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Finish the team


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So as the create a team threads have faded off the front page, lets try something similar. This time you make 3-4 members of a superteam, and someone else fills out the rest by putting in 1-2 members. we begin with


The Persians


The Shiek- Friendly, intelegent, charming, and modern the man who would become the Sheik was a wealty leader of men with no criminal tendenies. Then he became lost in the desert. After being found he kept talking about how he was chosen to restore the Persian empire. He then used his wealth to epuip himself with high tech weapons modeled on the Persian age, formed the Persians , and came to America.


The Grand Vizer- An elderly scientist who provides the Persians high tech gadgets. He feels that he should be in charge and would happily shoot the Shiek inn the back, except none of the others would follow him.


Fatima- Beautiful, orphaned, and poor is never a good combination when growing up on the streets. Fortunatly she learned how to turn her dance moves into a martial art. Now with viels made of a special cloth she can use to ensnare opponents she is even more dangerouus as the Persians thief.


Dervish-A happy go lucky young man whoes always quick with a joke, and a smile. He prefers using the incredible speeds he reaches when spinning to play practical jokes on heros rather than hurt them. But he's not going to let his friends get hurt.


So who is the other/other 2 members?

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Re: Finish the team


Ifrit - Has efreet (spelling?) ancestry which has made him a potent mutant - your basic brick with some fire powers and teleportation, but has the efreeti's weaknesses as well (silver? I don't honestly know.) Formerly an Iranian student, he fled to america when he came under persecution for his latent powers. The powers granted by his supernatural ancestry also cause him to be easily enraged and very vengeful; he constantly struggles to contain himself, wants to be a 'good guy' but has trouble not behaving like an efreeti would.


Zaros - A Zoroastrian mystic who was tricked - while fighting an oppressive ruler and his minions - and flung into the future; probably born around the height of Persian civilization. Think persian themed version of Dr. Strange, at the appropriate power level for your campaign, and a bit upset over what happened to Persia after he got flung into the now. Has probably been around since the late 1800's and has a broad range of knowledge skills.

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Re: Finish the team


So I am trying to devise an Alternate Marvel Universe Brotherhood of Mutants.


They are a terrorist group of Mutants bent on overthrowing human dominated society.


Leader: Mystique (shape changing super mutant spy)

Wolverine: (a purely feral savage beast killing machine that can only be controlled by Mystique.

Super Sabre: Speedster mutant hero from WWII brought back from the dead as an undead terror.


Who should my other three members be? I think I need utility, brute, and a blaster type.


LA Singletary

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Re: Finish the team


I have to wonder why they're in the US and haven't tried to take over Iran. According to what I heard, Iran is still trying to "reclaim its glory days" which is the Persian Empire despite being pretty much gone for thousands of years (yes, I know they changed names to Ottoman Empire, but the Persian Empire was at its height before Islam was founded, much less dominated the region). I think his best strategy would be to try and carve out a small kingdom out where the borders aren't clearly marked and improve it as much as possible (using weather control to bring the rains and restore the land) then expand when people immigrate.


I can think of one other team member based off the Persian Immortals. He wouldn't be an impervious tank tank, he'd just have a really high recovery that only works when at negative stun. So you can strike him down, but soon gets back up and always keeps coming. (Also give him regeneration to bring him back after death.) He wouldn't have much defensive or offensive powers except for being persistent.


Mevlevi is a mentalist who's powers focus on the pleasure and emotional centers of the brain. Powers would center around putting targets in euphoric trances and illusions. There wouldn't be actual seduction but people experiencing his powers would imagine their own unique "happy place" in their own mind until shaken out of it (sometimes painfully).

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Re: Finish the team


So I am trying to devise an Alternate Marvel Universe Brotherhood of Mutants.


They are a terrorist group of Mutants bent on overthrowing human dominated society.


Leader: Mystique (shape changing super mutant spy)

Wolverine: (a purely feral savage beast killing machine that can only be controlled by Mystique.

Super Sabre: Speedster mutant hero from WWII brought back from the dead as an undead terror.


Who should my other three members be? I think I need utility, brute, and a blaster type.


LA Singletary


I'd say: Blob, immovable minor brick.

Havok, embittered blaster always overshadowed by his heroic brother, and his lover,

Polaris, Magneto's daughter and inheritor of his magnetic powers.

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Re: Finish the team


Dr. Von Wunder

A very old man, but still sharp and quite charming when he wants to be. He was the lead scientist in the Third Reich's 'weird ideas and technological long shots' division (and trust me, that meant really weird and unlikely!) who managed to escape capture after the war, fleeing to parts unknown. He has recently resurfaced in the United States as the leader of a group of Nazi revanchists, bent on tearing down the existing world order. He is a gadgeteer.


