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"Grasshopper, do you find mystery in the fire?"

"My thoughts are of a girl I saw in the marketplace. She was very pretty. She sought my friendship...and then, when she had it, she did not want it. Master...why can the female not be direct and open, as the man can?"

"Is it not better that the female act as a female?"

"She seeks only to confuse. The truth is not within her."

"Perhaps you only fail to perceive it."

"I do not know that I wish to perceive it."

"What is it that makes the heat, the coal or the flame?"

"The coal. The heat is within the coal."

"What if the coal is not touched by the flame?"

"The heat is not felt."

"Are not male and female coal and flame? If the coal does not seek to know the flame, can either fulfill its destiny?"

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"How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg

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My perception of a few of things:

I think there is a lot more to the story of why the Ancients tried to eradicate the Asurans then we have been given thus far. Niam "showed" Weir how the Ancients created them, how they grew into their present forms and then how the Ancients came to destroy them. But was Niam’s version of events the whole truth or was Niam just giving her some of the information or even manipulating the story to gain her sympathy? Niam tells Weir that the Asurans were betrayed by the Ancients. He tells Weir, “they (Ancients) realized we (Asurans) would never become the weapon they hoped to create so they decided to end it.” What did he mean by weapon they hoped to create? Did the Ancients try to destroy the Asurans simply for that or did the Ancients realize they had created such a terrible, horrible weapon – one that was a threat to Ancients, humans and even the universe that the Ancients had to act. Did the Ancients act in cold blood to wipe out the Asurans or was there a reason why they needed to? I don’t think we really know just from this episode. Perhaps in future episodes more of this story will be revealed.

One other thing. I wonder what kind of weapon were the Asurans to supposed to have been against the Wraith? A weapon that carries guns to kill Wraith or more like a virus that would kill them from within? Now that sounds disturbingly familiar. Is history repeating itself? Is Oberoth to the Ancients what Michael is to the Atlantis Team.

Oberoth seemed very cold, ruthless and unyielding. He had little interest in negotiating with Weir and he had little regard for the lives of Weir and his team. He told Niam after they had obtained the info they needed from the Atlantis Team’s minds, "they are no longer any use to us, killing them seems to be the most prudent course." Niam was the one that asked for their lives to be spared. It also seemed to me that Oberoth held little regard for Niam’s desire for ascension. Throughout the episode I wondered what Niam's real motivation was. After all, Oberoth had such disdain and hatred for the Ancients I do not believe that Niam would ever have been able to convince him to see his point of view and not destroy Atlantis and it inhabitants – and I wonder if Niam knew this too. (After all once he is reprogrammed he admitted to Weir he could not promise he could change Oberoth’s mind). Niam wanted to be reprogrammed so he could try to reach Ascension – that is all he needed the Atlantis team for. Once he got this from the Atlantis team I had to wonder how much he would try to help them as he already admitted that his existence was at risk for what he was doing. The success of this plan totally relied on Niam doing what he said he would.

It is because of all this that I never thought it was a good plan and it had a slim chance at being successful, but it was the only one they had initially. My perception of the plan was;
1. McKay would develop a program to erase or rewrite their aggression directive
2. After the new program was downloaded into Niam he would share that new program with the other Asurans when there was a subspace “update”
3. Neither McKay or Niam could not perform the update, they had to wait for it to occur.
4. While they were waiting for the update to occur Niam would have had to try to convince Oberoth not to destroy Atlantis. In my perception the success of the entire plan rested upon whether or not Niam would have been successful – and for reasons I cited above I really don’t think he would have been.
5. There was very little time. They were approaching Atlantis and coming out of hyperspace.
6. When Mckay came up with a way to freeze the Ausrans it presented the Team with an alternative for escaping and saving Atlantis – to set the zpm’s to overload and destroy the city and escape in the puddlejumper.

This was a harsh plan and a betrayal to some degree of Niam but it was a plan with an outcome that they had control over and therefore could be much more certain of it being successful. (Success defined as the survival of Atlantis). If they had just escaped without destroying the city the Asurans would have destroyed Atlantis before everyone there could escape thru the gate. Was there another way they could have done things - maybe, but was there enough time? The ship had already dropped out of hyperspace and I don’t think Oberoth would have waited to destroy Atlantis.

While I did not like the fact that they had to destroy the city and kill the Asurans, the alternative, to have Atlantis and all its inhabitants destroyed, was not a good alternative either. And there is the question if Earth would have been at risk too. Over the years SG-1 and SGA have had to blow up a lot of enemy ships to survive. Hopefully, it is never an easy thing to do.

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On 3/30/2023 at 9:01 PM, Ragitsu said:

"Error communis facit jus": "A common error makes law".


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Fighter's Challenge

RTKO The Borderlands


Hardware was a great flick. 


- - - 


The Cape Sanctions - A Metahumans Rising Adventure
What starts with taking down a madman spirals into a cacophony of media spin and a plot from an extremist group to villainize all Metahumans.
Remember, the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle is still going. If you haven't already, it's 505 games for 5 USD, and includes a trio of adventures for Metahumans Rising.
Catch our actual play of Tools of the South from the bundle here:
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising 
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58 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:


Would you consider it proof that, when it comes to creative endeavors, heart is a good (great, even?) substitute for budget?


--- --- ---




It also helps to get the rights from 2000 AD before making a movie using one of their stories, but that's neither here nor there. While not directly connected, you can consider Dredd a sequel to Hardware. 


- - -



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