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Reflexive Discorporation


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I'm trying to build a character whose main schtick is being able to reflexively discorporate into dust but can still interact with the world. Think of characters like sand man, who cant really be hit because they can transform into a cloud of sand in an instant. Cost isn't really an issue.


This is 5th Ed. Revised, by the way

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Re: Reflexive Discorporation


A literal translation would be:

Desolidificaton + Affects Physical World Advantage on STR and other attacks.


However, Damage Reduction and other defenses based on the sfx of turning into an amorphous material can accomplish this as well.

example: Plastic-Man


I agree, Damage Reduction would probably be the way to go...


But as cost isn't an issue I'd examine a) What are the SFX that can hit him and B) do any PC's have Affects Desolid. If the PC's have a moderate chance of hurting "Dust Man" then go Desolid. If not, DR.

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Re: Reflexive Discorporation


I used Desolidification+No Endurance+Persistant, With the disadvantage Cannot pass through material objects.


Also, for what you are looking at, I also had a character who had Desolidification with the Trigger advantage (When attacked not on their action) and the disadvantages instant, cannot pass thru objects, and no conscious control, so that they cant make themselves desolid but instead 'dust' whenever someone strikes them. The power keeps them relatively safe but if they are holding things they picked up/someone they grabbed they lose their grip if someone attacks them.

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