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A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


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Talking with my players, I have to consider to build a secondary NPC that will help them when my brick player is absent.

AS they keep teasing me on my blonde girly attitude sometimes (aahh players ^^), I thought to do something funny. But they know me too mell and I'd like to surprise them.


So I'll post a picture I think most of you gentlement will found interesting, and I would appreciate that you would build and propose me sevearl buildings of this character.


Points to remember are :


- She's a brick with an attitude and a very revealing costume 'Neh gentlemen ? ^^)

- She's the archetype of the pure megababe you machists mind can think of

- She can be slightly bimboish and/or lecherous but only in certain comic situation. After all it's Champions not Hentai RPG :P

- she's to be a seductive tease to annoy gently my machist players (GM revenge is always to fear yeah :P )

- She's at 450 points creation max


So please, surprise me with different buildings :)[ATTACH=CONFIG]37238[/ATTACH]

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


5th or 6th edition?


For fun, you could go with a set of identically powered twins -- one a seductive tease, and one not at all interested -- and whichever one is available on a given day is the one that shows up. So one day, "Thumper" might be flirting with Joe Hero, and the next day she responds to Joe's flirtations with, "Oh, get over yourself! We have a job to do here!" They don't tell anybody because that helps them maintain a secret identity (well, that and the glasses and plain-Jane wardrobe).

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

25+15 STR 15 14- / 17- Lift 800.0kg/6400.0kg; 5d6/8d6

13 DEX 6 12- OCV: 7/DCV: 5

18 CON 8 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 3 - 4

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

7 OCV 20

5 DCV 10

3 OMCV 0

4 DMCV 3

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

25 PD 23 Total: 25 PD (25 rPD)

20 ED 18 Total: 20 ED (20 rED)

15 REC 11

40 END 4

13 BODY 3

40 STUN 10

Total Characteristic Cost: 174


Movement: Running: 13m/26m Leaping: 5m/10m Swimming: 5m/10m


Cost Powers END


12 She's a BRICK: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (12 Active Points) applied to STR


19 Built like an Amazon: Impenetrable (+¼), Resistant (+½) (19 Active Points) applied to PD

15 Built like an Amazon: Impenetrable (+¼), Resistant (+½) (15 Active Points) applied to ED


10 She's mighty, mighty: +15 STR (15 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -½) 2


5 Ain't holding nothing back: +15 STR (15 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Costs Endurance (-½), 3 Recoverable (Must be at full END) Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-¼) 3


31 The lady's stacked: Growth (+15 STR, +5 CON, +5 PRE, +3 PD, +3 ED, +3 BODY, +6 STUN, +1m Reach, +12m Running, -6m KB, 101-800 kg, +2 to OCV to hit, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive character, 2-4m tall, 1-2m wide), Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+¼) (31 Active Points) 2


35 Sure enough knock a man to his knees: Double Knockback (+½) for up to 70 Active Points of STR (35 Active Points) 3


12 Letting it all hang out: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute; Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) 0


102 She know she's got everything a woman needs to get a man: Variable Power Pool: Brick Tricks, 60 base + 105 control cost, (113 Active Points); Limited Power Only "Brick Trick" Powers based on physical strength and toughness (-¼) 0 1)

Shake it down, shake it down now: Attack Versus Alternate Defense (non-rigid structure; All Or Nothing; She grabs a vehicle, bulding, or other large object, and shakes it to peices.; +½), Autofire (2 shots; +¼), Non-Standard Attack Power (+1) for up to 60 Active Points of STR (105 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (½ DCV; -½) Real Cost: 52 10



3 How can she use the things she use: Power: Brick Tricks 12-

3 Knows how to please: Charm 14-

2 The clothes she wears, her sexy ways: Persuasion 14- (3 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Common Circumstances (Only vs those likely to find her attractive (which includes most men); -½)

2 What a winning hand: Gambling (Card Games) 12-



1 1) TF: Small Rowed Boats

2 2) Survival (Marine, Marine Surface) 12-


3 Jack of All Trades

2 1) PS: Bimbo (3 Active Points) 14-

2 2) PS: Dancer (3 Active Points) 12-

1 3) PS: Sailor (2 Active Points) 11-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 262 Total Cost: 436


450+ Matching Complications 360 Base Points

10 Letting it all hang out. Psychological Complication: Refuses to augment her already formiddable physique with any sort of armor or protective clothing; reluctant even to take advantage of available cover on a battlefield (Common; Moderate)

