Force Field (30 PD/30 ED), Hardened (+1/4) 7
16 2) Flight 11", Improved Noncombat Movement (x256) (57 Active Points); OAF (-1) 6
25 3) Density Increase (0 kg mass, +50 STR, +10 PD/ED, -10" KB) (50 Active Points) 5
25 4) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points)
25 5) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points)
25 6) Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 1600 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep (49 Active Points)
25 7) Absorption: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Energy control: Absorption 3d6 (Energy) (Real Cost: 15) plus Matter control: Absorption 3d6 (Physical) (Real Cost: 15)
97 8) LastDitch: BlackHole effect: (Total: 1199 Active Cost, 99 Real Cost) Telekinesis (100 STR), Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective Target (67" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1) (487 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost 10x END (-4), 3 Charges which Never Recover (-3 1/4), Concentration 0 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (-1 1/4), Character is totally unaware of nearby events (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), Linked to Killing Attack - Ranged (-1/2), Only to pull towards character (-1/2), Lockout(no other powers in EC can be used) (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Costs Endurance Only Costs END to Activate (-1/4) (Real Cost: 40) plus Killing Attack - Ranged 10d6 (vs. ED), Damage Shield (+1/2), Offensive (+1/4), No Normal Defense Standard (+1), Does body (+1), Continuous (+1) (712 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost 10x END (-4), 3 Charges which Never Recover (-3 1/4), Concentration 0 DCV, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (-1 1/4), Character is totally unaware of nearby events (-1/4), Stellar takes the effects of the damage sheild(No defense, starts on the next phase) (-1), Linked to Telekinesis (-1/4), Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value (-1/4), Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) (Real Cost: 59) [Notes: The Damage And endurance costs do not take effect till the power is shut off, or the character is ko'ed] 1200
157 Gravitonic: ***Variable Power Pool***, 90 base + 67 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2) (157 Active Points)
0 1) Darkforce (HKA): HKA 3 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (82 Active Points) Real Cost: 82 8
0 2) Gravitonic Dispersal: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Requires A PER Roll (-1), Will Not Work Against Large Missiles (-1/4) (Real Cost: 9) Real Cost: 9
0 3) Energy Blast 8d6 (vs. ED), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages +1) (80 Active Points) Real Cost: 80 8
0 4) Entangle: Gravity-field Wrap: Entangle 8d6, 8 DEF (80 Active Points) Real Cost: 80 8
0 5) Teleport: Space fold : Teleportation 17", Improved Noncombat Movement (x1024), x4 Increased Mass (89 Active Points); Conditional Power: Contained in intense magnetic fields : Frequently (-1/2), Gestures: Instant Power (-1/4) Real Cost: 51 9
0 6) Teleport:Blink: +8 with DCV (40 Active Points) Real Cost: 40
0 7) Telekinesis: Anti-Gravity Field: Telekinesis (24 STR), Area Effect: One-hex (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (90 Active Points) Real Cost: 90 9
0 8) Telekinesis (53 STR), Fine Manipulation (90 Active Points); Concentrate: 0 DCV (-1/2) Real Cost: 60 9
0 9) Light Dispersal: Invisibility: Invisibility to Sight Group, Normal Hearing, Usable By Other (x8 Number of Targets +1) (46 Active Points) Real Cost: 46 5
42 Spatial Awareness (Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Range, Tracking)
7 Power Defense (15 points) (15 Active Points); Conditional Power: Contained in intense magnetic fields : Frequently (-1/2), Linked to Force Field (-1/2)
5 Lack of Weakness (-10) for Normal Defense (10 Active Points); Conditional Power: Contained in intense magnetic fields : Frequently (-1/2), Linked to Force Field (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 524



