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It was in the lounge of the Areocircus Maximus where I met that strangely disturbed writer Gabriel Howes. His eyes always looked over one's shoulder, or out the window, as though those strange worlds he wrote of were not merely in his imagination, but in fact existent, visible only to him, and far more interesting than our pale sphere and whatever stimulation conversation may supply.

It was no great surprise that I should encounter him at the Captain's table, alone between mealtimes, scratching away at his notebook, his back to the great, curved, forward window and the towering landscape of cloud and distant sea.

I was allowed to the Captain's table only through means far too tedious to repeat here; rest assured, I only discovered the esteemed author was aboard three days into out trip, shortly before we passed over Hawaii, simply because I happened to find my way to the lounge instead of the swimming pool as I intended (said facility I must state was in fact a mere lap-pool hardly large enough for two men to swim abreast; the so-called “endless” length was merely an effect of clever currents. The glass bottom, however, was as advertised).

When approached, Mr. Howes was, at first, distractedly polite. His recognizable appearance (dare I say instead his so-called “notable nose,” though exaggerated in the public press, was, when silhouetted against the open sky, some assistance in recognizance) meant that I needed not ask his name, and once the conversation turned from the comfort of our flight to his latest published works, he soon forgot my imposition upon his creative process. Indeed, for the devoted reader of Howesian novels, I have acquired a behind-the-scenes look at an upcoming work.

“What if,” began the author, starting with his trademark hypothetical, “what if the Graf Zeppelin had, god forbid, fell victim to some catastrophe of the sort that all such primitive Zeppelins were prone to?”

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Some interesting details about Wesley Snipes:

1. Father retired from United States Air Force Reserve's 315AW Charleston Air Force Base April 1998 with the rank of MSGT.

2. Connected to the Georgia-based black nationalist cult, the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, an apocalyptic organization that preaches a ripped-from-the-X Files mélange of UFO lore, Egyptian mythology, Afrocentrism, and conspiracy theory.

3. 5th degree black belt in Shotokan karate and expert in few forms of Kung Fu.

4. Attended LaGuardia's High School of Performing Arts and S.U.N.Y. Purchase College.

5. Converted to Islam in 1985. Broke with it years later and described the experience as "a temporary lifeline that had served its purpose".

6. According to a Nuwaubian spokesperson, in May 2000, he purchased a 257 acres land adjacent to the Nuwaubian compound for use as a military training camp for the "Royal Guard of Amen-Ra.". Words of Putnam County sheriff Howard Sills about the subject: "The last thing I needed was a damn school for mercenaries right next to the Nuwaubians."

7. Highly educated and literate in the Sun Tzu's war manual "The Art of War".

8. Refers to himself as "a young prince from a long line of royalty." (ILLUMINATI bloodline???)

9. Owned an apartment nearby the World Trade Center and happened to be delayed at the gym, when the towers where hit on 9-11.

10. According to his godmother, Sylvia Jordan, he was the whistleblower of a financial ponzi scheme back in 2007, but the Florida Grand Jury kept ignoring his collaboration with NYC District Attorney?s and IRS agents.

Snipes is not being held in jail for mere tax evasion. He's obviously being regarded as homeland security threat, due his involvement with Nuwaubian cult-militia, which also supports a national movement for fighting the US IR system.
He's not a crook, nor even an ordinary guy with average IQ. It seems that, below the media radar, he's being treated as a domestic terrorist of luxury.

Not mention his odd and strong friendship with Woody Harrelson, whose father Charles Harrelson was a CIA MK-Ultra asset, hired killer and one of the backup gunmen "three tramps" in the murder's scene of JFK.

Maybe there's more about Snipes. I couldn't find any record about his father in the USAF. One thing is for sure: He's not in the slammer, ONLY for tax evasion

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By 'insane', I took you a bit literally.


--- --- ---




ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 10 HT: 10


Duplicates 7pt (No Sympathetic Injury +20%, Costs Fatigue 2 -10%, Emergencies Only -30%, Limited Use (1/day) -40%, Unconscious Only -10%, Uncontrollable -10%) x 50 [350] Danger Sense [15] Detect (Rare: Self Duplicates) [5] Acute Hearing +1 [2] Acute Vision +1 [2] Penetrating Voice [1]


Delusion (Severe) - I am the original and all other dupes are jealous of me and want me dead. [-15] Combat Paralysis [-15] Obsession (Kill all the dupes) [-10] Low Pain Threshold [-10] Nightmares (resist 6 or less) [-10] Paranoia [-10] Phantom Voices (Diabolical) [-15] Post-Combat Shakes [-5] Short Attention Span [-10] Supersensitive [-15] Unluckiness [-10]


Dave has a problem. Specifically, whenever he gets stressed out, another him appears. That other him wants to kill him. And he wants to kill it. Unfortunately, Dave is horribly incompetent at everything, and has no real ability to murder his dupe, so after a little bit of random flailing around, Dave and the new Dave tend to run away from each other to make plans. Unfortunately, Dave always knows where the other Dave is... or are. Because every time they freak out, they each end up with a new Dave. A new Dave that they want to kill and that wants to kill them. This has caused a bit of a problem over the years; at last count there were around 238,000 Daves in the US, all claiming to be the original and all trying - with no success - to murder all the others. The fact that most of them are naked isn't helping things, either. Lots of Daves spend a lot of time in jail, which usually upsets Dave and leads to more Daves.

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