10 She's the one, the only one. Distinctive Features: She's letting it all hang out (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 "We're together, everybody knows." Hunted: Assorted admirers, including a number of high ranking (naval officers or former officers) Infrequently (Less Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Mildly Punish (Annoyance: Claims to be romantically involved))

10 Social Complication (harmful secret): See Background Infrequently, Major

15 Psychological Complication: Likes to flirt, but not follow through (Very Common; Moderate)

10 Social Complication: Bad Conduct Discharge from US Navy Infrequently, Major

10 Social Complication: Harmful Secret: See Campaign Use Infrequently, Major

10 Negative Reputation: Bimbo, Frequently

10 Accidental Change: To giant size: Whenever it's amusing 11- (Uncommon)

Total Complications Points: 450


Background/History: The woman known as Brick House (legal name: Bea Ricki House) was the product of interservice rivalry; the Navy's attempt to create a super sailor program to compete with the Army's super soldiers. The full details of why the program was shut down and Brick House discharged from the Navy are not officially acknowledged, but it's rumored that she was both intimate and indiscreet with the male officers involved with the program. The whole world has heard of Brick House and the Commodores.


Personality/Motivation: She's a brick with an attitude. She can be slightly bimboish and/or lecherous but only in certain comic situation. After all it's Champions not Hentai RPG. She's to be a seductive tease to annoy gently.


Quote: Here's how the story goes...

(While Growing) Size does matter sometimes, boys....and I can't seem to find a man big enough to suit me.

Aww, don't you want to play rough with the big girls?


Powers/Tactics: For the most part, Brick House has the classic set of "Giant Brick" powers - strong, tough, and able to change size. A Brick Tricks Power Pool enables creative uses for these abilities.


Campaign Use: Brick House has a secret. There are several choices as to the nature of that secret. Ideally, the secret should come out slowly, or perhaps not at all unless the player characters take actions that may lead to its revelation. But it can remain something to keep in mind when playing the character, to keep sight of her motivations.

1. She is a virgin. She got caught up in a romantic triangle involving a couple of rear admirals that showed even worse judgment than she did in encouraging both of them, until their rivalry spun out of control and got them all courtmartialed. Stuck with the reputation of an irresponsible bimbo she's played up to it ever since, but is terrified of letting any man get emotionally close or physically intimate, lest her actual inexperience be revealed. She revels in being desired, but feels unable to gratify that desire.

2. She was originally very unattractive....and still is part of the time. The form people think of as her "normal" form is actually a lesser version of her giant size form, and it takes an effort of will to assume it. She does not change if knocked out but will slowly revert to her pre-superheroic self if she is asleep or unconscious for more than a couple of hours, retaining her brick level defenses but only having STR 8 and looking smaller and less interesting. There is no way to keep her, if awake, from regaining her full STR and Powers and appearance as a zero phase action. She feels a kind of contempt for the men who admire her now, because she thinks they would have no interest in what she still thinks of as her "real" self.

3. She's into girls. But she is NOT interested in feeding any man's fantasy about the subject, so if she has any lovers at all she is very discreet about it. The bimbo act is partly to conceal her real orientation.

4. She used to be a he. The real reason the program was disbanded was because of unpredictable side effects like that. He had never been successful with women and always envied the power attractive women seemed to have in their relationships. Much of her behavior is as it is because she is acting out a very young man's fantasies - both embodying his fantasy woman and fulfilling his fantasies of being a superhero. she's not about to get serious with a man because she's not comfortable with that idea at all...but anyone who gets into her bedroom will notice the abundance of mirrors, especially on the ceiling...

5. She assumes giant size if significantly aroused. She's not kidding about how hard it is to find a man big enough to satisfy her. Anyone who gets into her bedroom will notice the size of the bed.

6. Some combination of the above...


Appearance: The clothes she wears, the sexy ways, make an old man wish for younger days


Song "Brick House" by The Commodores (Lyrics actually by Shirley Hanna-King, wife of one of the band members.) Hero System 6th Edition by Defenders of Justice, DBA Hero Games. Brick House character sheet by


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


oh my god !

I laughed so hard my jaws are sore !

And really I applaud !