Cost Skill
30 +3 with Overall Level
3 PS: Surfing (DEX-based) 14-
4 Persuasion (9 Active Points); Only Works On Women: Infrequently (-1) 15-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Seduction 12-
0 Language: English (Idiomatic, native accent; Native Language)
0 AK: City Knowledge: Datona Beach, Ca 8-
0 Climbing 8-
0 Deduction 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
Team Vanguard Package deal
Vanguard package deal, Package Disads [Notes: Hunted & Hunting Team Destroyer:Watched by UNTIL & PRIMUS :DF:Vanguard member:Rep:Vanguard Member]
3 1) KS: Chicago (INT-based) 11-
3 2) ***PowerStunt*** (INT-based) 11-
7 3) Defense Maneuver: I-IV (10 Active Points); Requires A Teamwork Roll (-1/2)
10 4) Executive Sanction
10 5) Contacts: President Bush And Cheif Mcaffe
3 6) Tactics 11-
2 7) TF: Large Motorized Ground Vehicles, Large Planes, Submarines
3 8) Teamwork 14-
3 9) Systems Operation 11-
3 10) Paramedics 11-
1 11) Language: Team Codes (Basic Conversation)
12 12) Team Uniform
2 13) Vanguard Com
3 14) AK: Chicago (INT-based) 11-
3 15) KS: Villians (INT-based) 11-
3 16) KS: Team Vanguard (INT-based) 11-
3 17) Interrogation 12-
3 18) Criminology 11-
3 19) Combat Piloting 14-
3 20) Analyze: Combat 11-
Skills Cost: 41



Cost Talent
1 Lightsleep (3 Active Points); Only When Outdoors: Infrequently (-1)
Talents Cost: 1



Total Character Cost: 753


Val Disadvantages
20 Mystery Disadvantage (Very Common, Strong)
20 Hunted: by aliens from origin of powers: 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
15 Claustrophobia: Very Common, Moderate
15 Overconfidence: Very Common, Moderate
20 Psychological Limitation: Rebels against authority: Common, Total
20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of innocents/babes: Common, Total
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Desolid Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Prankster (Common, Moderate)
10 Distinctive Features: No nose or mouth: Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
10 Distinctive Features: Typical Californian accent: Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
5 World class surfer (Uncommon, Moderate)
Stellars angels( house keepers among other things)
10 1) Dependent NPC: Trixie 8- (Normal)
10 2) Dependent NPC: Roxie 8- (Normal)
5 3) Dependent NPC: Gwen 8- (Normal; Useful noncombat position or skills)

Disadvantage Points: 180


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 373

Total Experience Available: 373

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: The Ultimate Cheese


Originally posted by Trebuchet

Since Patriot was kind enough to provide the Hero Designer file of Stellar; I thought I'd post Stellar so everyone can see. I can't remember when I've last seen a "character" this cheesy.

Wow. That's... special. :)


I'll have to try stuff like linking two powers to each other, in future. See if it gets past the GM. :D

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OK, if we want Stellar gone there seems to be an easy way...He has 15 BOD and no resistant defenses when his force field is down.


Lechstenstein patriot gets a high-powered sniper rifle (make it high tech supplied by Eurostar - say 8d6 RKA, beam effect, does no STUN). Tack on an OAF, and 4 charges, and that's a 30 point gun. Let's add some penalty levels vs. range from a scope, brace and set. He takes one shot while Stellar is at some public event. It does average BOD damage = 28 points. Stellar bleeds to death in two turns. Or it does a little over average and he's dead.


ooo...just noticed that Damage Reduction. [sorry Patriot, but 40+ defenses AND 50% damage reduction? You get some of the blame here...] Maybe better to get the weapon through a connection with his alien hunters and have it kill him setting off his Black Hole effect. Or better yet, just make the black Hole kick in and he can't shut it off. What will his teammates do then? Note that he loses both his damage reduction and his force field thanks to that "lockout" - he's pretty easily taken down with that Black Hole in effect.


Not sure why he's allowed "END and damage only when power shuts off", but then I don't get why he would buy three charges when the RKA damage should finish him after the first anyway.


Hmmm...20 point mystery disad - could that be some way the aliens have of triggering his black hole effect (and Eurostar has figured out how to trigger it)?


Cheesy? Yup. Pretty dark? Well, for four colour. Stellar seems to be getting pretty dark anyway.


Would I do it? Probably not - but I don't have a player or character like that in my campaign. Maybe because I'd probably think of something like this...;)

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Re: The Ultimate Cheese


Originally posted by Trebuchet

Since Patriot was kind enough to provide the Hero Designer file of Stellar; I thought I'd post Stellar so everyone can see. I can't remember when I've last seen a "character" this cheesy.


I dunno, considering this character has years of experience and lots of points from that, I don't think this is all that cheesy except for the Black Hole thing, which is a bit absurd to me. But then again I'm pretty liberal on character design.

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I'm not getting into the morals of the situation, but having seen his sheet, I'm wondering HOW he took the whole floor away. His normal teleport choice in the VPP could not handle that - did he make some massive extra mass area affect usable vs others selective target T-port? With 90 active points? Maybe there's a way, I just don't see it just lookin' at it.