WaffenKorpse (aka Kreigleiche)

Before his death at the hands of partisans he was SS Rottenführer Erich Haussman-Kestel, member of an SS Einsatzgruppe (death squad) active in eastern Europe, the posessor of a certain low cunning, and of no conscience at all. His remains were chosen for Dr. von Wunder's top secret Zweitenlebens (second life) project for the previously mentioned qualities, as well as his unwavering loyalty to the Reich. While the project was successful beyond expectations, succeeding in not only bringing the dead back to (semi) life, but in giving the revitalized corpse powers beyond that of the living, it proved both unrepeatable and too late to change the course of the war. WaffenKorpse accompanied Dr. von Wunder in his escape from the downfall of the Reich, and has acted as his most trusted subordinate and enforcer ever since. Powerwise, he is both tough and resilient, with the power to drain the vitality from others in melee and at range. It is rumored that, given some time, he can even temporarily call up lesser revenants to do his will.


Ilsa von Wunder

Granddaughter of Dr. von Wunder, Ilsa von Wunder grew up completely under his (and Haussmann-Kestel's) influence. Beautiful, cruel, intellegent, haughty, and fearless. The only person she truly loves and respects is her grandfather. Her status as more than a DNPC comes as a consequence of her fearlessness. Some years ago her Grandfather's secret redoubt was found and attacked by a team of paranormal vigilantes that included among their number a Frenchman calling himself Loup Garcon, a powerful, if inexperienced lycanthrope. During the ensuing combat, Ilsa, instead of hiding, took part and managed to become infected. Her powers are those of a typical (if powerful) werewolf. Speed, great resiliency, HKA, and superb senses.


The Grand Teutons

Twin brothers Brian and Todd Smith (though they will claim their surname is Schmidt) are American by birth, natural mutants, and recent additions to the team. While not irrevocably bad, they did grow up getting their heads filled with white supremacist neo-nazi BS, and were thus easy pickings for the charismatic and actually nazi Von Wunder to recruit. His pretty granddaughter sashaying about didnt hurt either. The brothers share a desire to impress the doctor, and have a romantic rivalry going over the affections of Ilsa (she enjoys leading them on and playing them off against eachother immensely, though neither will ever get anywhere with her). Their powers are identical, being that of somewhat generic growth bricks.

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Re: Finish the team


I'd like to posit a group: The Secession Squad. A group of pro-Confederacy supers wanting the South to rise again and start another Civil War. Most (but not all) of them are a bit anachronistic, harkening back to an ealier age.


Southpaw: The political brains and financier of the group, he's a mentalist able to control the left side of the brain (and therefore the right side of opponents' bodies). Looks like an old-style Southern gentleman plantation owner.


Stonewall: The tactical brains of the group, claiming to be a descendent of General "Stonewall" Jackson. He has rock-control powers (can raise earthen walls, cause ground tremors) and also has brick-style defenses and strength.


Rebel Yell: Young punk in the Squad more for fun than any ideology. He revels in chaos and frequently causes friction within the Squad. As you might guess from his name, he has sonic attacks.


The Virginia: Brilliant mechanical engineer with a steampunk bent who built a large (9 foot tall) battlesuit that is the heavy weapon of the Squad. It appears to be made of iron (but is actually titanium) and has a breech-loading cannon mounted on the left forearm and a back-mounted mortar. Relatively slow compared to the rest of the team, but can take damage like nobody's business and can deal out massive damage.


The team needs at least one woman (though I suppose the Virginia could secretly be a woman inside the battlesuit), and could use a speedster / martial artist type.

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Re: Finish the team


I'd like to posit a group: The Secession Squad. A group of pro-Confederacy supers wanting the South to rise again and start another Civil War. Most (but not all) of them are a bit anachronistic, harkening back to an ealier age.


Southpaw: The political brains and financier of the group, he's a mentalist able to control the left side of the brain (and therefore the right side of opponents' bodies). Looks like an old-style Southern gentleman plantation owner.


Stonewall: The tactical brains of the group, claiming to be a descendent of General "Stonewall" Jackson. He has rock-control powers (can raise earthen walls, cause ground tremors) and also has brick-style defenses and strength.


Rebel Yell: Young punk in the Squad more for fun than any ideology. He revels in chaos and frequently causes friction within the Squad. As you might guess from his name, he has sonic attacks.


The Virginia: Brilliant mechanical engineer with a steampunk bent who built a large (9 foot tall) battlesuit that is the heavy weapon of the Squad. It appears to be made of iron (but is actually titanium) and has a breech-loading cannon mounted on the left forearm and a back-mounted mortar. Relatively slow compared to the rest of the team, but can take damage like nobody's business and can deal out massive damage.


The team needs at least one woman (though I suppose the Virginia could secretly be a woman inside the battlesuit), and could use a speedster / martial artist type.


Mosby's Raiderette

On the one hand, she is a demure southern belle who values the genteel charm of the ante-bellum South who would wear hoop skirts if they weren't so darned impractical. On the other, she is a strong, confident woman of the modern South who fights to revive her heritage while wearing confederate battle flag patterned spandex. She uses hit and run tactics, and prefers the extra oomph provided by surprise. A vanilla speedster, with the exception of being able to become invisible at will.

