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Different Kind of Force Field


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Re: Different Kind of Force Field


How about:


Damage Shield: +10 BODY (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2). cost: 7 pts.




Damage Shield: Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points); Limited Power [Power loses about half of its effectiveness] (Only For Regenerating BODY Of Damage Shield; -1). cost: 8 pts.


Total cost: 15 pts.





Damage Shield: Barrier, 10 BODY (up to 4m long, 1m tall, and 0m thick), Non-Anchored, Custom Modifier (Surface Of PC's Skin Only; +0?), Mobile (+1/4) (32 Active Points); No Range (-1/2). cost: 21 pts.


The Barrier "heals" when used again during the character's next Phase. Anything that didn't get past the BODY of the Barrier would naturally not cause any STUN damage to the PC.

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Re: Different Kind of Force Field


...had a pool of automatically recovering Hit Points that could take damage for the user...


I don't understand what part of this request is not met by just using PD and ED?!?

What effect are you trying to achieve?

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Guest steamteck

Re: Different Kind of Force Field


He wants a shield which has hit points which regenerate but you could wear down and destroy with enough damage over time.

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Re: Different Kind of Force Field


He wants a shield which has hit points which regenerate but you could wear down and destroy with enough damage over time.


If that is the case, then I'd suggest taking a look at an article in an issue of Digital Hero (issue 10, page 53 - "Force Fields Enhanced" http://www.herogames.com/viewDHIssue.htm?issueID=95066 ). There are some options/builds for "regenerating force fields" and the like that might fit....



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Re: Different Kind of Force Field


I wanted to make a forcefield that instead of having a PD/ED had a pool of automatically recovering Hit Points that could take damage for the user. Anyone ever work on something like this?



Someone has been playing too much Star Craft... (seriously, what you are describing is the Protoss Force Sheilds). The effect you are describing is having additional BODY with the special effect that it is a Force Force Field. The shield's ability to regenerate over time is a limited form of Healing (Regeneration). IMHO, Because this additional BODY is a Barrier between the user and Damage, it would get NO defenses against attacks. Thus an incoming bullet would first deal FULL damage the Sheild, and then defenses would apply to whatever made it to the character. If you wanted defenses to apply to the Shield, I would make you buy it as a traditional Force Field linked to the BODY - when the BODY is gone, the shield drops, offering no protection.


How about:


Damage Shield: +10 BODY (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2). cost: 7 pts.




Damage Shield: Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points); Limited Power [Power loses about half of its effectiveness] (Only For Regenerating BODY Of Damage Shield; -1). cost: 8 pts.


Total cost: 15 pts.


I saw almost the exact same thing posted a few years ago concerning how the build Protoss Shieilding. An other option is to use Entangle with the "Does not hamper movement" limitation. Don't have my book right in front of me so I couldn't tell you how much it is worth.

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