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Originally posted by Supreme Serpent

I'm not getting into the morals of the situation, but having seen his sheet, I'm wondering HOW he took the whole floor away. His normal teleport choice in the VPP could not handle that - did he make some massive extra mass area affect usable vs others selective target T-port? With 90 active points? Maybe there's a way, I just don't see it just lookin' at it.

I'm too lazy to actual do it, but it was probably some 1" t-port with MegaScale, etc...

Based on what I've read of the player, etc... I wouldn't allow him a character with a VPP.

I already made some comments concerning his Disadvantages up above.


Did anyone else load him into HeroDesigner V2? I need to point Dan toward it. It got rather funky...

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Originally posted by Supreme Serpent

I'm not getting into the morals of the situation, but having seen his sheet, I'm wondering HOW he took the whole floor away. His normal teleport choice in the VPP could not handle that - did he make some massive extra mass area affect usable vs others selective target T-port? With 90 active points? Maybe there's a way, I just don't see it just lookin' at it.

Stellar might have reconfigured the vpp to a long-range teleport with lots of extra mass that the ref ruled that for the port to affect his teammates who weren't in contact with him, he had to port the floor to "ride" the port to them - because they were all in contact with the floor. Apparently, however it worked, it had been used in this arrangement with similar effects before.
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*looks at character sheet*


Great googly moogly, I've spent the whole damn weekend point-hacking for 750-point characters (very high-end game)(*) that ain't half as broken as that bad boy.


A 1200 Active Point power? I don't care *what* limitations are on it, that's just "Ow, ow, my [bleeping] brain, ow." territory.






(*) Basic premise of the game -- 'You are the world's mightiest superteam. You're the JLA-equivalent of this universe. You are the official Big Guns. When anybody needs a bail-out, your phone rings. When you need a bail-out, the planet's in trouble. Have fun."

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Originally posted by Chuckg

*looks at character sheet*


Great googly moogly, I've spent the whole damn weekend point-hacking for 750-point characters (very high-end game)(*) that ain't half as broken as that bad boy.


A 1200 Active Point power? I don't care *what* limitations are on it, that's just "Ow, ow, my [bleeping] brain, ow." territory.






(*) Basic premise of the game -- 'You are the world's mightiest superteam. You're the JLA-equivalent of this universe. You are the official Big Guns. When anybody needs a bail-out, your phone rings. When you need a bail-out, the planet's in trouble. Have fun."

You should add to the Basic Premise - "You are the world's mightiest superteam. You're the JLA-equivalent..." minus Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. I think those characters probably go well over 1,000 points.:)
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Actually, we have a Superman-analogue (STR 100, 40 PD/40 ED Resistant, 30" Flight, 5" MegaScale Flight) and a Green Lantern-analogue (10 PD/ED Resistant Hardened, 20 PD/ED Force Field 0 END, 25" Flight 0 END, and an 80-point Cosmic Power Pool with 0 END and LOS)...


... but no, they're not 100% as buff as the originals.


The Superman-analogue *IS* the big gun of the team, durn sure -- he can take a hit from a Space Nuke and actually walk away, even if he's limping like hell. But he has virtually no senses beyond the normal and only Mach 12 flight, even though he has truly awesome STR, defenses, and Presence attacks.


(Storyline... he's the champion/avatar of the ancient Valdorian sun god, set in eternal opposition to the Serpent, and awoken after a long period of hibernation to face the challenges of the modern age. In times past, he did the Nuada of the Silver Hand thing... sleep between crises, awaken to deal with them. Hence a consistent but not full-time presence on his part all down through ancient history)


The GL-analogue has 'Novice Hero' and virtually no skills... she's a teenager who just had the Power Cosmic(*) dumped upon her via one hell of a really involved and long set of circumstances...


As far as the rest of the team -- we've got a spatial manipulator/teleporter with a Multipower like Tesseract's, a DEX 35 SPD 7 martial artist who's also an MCPD MARS team member and equipped with some MARS gear and an experimental jetpack (Public ID -- like Teknique and the FBI, he's a superhero officially on the payroll), and a mentalist.





(*) Actually not the Power Cosmic, but she doesn't know that yet... in-game. Out-of-game I bloody well know exactly what's really going on, seeing as how I'm the one who wrote my character's origin story. :)

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The black hole power is certainly the most absurd thing about Stellar. In my campaign if he tried to use it he would die instantly. He doesn't have 1200 END, so he'd burn STUN as END. When he runs out of STUN he burns BODY as END. As I said: DEAD. As constructed the power is patently illegal. Cross-Linking powers is legit in some circumstances, but powers in an EC are already effectively Linked. And what's this "Notes: The Damage And endurance costs do not take effect till the power is shut off, or the character is ko'ed" crap? That's not a Limitation at all. Considering nothing will still be alive with a kilometer of this Power including the PC, where's the Limitation there?