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Re: Finish the team


Seems to me the vonWunder-kind need a bit more long-range attackers.


The Focke-Wulf is a high-speed flying mentalist. Dressed in the uniform and regalia of a Luftwaffe pilot, he looks like the Aryan ideal: blonde, blue-eyed, handsome and rugged. His main weakness is an inability to refuse a one-on-one battle. While he prefers to use his mental blasts and illusions, he's not afraid to pull out an SMG and hose a target with bullets.


I'll post another later on.

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Re: Finish the team


I'd like to posit a group: The Secession Squad. A group of pro-Confederacy supers wanting the South to rise again and start another Civil War. Most (but not all) of them are a bit anachronistic, harkening back to an ealier age.


Southpaw: The political brains and financier of the group, he's a mentalist able to control the left side of the brain (and therefore the right side of opponents' bodies). Looks like an old-style Southern gentleman plantation owner.


Stonewall: The tactical brains of the group, claiming to be a descendent of General "Stonewall" Jackson. He has rock-control powers (can raise earthen walls, cause ground tremors) and also has brick-style defenses and strength.


Rebel Yell: Young punk in the Squad more for fun than any ideology. He revels in chaos and frequently causes friction within the Squad. As you might guess from his name, he has sonic attacks.


The Virginia: Brilliant mechanical engineer with a steampunk bent who built a large (9 foot tall) battlesuit that is the heavy weapon of the Squad. It appears to be made of iron (but is actually titanium) and has a breech-loading cannon mounted on the left forearm and a back-mounted mortar. Relatively slow compared to the rest of the team, but can take damage like nobody's business and can deal out massive damage.


The team needs at least one woman (though I suppose the Virginia could secretly be a woman inside the battlesuit), and could use a speedster / martial artist type.


How about someone named Overseer, with telepathy, clairvoyance and a mental "whip." The name is racially charged, so only in the right group.


For another female for the team how about Glory, a spitfire that is a flying flagsuit with somewhat regionally centric ideas. Someone honorable and admirable but utterly convinced that everyone would be better off if The South went its own way.

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Re: Finish the team


Well, not happy with the name completely, but it helped flesh out the character's abilities.


The Gray Ghost


Billy Mumphrey, grew up in the Carolinas in a poor family barely able to keep themselves fed on a small farm. When he turned 17, he moved West for a better life. He soon found himself in the bitter struggle that tended pre-War Kansas. Soon, after the war broke out he found himself in the service of Quantrill's Raiders, where his marksmanship and scouting were greatly admired. (hunting in his youth to help supplement his family's food supply). He would eventually near the end of the war become a leader of a small off-shoot band that would continue fighting long after the war. Eventually, even the skills of him and his men were too much to hide from the Union any longer. Unable, to come to terms with the end, he sent his men away to have a chance to live some kind of life. And went to fight absolutely alone. After a small skirmish, which proved to much even for his marksmanship. He was captured. Luckily, the men had been bought enough time to escape.


The Union soldiers decided to hang him right on the spot. Mumphrey's last words were a vow never to die until the South rose again. Of course, it didnt take long for the hangman's noose to squeeze the life from his throat.


The soldiers after cutting him down declined to waste time burying him. Which was probably good for Mumphrey, as he strangely awoke as if nothing had happened (well except for the nasty scarring on his neck). The Union soldiers with the exception of one were never heard of again. The soldier was found blubbering insanities of them being attacked by a reb who he swore they had hung 2 days earlier. According to him, he attacked unseen even close ranged until he alone was left when he appeared in front of the soldier as the man who had been hung with the scarring on his neck.


After that, while there were appearances of Mumphrey for the rest of century even into the first decade of the next. Those were considered silly rumors to scare. After all the man seemed to look the same age. Others thought maybe somehow he had survived but he absolutely must be growing older. Given the rumors, he seemed to have disappeared for several years into the Indian Territory, and later surfaced running guns to the tribes at war with the Union Army. Some theorized he may have ran with the James gang which is unlikely as former Raiders would attest Mumphrey didnt care much for Jesse.


Billy Mumphrey has slowly become the "Gray Ghost" in tales. It seems his motivation is to return the states of the Confederacy back into their own independent country. But, in truth it is more that he can no longer find peace. So, he almost has to continue a 150 year old feud. He always wears a vintage gray cap. And stubbornly refuses to hide his scars. He lives with the belief that he "cannot live and cannot die"


He seems to not have any powers other than immortality and also the ability/s to go invisible at will and/or self-only teleportation (possibly making a good team-up with the Raiderette). And he seems to have expertise in a wide array of guns and knives. He is also an accomplished tactician in guerilla-tactics. (hey, he hasnt been heard of at all in nearly 100 years)


Note: A little Josey Wales meets Highlander but, oh well

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