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Adventure Seed: Gobbler IV: Gallopavo Park
It's been five years since Gobbler first emerged and a year since the Foulest Kaiju confrontation. Now a team of scientists are venturing into Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest  home of the titanic turkey, or as it has come to be known Gallopavo Park. 

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#Metahumans #MetahumansRising #Superheroes #RPG #TTRPG #Adventure #Thanksgiving #Turkey #TurkeyDay #Kaiju 

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Okay, two Tweets for this month's Adventure seed: Plain https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462532995017891842 & Brined (AKA Salty) https://twitter.com/HouseDokPro/status/1462536481445089280

Okay, two Tweets for this month's Adventure seed: 

Brined (AKA Salty) 

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This claim that massive societal advancements have only been made in Starfleet is patently false; furthermore, it is based on the notion that such progress can only happen in a particular militaristic hierarchy. Below are some quotes that disprove this claim.


Star Trek: Enterprise ->


ARCHER: "Enlightened may be too strong a word, but if you'd been on Earth fifty years ago, I think you'd be impressed by what we've gotten done."
T'POL: "You have yet to embrace either patience or logic. You remain impulsive carnivores."
TUCKER:  "Yeah? How about war, disease, hunger. Pretty much wiped 'em out in less than two generations. I wouldn't call that small potatoes."


Tucker and Archer aren't speaking about Starfleet...they're discussing Earth. Earth is one of the founding members of the Federation.


Star Trek: Enterprise ->


KREM: "That's rule number forty five. I've memorized all a hundred and seventy three, including the most important one. A man is only worth the sum of his possessions."

ARCHER:  "Back on my home world that kind of thinking almost destroyed our civilization."


Star Trek: The Next Generation ->


TROI: "He's one of the thousands of species that we've encountered. We live in a peaceful Federation with most of them. The people you see are here by choice."
CLEMENS: "So there're a privileged few who serve on these ships, living in luxury and wanting for nothing. But what about everyone else? What about the poor? You ignore them."
TROI: "Poverty was eliminated on Earth a long time ago, and a lot of other things disappeared with it. Hopelessness, despair, cruelty."


Again, Earth. Not merely "Starfleet".


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ->


SISKO: "On Earth there is no poverty, no crime, no war. You look out the window of Starfleet headquarters and you see paradise."


Yet another reference to Earth.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ->


JAKE SISKO: "I'm human, I don't have any money."

NOG: "It's not my fault that your species decided to abandon currency-based economics in favor of some philosophy of self-enhancement."

JAKE SISKO: "There's nothing wrong with our philosophy. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity." 


Jake refers to humankind as a whole.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ->


GARLAND: "You don't have to thank us. I only hope that one day mankind will travel to the stars, and take its place in a vast alliance of planets."
ROM: "Federation of Planets."


Rom straight up mentions the Federation.


Star Trek: First Contact ->


TROI: "It united humanity in a way no one ever thought possible when they realize they're not alone in the universe. Poverty, disease, war. They'll all be gone within the next fifty years."

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