The player is way out of line here, but most of the blame for this monstrosity can be laid at the GM's feet. Sorry, Patriot, but you've got only yourself to blame for this. He should never have been permitted as designed.

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

The black hole power is certainly the most absurd thing about Stellar. In my campaign if he tried to use it he would die instantly. He doesn't have 1200 END, so he'd burn STUN as END. When he runs out of STUN he burns BODY as END. As I said: DEAD. As constructed the power is patently illegal. Cross-Linking powers is legit in some circumstances, but powers in an EC are already effectively Linked. And what's this "Notes: The Damage And endurance costs do not take effect till the power is shut off, or the character is ko'ed" crap? That's not a Limitation at all. Considering nothing will still be alive with a kilometer of this Power including the PC, where's the Limitation there?


The player is way out of line here, but most of the blame for this monstrosity can be laid at the GM's feet. Sorry, Patriot, but you've got only yourself to blame for this. He should never have been permitted as designed.

It wouldn't fly in my campaign but if all things are equal it's not ours to judge. Some groups like a free for all in character design.
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Originally posted by Trebuchet

The black hole power is certainly the most absurd thing about Stellar. In my campaign if he tried to use it he would die instantly.

Yeah, that power I just ignored. Wonder why 3 charges? He'd die anyway according to the writeup. I actually don't have any real problem with the character with the power. Though I'd just hand wave a bunch of it and say, if used, you die. Probably make it a 1 charge, lasts some amount of time.

Again not a power to give to the player though...

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Originally posted by lemming

Yeah, that power I just ignored. Wonder why 3 charges? He'd die anyway according to the writeup. I actually don't have any real problem with the character with the power. Though I'd just hand wave a bunch of it and say, if used, you die. Probably make it a 1 charge, lasts some amount of time.

Again not a power to give to the player though...

Note that the RKA is NND (with no defence listed in the power writeup). I wonder if, despite taking the damage shield effect with no defence, Stellar has a defence that applies to the NND, thus rendering him immune.


Totally illegal, but it would be TERRIBLY cheesy. I wouldn't put it past a PC to do something like that.

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Originally posted by Lupus

Note that the RKA is NND (with no defence listed in the power writeup). I wonder if, despite taking the damage shield effect with no defence, Stellar has a defence that applies to the NND, thus rendering him immune.


He'd be in for a shock in my campaign - the writeup says he takes the damage with no defense, so that's exactly what happens.


But no way would I go with "only takes damage and spends END when he shuts the power down". 10x END means you spend the END if you want the power up, not when you take it down!

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Originally posted by Lupus

Note that the RKA is NND (with no defence listed in the power writeup). I wonder if, despite taking the damage shield effect with no defence, Stellar has a defence that applies to the NND, thus rendering him immune.


Totally illegal, but it would be TERRIBLY cheesy. I wouldn't put it past a PC to do something like that.

You probably meant legal?


You're right! Damn. I should of noticed that. It would have to be out of his VPP though since his EC goes away due to the lockout.

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Originally posted by Hugh Neilson

He'd be in for a shock in my campaign - the writeup says he takes the damage with no defense, so that's exactly what happens.


But no way would I go with "only takes damage and spends END when he shuts the power down". 10x END means you spend the END if you want the power up, not when you take it down!

The END cost would kill him long before the power would. In fact he'd die before the power even reached full power. 1200 END means he'll be dead when it hits about 1/3 of maximum level.


I have no doubt he has the appropriate defense to protect him from the NND; this whole thing is clearly planned as an "all or nothing" attack anyway. BTW, if he were to use it 3 times it would destroy the Earth according to those HERO gamers who think Earth has only 100 BODY. (Since I'm not from that school, in my game if I were to permit such an absurd power it would just make a BIG crater.)

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A few questions about Stellar.


1) There are 4 0 end powers in the EC, damage reduction physical, damage reduction energy, absorption, and life support. These require special GM permission, and the GM has the right to require the player to remove them from the EC at any time.


2) Why is there an OAF power in the EC? If that power is dependent on a focus, it obviously isn't linked enough with the rest of the natural powers to justify being in the same framework. Sounds like a cheesy attempt to save points.