Woot !

excellent first version ! :)




Well well. Now I can say I made a French woman's jaws sore from clear across the Atlantic.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary retorts that Lucius is really just a pain in the necks

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


By the way' date=' interesting to see the point to create a character with music theme ;)[/quote']



Here's pages and pages of them. Many of them mine, many of them by Susano who I acknowledge as my master in the art.




And you can thank Enforcer who got me started with song based characters long ago when he started a thread titled "Make me a fighter!"


I said "I made Christina Aguilara a fighter and she can't stop thanking me!"


He challenged me to "show my work" so I had to make the character...so, Enforcer, if I never said it before


Thanks for making me make a fighter!


About this character: I made a few mistakes that some of the more astute have probably noticed, so I'm going to rework it. But I must have done something right, it's been reputized four times literally overnight.


Lucius Alexander


House of the Palindromedary

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


Woot ! I will have to put this link in my favorite when I'm going back to home !

And yes, been not very technical yet with the system, and with players that are lazy with character building, I can now see more accuracy and smart buildings than I did.

Thanks for that, and so why the reputation ^^


Still hoping other experts of the HERO system will put here their vision of the character :)

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick




Here's the updated version.


And here are some notes.


I put a couple of character-defining powers in the VPP. These are both Naked Advantages on STR, which Hero Designer discourages me from putting in a Framework. If they bother you there, buy them seperately and make the Brick Trick Pool smaller.


I added an Accurate Leap because Opale requested it and the character seemed lacking in movement.


I also Limited the Running so that it's constant, rather than changing as size changes.


I gave this version a few points for a special Base.


I tend to overcomplicate characters. Most of you will have no problem, but for anyone new to the system who's puzzled at the several distinct purchases of STR:


Brick House may use up to 25 STR for no END cost whatsoever. I even decided to add a Naked Advantage to Running to make it 0 END too. Brick House can rock and roll all night without getting tired. She's a BRICK -


But that's not all, because she's mighty mighty; At 2 END per phase, Brick House may use up to STR 40. Still a bargain, and as I look the character over one last time I think I overspent on END and REC.


If she ain't holding nothin' back, then for 5 total END, Brick House may use up to 55 STR, but only for up to 3 full Turns before having to rest (or at least, dial back the STR until she can rest.)


Finally, if she uses Growth, the lady's stacked another 15 STR on top of any of the above totals.


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


But can we make Beyonce Knowles a Survivor?


I can't imagine doing that as anything but some version of Beyonce Gnoll, making her a daughter of Vitus.


Lines like "You thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger" paired with Powers like +5 STR, only when Vitus isn't around.


As such, I would have to give Drhoz the chance to create the character, not me. Or maybe collaberate if he is interested.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks it could be done as a version of 3

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


Lucius, but it seems the system ate the attachment (or is that the palindromedary ? ), it says I can't open it.

Eager to see what it looks like tough :)


Let's see what I can make the palindromedary cough up...




You can probably buy END and REC down, and if you want to munchkinize, drop the 8 pts or so I put into professional skills and invest in a Bimbo martial art

Grab : Gimme a hug!

Escape : Hey, what kinda girl do you think I am?

Throw : Got you where I want you!


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


Let's see what I can make the palindromedary cough up...




You can probably buy END and REC down, and if you want to munchkinize, drop the 8 pts or so I put into professional skills and invest in a Bimbo martial art

Grab : Gimme a hug!

Escape : Hey, what kinda girl do you think I am?

Throw : Got you where I want you!


Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises


Instead of throw, I would use Slap: How dare you!

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


Instead of throw' date=' I would use Slap: How dare you![/quote']


No reason you can't have both.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wants to go look up the word "bimbo." what's it mean, besides a bakery?

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


mmmhhh interesting pictur... i mean... interesting idea :P


so far, for stats and build, i'm too sleepy now to help you; btw Lucius already posted a lot of interesting builds so... :)


for ideas:

1) twinergy is one of my oldest characthers; she's... well... she's ONE twin.

Mary and Elisabeth are two different sisters, and they can merge in one single person (Mary Elisabeth, of course)... or viceversa Mary Elisabeth is one nice girl who can split in two different girls, whatever you (and they) like


the fact is, they both have little personality differences, so Mary is different from Elisabeth and both are different from Mary Elisabeth.

You can play Mary and Elisabeth with very different, antithetical pesonality, and Mary Elisabeth being the average.

