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Re: Ctrl+V


June 22nd, 2:14 A.M.


Raymond finds himself stirring on the made bed of a cheap motel room, groggy-headed and sore all over. The blinds are drawn over the windows, yet in spite of them a sickly yellow light pervades the edges with a soft glowing hue. The door to the room is latched securely shut, and at the rear, the bathroom door is ever so slightly ajar, light peeking out from the crack. Rising to ready himself for the day, and rather suddenly noting the strange circumstance of his surroundings, Raymond makes his way to the window, prepared to part the blinds--but as his hand nears, the flat surface bleeds in swift sudden arcs, spelling out in jagged lettering 'Look not into the abyss'. Curious, but frustrated, he finds himself unable to open the blinds.


There is a faint, quiet scrabbling sound inside the bathroom that sends a chill up Raymond's spine and turns his stomach within his gut. Something's wrong, he remembers now--he put something terrible in the bathroom. But the door should have remained shut, locked, secure. Must not chance nearing the door--better to get out. Fumbling to unlatch the door, Raymond hauls it open, only to discover that the entire doorway has been bricked over solidly. From behind, he hears the squeal of the hinges on the bathroom door, and turns to see a small malformed shadow on the floor. With a soft squeaky grunt of exertion, a human baby's head peeks around the corner, blinking at Raymond. Then, its body, a long crimson-stained spinal column framed by nearly a hundred spindly legs follows, and the creature hurriedly and eagerly begins to scuttle towards Raymond, lips parting to reveal a maw of needle-point fangs.


Raymond employs his standard nightmare procedure--pinching himself as hard as he possibly can. Only this time...this time he begins to bleed. It can't be a dream. Yet it must! Just as the thing rears, squealing an ungodly wail at the man, he wakes in a cold fevered sweat amongst the darkness and his companions. Somewhere, in the blackness, he can hear that scuttling again--but then it's gone. Lying awake, he does not hear it again.


June 22nd, 3:44 A.M.


Brandon finds himself standing at the doorway to a small gray room, the scent of blood heavy on the air. The door, jammed open nearby, is a teal color stained black in many splotches--with a small sign that says 'Employees Only' upon it. In the distance, he hears the echoing caw of a blackbird, somewhere within the vast open ceiling behind him. Somehow, he is inside of the Wal-Mart, deep within. The shelving in his wake appears as if some sort of labyrinthine catacomb, yet he has surmisedly completed it already. With a flutter, a blackbird lands to perch atop the last of the shelves closest, peering at him with its dark beady eyes.


A groan draws Brandon's attention back to the forefront. There is a broad table, stained darkly--and something moves on the floor behind it. Nearing it to get a better look, Brandon makes out someone on the floor, looking up at him. They are nude, covered in blood, with a tight rubber gag in their mouth. Caked with sweat and miserable gore, they look to him desperately with their sole remaining eye, wheezing a muffled cry. Their limbs are missing, hewn off by some instrument or another--and they have been castrated. Off to the side, another door swings open, and a tall spindly man steps heavily in wearing a heavy matte black work apron, with a large cleaver at hand. His eyes widen, and he grins broadly at Brandon.


Though Brandon makes to beat a retreat, his legs feel locked in place, and his limbs are sluggish and lethargic, slow to respond. The man steps over briskly, and with practiced ease, brings the cleaver down into Brandon's right shoulder, severing numerous veins and arteries, and a solid half of the meaty tissue there. Pain floods his body, and another heavy chop leaves the limb dangling by a few strained trails of sinew. A third, and it slops to the floor wetly.


Brandon awakens, slick with sweat, in the wee hours of the morn--limbs still intact.


June 22nd, 7:30 A.M.


Watch alarms beep, and watch is fulfilled. The sun is rising, gracing the scenery around you with morning's golden glow. A breeze blows, rather suddenly, and it is an immense relief to those in its path--however, most within the building are untouched by the cooling caress. Throughout the night, each person on watch could have sworn they heard distant shuffling and grunting, but none were able to locate anyone or anything in the darkness even by aide of flashlight, and whatever it may have been did not seem to approach any nearer to the party.


As the day begins to roll fully, it seems to be yet another hot one, and is already a full 89 degrees even this early. It's going to be a long day.



Raymond has suffered a nightmare, and has failed the roll quite badly. Raymond does not regain fatigue from his rest, and in fact loses an additional fatigue. He will also be dead tired the following day's remainder, until he gets proper rest--and is -1 to all his rolls and his perception checks.


Brandon has suffered a nightmare, but still did alright on his roll. He will regain only 3 fatigue for the night, but suffer no penalties on the following day.


The group is down a day of group-wide water and food rations, and has used up the batteries in one of the flashlights for the night's watch. The rest of the group regains 5 fatigue. Everyone gains a character point.


Edit: I'll not muck with the fatigue rules. You're all fully rested, barring Raymond, who is -1 fatigue for the day and -1 to all rolls + perception

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Re: Ctrl+V


Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum 6 (-1/4) plus Range Based On STR (+1/4) for up to 10 Active Points of HKA; 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Lockout (can't use HKA until Charge is recovered; -1/2)

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Re: Ctrl+V



Adventure Log


The Cast

Billy Jo Earl Brown -- construction worker from the state of Georgia.