3) Between the EC and VPP, Stellar is probably spending 18 end per phase maintaining all his powers. After 4 phases in combat, he's out of gas.


4) Why the heck would Stellar pay an additional 22 pts to allow a 1/2 phase change of his vpp? He has no skill roll with the pool, and it would be a -9 to any roll he may have to change powers that quickly. Unless you count the "power stunt" 11- which would have a net 2- roll to change powers.


5) I count 128 pts of skills, not 41. The total player cost would be 187+524+128+1 = 840. If the player really has only 753 pts to play with, he's engaged in some heavy deficit spending. This may work with the US government, but most GMs generally frown upon such things. :rolleyes:


6) Has his hunted by more powerful aliens ever shown up when the rest of the party is around? To be more powerful than Stellar, the aliens must be built on 1000+ pts which would nuke any lesser 350-450 pt characters hanging around.


7) You should watch characters with ECs and power defense carefully. The only restriction of a EC is that all powers get drained/suppressed when one is. Having power defense is an attempt to get around this restriction.


8) The last ditch attack. Other posters have said all that is needed about this.

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

The END cost would kill him long before the power would. In fact he'd die before the power even reached full power. 1200 END means he'll be dead when it hits about 1/3 of maximum level.

Isn't that just your houserule though?

He would be in a definite coma though after burning ~2000 Stun. Might as well be dead.

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While I will take some of the blame,I am actually the 3rd GM running this character ( BUT I recently ran a white event where I tore the character down...he was worse)


The Black Hole effect is a last ditch power, And it will kill him in 1 second...not to mention the end burn(Special effect ( he turns into a singularity) and i honestly missed that dual-linking on the power


His hunted by Aliens have shown up (just about 6 weeks ago) to feel him out, they asked about team membership, and were given the base tour, them ofered to play tag in the danger room ( they now know the lay out of the base, the basis of everyones powers ect.) they are a trio of hunters from the planet that launched the sattelite that crashed and gave him his powers, they have come to reclaim the info that it held, that is unknowingly held in Stellars head....and they just want his head

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Originally posted by Gary



2) Why is there an OAF power in the EC? If that power is dependent on a focus, it obviously isn't linked enough with the rest of the natural powers to justify being in the same framework. Sounds like a cheesy attempt to save points.


5) I count 128 pts of skills, not 41. The total player cost would be 187+524+128+1 = 840. If the player really has only 753 pts to play with, he's engaged in some heavy deficit spending. This may work with the US government, but most GMs generally frown upon such things. :rolleyes:



Dang, i should have seen #2, good point. I can imagine though it's "I need my elemental control to fuel it, but the focus is required to render it." Assuming draining the EC kills the power entirely and thus irrelevant as to focus, I could easily imagine allowing this actually as I think about it now. But it should be pretty clear the focus is an extra disad. I don't think it's NECESSARILY cheesy, as I can think of how many mages require foci to allow for certain manifestations of the powers they control. Depending on how it's written and played you could (but frankly probably wouldn't) have a tight SFX.


Re #5, it never occurred to me to check the math.


I do have a question - how was the character different at conception, if you have the info Patriot? As I've said earlier, I can more easily imagine the bigger cheese factor coming later, it happens with a lot of character concepts as they grow - and frankly it DOES mirror the source material well, for better and for worse.

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Originally posted by lemming

Isn't that just your houserule though?

He would be in a definite coma though after burning ~2000 Stun. Might as well be dead.

I thought burning BODY for STUN after END runs out was an actual rule, but not in FREd apparently. It doesn't really matter; Stellar doesn't have enough END to even activate the Power in the first place. He'd knock himself out trying to activate it. And once he was unconscious, the power wouldn't keep working since it's not Persistent (And it couldn't be Persistent, since it uses END which is why he runs out of STUN. A nice Catch-22.)


It's not only an illegally constructed Power, but it's waste of 97 points since it doesn't even work. (Since we don't know the defenses against the NND portion of the "black hole" attack, it's entirely possible his own attack would kill him even if he retained consciousness somehow.)


The -1/2 Limitation on his Power Defense for being Linked to his FF would be worth only -1/4 since FF is a Constant Power.


What I don't understand is how the numbers from Hero Designer don't add up with Gary's numbers. Stellar clearly has way more than 41 points spent on Skills. HD does all the math for you. To me that suggests the distinct possibility that Stellar's player somehow hacked the HD file in order to cheat.

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