Mary could be cold and also a bit lecherous and dominatrix, and always what to be the one who lead and the one who choose who, when and how; while Elisabeth could be classic timid and "schoolgirl romantic" and blush easily if someone/specific-guy is looking at her. M.E. is romantic but realist.

You can play Mary fall in love with one teamate, and Elisabeth with a different one, and Mary Elisabeth maybe flirt with both, but really don't love anyone.


the problem is, they cannot understand if this one is Mary playing "little innocent schoolgir" just to tease and mock her occasional prey, is Elisabeth too timid to reply, or is Mary Elisabeth and their sentiments are real!


as for powers, aside from duplication (to play the "i'm one" "i'm two" trick) there is a full body mass control from desolidification to density increase


2) another of my oldest characthers idea, this time for a fantasy, was an evil wizard who was ambushed by good guys, using a really attractive girls to lure him, then disintegrating him just few seconds after he switched his mind with the girl; he was trapped inside this girl body and slaughtered all party members... but killing (in a way very evilish, and bloody, and painful, etc etc) paladin and priest he was cursed by the gods. And now he need to atone doing good


he's a man inside a really gorgeous woman; so (s)he act like a bitch, like every man playing a female role in RPG/CRPG/etc. and he also like to mock other guys, wearing sexy/leather outfit etc. BUT he really don't whant to go "too far" with guys 'cause he's a male

on the other side, he's sexually oriented versus the girls but he just can't easily seduce a girl who always think (s)he's a pervert male playing female role

to keep things funny

a) those things above are what (s)he saying; but living like a girl hes mind too is changing in a girl mind so he start falling in love with a male teamate, maybe the one who mostly refuse his "attentions"

B) as part of the curse, he can't directly tell his past. So he cannot explain he's a man. Or maybe it's not the curse but a matter of pride

c) remember: he was a really evil lord of evilness, and now he HAS to be a good guy/girl. So he could, for instance, throw a villain outside the window... just to be forced to jump outside and go save'em, or set afire a building in a burst of rage and then risk his life to save everyone


original idea was a wizard for a fantasy, so lot of spell and very fragile; but you can play this with wathever you like


3) this time a new characther idea: Girl 2.0

she's an experimental AI, a robotic/android/cyborg girl created in a lab to be a step forward normal humanity, but something gone wrong and now she's free etc.


she's obviously better than normal human: higher STR, bulletproof skin (or a tight grafted like a second skin, or also a Mjolnir armor...), maybe self regenerate. and of course a big array of concealed weapon


her original programs was written by male scientist, also a bit pervert, so she's acting like a lecherous half-bitch. BUT she's developing a full individual personality, so sometime she act like original programs, ie lecherous and bitchy, but her sentiments are real. PLUS she really never kissed a guy and could blush if someone says something nice. where "blush" could be anything funny tied to her powers, like uncontrolled heat increase, misfire (or uncontrolled fire) of concealed weapon (like eye lasers or firing breath), start flying, or like


4) 5th edition "Conquerors, Killers and Crooks" show a girl you can found interesting; her name is Cateran, she's a naive brick with regeneration, high STR and like.

she's not really "fun" save for the naive trait and being very unreliable, but you could found something useful


i hope you could found those ideas of mine useful for your group :)

good luck and let us know! :)

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Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick


sorry for double posting, i forgot one :)

1) twinergy

2) an evil wizard [...] trapped inside this girl body [...] cursed by the gods

3) Girl 2.0

there is another idea i used for a cyberpunk adventure:

she was called Marika and was very fun to be played and for players too


Marika was a robot, an android, programmed to be the perfect secretary. Yeah, she was a commercial product and a normal, useless, feminine tool. until someone put vital information inside her brain, coded, and sent her to a "friend" with a bag full of money and a message "please protect her".

so, while team was trying to protect her, retrieve information, and also being shoot by someone who was willing he dead, she was still following parts of her programs...

like presenting herself with a cheerish "Hello i'm Marika, and i'm here to serve. What can i do for you?" first time she meet someone (including the PC one time a day... or enemies who shoot the pc). Or crossing a room where everyone was shooting with SMG just to answering the phone because "hei, it's ringing". Or "mute" herself while someone ordered to "shut up!" and continue talking using morse/binary code with eyelips, or tapping her finger on the desk, or like...


ok maybe not suitable for your goal but this topic reminded me of Marika and she was really really fun to play :)

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