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Not really. Remember, this was 20 years ago. That $1184 would be about $1730 today. It looked like there were about 6 or 7 guys eating in this scene; let's be fair and say 7. Chris complains about steaks, lobsters, shrimp cocktails, a bottle of Cristal, and Lyonnaise potatoes. Let's break that down. The top quality cuts of beef, like filet mignon and porterhouse, are about $30 each for a proper meal (including sides). Since this is a fancy restaurant, I'll tack on an additional $20 just to be safe. Lobsters are more tricky. Depending on the quality and size, they can range from about $12 a pound to nearly $40. For the sake of fairness, we'll assume these are high-quality lobsters (or at least lobsters being sold at 'high quality' prices, and so they're about $25 a pound. This doesn't usually multiply straight up, though. A 3-pound lobster would probably not be $75 - even for a high-class restaurant, that's ludicrous. A safer estimate would be something like $60. We'll average it all out and say those 3-pound lobster dinners were about $70, just to be safe. Shrimp cocktails are and have been pedestrian for half a century. I can't imagine them selling for more than $15 each, even at a fancy restaurant. The Cristal is probably the priciest item, probably going for about $200 or even $250. Restaurant pricing might bump that up even higher; I'll pencil it at $350. The Lyonnaise potatoes are laughable to even mention. Butter, potatoes, and onions. Even as an additional side dish, there's no way they ran more than $15 by themselves. Finally, Johnny mentions getting a lobster roll for Ginny. Lobster rolls run for between $20 to $40 on average; considering this is Ginny we're talking about, it was probably pretty damn big. I'm going to go with the price for one being closer to $40. Add to that the 2 types of wine we see on the table (probably another $60 each due to the ridiculous markup restaurants charge), and then we multiply by the 7 people eating. I'll assume that there was a roughly 50/50 split between steak and lobster dinners, and Chris probably got something cheaper just to try and save a bit of money. So, $150 total for steak dinners, $250 for lobster dinners (including Ginny's lobster roll), $105 for the shrimp cocktails, $15 for Paulie's potatoes, and $470 for drinks. Add it all up, and we get $990. Since I never eat at fancy restaurants, I'll add another 30% on top of all that, just as a 'buffer' in order to be safe. So, that brings us to a final total of $1287. That's more than Chris spent, so I guess I was wrong...? But wait! Don't forget: this is all using modern prices! That means that we need to lop about a third off the price due to inflation (1730 - 1184 = 546; 1730/546 = 3.17). So, 1287 is reduced by about 31%, which leaves us with a final bill of... $881.60! That leaves $300 for appetizers, soups, salads, additional drinks, and more Lyonnaise potatoes! And if you deduct the potatoes altogether, you're left with $866 - strikingly close to what Paulie had had to pay the preceding night.

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People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.


If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.


If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.


The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.


Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.


The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.


People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.


What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.


People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.


Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
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"You must think me a cynic", she said, regret spreading across her features.


At this, he smiled while dropping a handful of coppers just beyond his now empty plate.


"No, no, not at all. I have met many cynics and I've come to know even more during my time in Waterdeep. Even the coarsest of cynics can be fundamentally decent. You...you consumed your conscience long ago. This false humility is as charming as a ballroom dress on a corpse. I do not know what you and your companions are planning, but I want no part of it."

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