Calvin Murdoch -- frustrated artist.

Cyan Chartreuse -- ex-Army medic, now an EMT.

Donovan Knight -- ex-Air Force, now an airline pilot.

Edward Aldrich -- ex-Army, now a computer tech.

Marcus Dreamseed Anderson -- 17 year-old whiz kid and technical prodigy.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Name: Mark Sullivan


Description: Mark Sullivan is a Caucasian male of average height, athletic build, with black hair and brown eyes. Mark speaks English with an American accent, as well as European Spanish, and accented German. He is a man of action, ready to move or lead at a moment's notice, rarely acting on impulse but always acting soon.


Mark's main drive in life is his profession: safeguarding the mental and physical well-being of others. He often doesn't have the tools to perform his duties as well or as often as he'd like, and tries to make up for it with an air of cautious optimism that he's held so long it's become a permanent fixture in his personality.


History: Mark Sullivan was born to Catherine and Andrew Sullivan in Bethesda Naval Hospital, and lived what little he can remember of his childhood in Baltimore, Maryland before moving to RAF Lakenheath, near Lakenheath, England, where his father served as a USAF Military Policeman and his mother worked in the base clinic. After the initial Portal Storms destroyed the base and many rural areas, most of the bases operations were moved to London-Heathrow Airport, including the clinic. At the start of the Seven Hour War, when a Citadel appeared in the middle of London and the military routed, the Sullivan's escaped with a majority of the population through the Chunnel and into France.


Eventually many of the refugees settled down into massive refugee camps, including the Sullivan's. Catherine Sullivan ran a medical tent as a makeshift hospital ward where Mark usually assisted and by age fourteen, he elected to become his mother's apprentice, learning the trade on the job, making housecalls, reading scavenged medical textbooks and swearing the Hippocratic Oath in front of God and his mother. In time, the refugee camp had gotten too large to ignore by the Combine and was shelled with headcrabs one night. During that night he performed his first surgery and failed, unable to remove a headcrab from his friends head. A few days later, his mother died from complications of an infection from the claws of a zombie. Father and son buried her with her stethoscope and went on to walk across Europe with no destination stated, so long as it was far from there.


During that trip, Mark finally got the chance to learn from his old man about things like wilderness survival, proper firearm usage, and how to fight. As much as his old man tried, it was beyond him to teach his son how to pitch. In that time they passed through many small towns and villages, trading various services for a room for the night or maybe a week, but never too long before heading out again. All this lasted until they reached what was once Berlin. With the surrounding area devoid of game or many edible plants, both entered the city and were processed by Sector 8 Overwatch. Mark was let go and enlisted for mine work while his father was sent to Nova Prospect.


Sometime before the start of the game, Mark was sent to City 17 where... stuff happened.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Lost Boys And Golden Girls 2: Into The Big City


by Certified on Sep.26, 2010, under Campaign: Lost Boys And Golden Girls

The van sits in a circle with other similar homes. Although, not all of them built from dead vehicles. There was a central flame pit for cooking and warmth. As Sera and Rebekka prepared their dinner a trail of smoke can be seen moving up through the tent city coming from out in the Wastes. Shortly after the smoke trail stops moving there is an explosion. Being a medic by trade Sera is quick to start making her way toward the smoke.

They are joined by others living in the tent city. By the time they arrive there is a small mob standing behind the B96 guardrails. On the other side was a crashed sedan, it was obvious even from a distance that the vehicle belong to a scavenger. Gear packed away along with a backseat of strange bobbles and a netting over the hood to hold down the rest. Three men stood by the body of a fourth. Clearing the concrete barricade Sera made her way to them. Laying on the ground

Half the man’s body was burned badly. Stranger though was the side not exposed to the blast when the engine blew. Fungus seemed to creep out from the fingers along his arm up across his chest and head. Looking at him it was clear this was not gangrene but something fungal, almost moss like. Showing her medical kit the men who had pulled the body from the wreckage backed away. Despite appearances Sera checked for a pulse but the man was long dead.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I've watched only the first two seasons on DVD. Then, I noticed that the SyFy channel was showing SG-1 in the evenings, so I turned on last night, and it was an episode called "Bad Guys," apparently from much further into the series. Wow, talk about culture shock! O'Neill wasn't there, I didn't see Sam, there's some new British woman, Daniel went from shaggy-haired geek to muscular action guy, Teal'c has hair, Hammond isn't there.... is this really the same show? I enjoyed it, but it felt more like a spin-off than SG-1.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I've watched only the first two seasons on DVD. Then' date=' I noticed that the SyFy channel was showing SG-1 in the evenings, so I turned on last night, and it was an episode called "Bad Guys," apparently from much further into the series. Wow, talk about culture shock! O'Neill wasn't there, I didn't see Sam, there's some new British woman, Daniel went from shaggy-haired geek to muscular action guy, Teal'c has hair, Hammond isn't there.... is this really the same show? I enjoyed it, but it felt more like a spin-off than SG-1.[/quote']

Same show, but it started being flat after O'niell got promoted out of the team. The dynamic changed and wasn't as interesting.

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