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A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


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My players and me had a good laugh lately, and it gaves me a simple but funny idea.


As a Gamemistress of champions, I am known to be pretty muc "a rare thing", and we discussed about how to "numerize" oursleves as Superpowered characters.


And my players said in fact I was not a superheroine, but rather an evil Mastermind that disguise and fools people thinking i'm a superheroine.


I find the idea kinda inspirationnal (does that word exist btw ?).


So to parody myself and then you all, I propose you this simple challenge.


I describe myself as my players did (And I swear I'll get revenge on some words - winks), and you get to build up a superpowered evil ME as a character. A 450 to 800 points built max, including the classical stuff for a superpowered campaign.


So there is what have been told about me (yeah, I 'll cheat a bit, adding some things I hope I am too :P)


- Imaginative, twisted, evil, michevious, mesmerizing, seductive, tough, and cheaty ... (damn players)

- mind control, illusion, empathic powers

- ability to summon tons of mobs and shit to annoy the players

- ability to scheme complex plans, so complex in fact that sometimes I get lost myself into them .. *grumbles*.

- ability to be overwhelmingly coherent and logic

- Been a girl, who has end point of a conversation adding that to been the gamemistress that gives xps...(again damn players)

- and of course, no, I'm not all that bitchy ! they are all lying ! you do trust me don't you ? *goldeneyes*

So if anybody is up to try and got my wrath...errr building :P

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


Hmmm. You're a GM. I would change that multi-power into a VPP. GMs are know to be inventive and surprising.


and 5D6 Luck, (OAF GM screen) Hidden dice rolls cover for the amazing survival/save/to hit rolls of certain villains or the fact they now have twice the BODY they had before.

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


Oh !

I do Cheat during game behind the screen, but I avoid cheating by making the NPCs tougher than they are; I tend more to save PCs from themselves in fact.

Tough I keep the 5D6 luck in mind too, but to make it "5d6 Luck, usable against other, limited effects to save PCs"...

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


I think I have a answer for the following pionts:

- Imaginative, twisted, evil, michevious, mesmerizing, seductive, tough, and cheaty ... (damn players)

- mind control, illusion, empathic powers


- Been a girl, who has end point of a conversation adding that to been the gamemistress that gives xps...(again damn players)

- and of course, no, I'm not all that bitchy ! they are all lying ! you do trust me don't you ? *goldeneyes*


Now I give you an peice of text, but tell you where it comes from afterward:

"An appointment or roleplay is referred to as a "session", and is often conducted in a dedicated professional play space which has been set up with specialist equipment, such as a "dungeon". In the contemporary era of technological connectivity, sessions may also be conducted remotely by phone, email or online chat." - Wikipedia (english), Dominatrix


Take a look at the article, it may fits better than you think for that concept :D

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


I think I have a answer for the following pionts:



Now I give you an peice of text, but tell you where it comes from afterward:

"An appointment or roleplay is referred to as a "session", and is often conducted in a dedicated professional play space which has been set up with specialist equipment, such as a "dungeon". In the contemporary era of technological connectivity, sessions may also be conducted remotely by phone, email or online chat." - Wikipedia (english), Dominatrix


Take a look at the article, it may fits better than you think for that concept :D


Nope, I'm all vanilla.

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


Okay, let's try this semi-serious this time:

- Imaginative, twisted, evil, michevious, mesmerizing, seductive, tough, and cheaty ... (damn players)

- mind control, illusion, empathic powers

- ability to summon tons of mobs and shit to annoy the players

- ability to scheme complex plans, so complex in fact that sometimes I get lost myself into them .. *grumbles*.

- ability to be overwhelmingly coherent and logic

- Been a girl, who has end point of a conversation adding that to been the gamemistress that gives xps...(again damn players)

What characteristics got notice and how often:

INT: 3


EGO: 5


So definitely some type of mentalist, with a way of summoning allies. Wich may mean, "controll local civilians/police/military", see "Arives on own Power" and "must inhabit locale".

Relatively high PRE, so destined to support their (wo)men against presence attacks (just make one/phase so your allies get a bonus). May also make presence attacks against enemys.

Intelligence supports planning, as well as tactics so she can use her minion/summons effectively. Same is true for illusions.


She would be totally missing the relevant physical charakterstics, but hey: What are minions for?


How about something themed around a "spider in the center of her net", subtely pulling the strings? Some type of Clairsentience helps here. Can be limited with "Only Through The Senses Of Others", limited to your minions/summons (this is "technically" mind link, but game effect of Clairsentience).

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


Thanks for the thoughts and ideas Christopher, very interesting way to set it up. I'll try and build this during weekend.


@Balabanto : Mistress Mime ? as for the name of the character ? or for an humouristic reason i don't get ? :)

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Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


I had one adittional Idea:

Summon Relay: "Controlls an Civilian and imbues him with some of your powers" From the Rule-Piont-of view, just a summon with high Piont Value for the Summon (that are used to buy Mental Powers). Put an illusion over him to make him look like you and you got a perfect "Relay" for your powers or a convincing "Decoy". After all, a GM never fights in the Frontline. He always has Minions to do this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: A not so evil Master(Mistres?)mind...


tell the Palindromedary that making me a not vanilla Gamemistress means having a suitable costume which increase the character cost ;)


... with effects I do'nt have really control on


The costume is optional.


O well, I suppose not everyone in France can be Pauline Reage or Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade.


Lucius Alexander


The confused palindromedary says that only two people in France can be those two people, namely those two people, and why would I expect anyone else to be them?

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