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Create Object?


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I need help building a power. The special effect is a earth/stone manipulator can create objects from said materials (example would be stone support structures for a falling building or stone slides for rescues from a burning building, etc).


I was thinking of using Barrier, but would that be:


A.) Correct

B.) The most efficient/cost effective way


Am I overlooking a power entirely that would simulate this better?


Please help ObiWan, you're my only hope.



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Re: Create Object?


The book way to create objects you can give to others is applying UOO to the power. While you can share Foci sometimes or give someone your created "stoneword", this should be unusual - if not the GM can require to make it a UOO (wich might mean you have to lower the AP of that power so it fit's in the AP limit after UOO).


If it is difficulty to activate (time or end cost) and can be destroyed/disarmed/restrained, but cannot be given away any more easily Material Manifestation is the way to go.


When you have lot's of possible uses for on SFX, consider a VPP. That one was for example used by Hyper Man for his Green Latern - it's simply the best way for someone who can form mater/solid energy.

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Re: Create Object?


This isn't just one power, HERO-ly speaking. Transform works for creating stone objects that don't replicate any other power, but creating slides is a separate power, creating a stone bat to wallop someone is a separate power, and so forth. You may be best served with a Variable Power Pool.

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Re: Create Object?


Barrier is really only to create an Obstacle for movement, perception, attacks, natural phenomenons and the like.


When you character "forms stone to create a sword", the game effect is "HKA, Material Manifestation (-1/4), Requires Natural Stone of equal mass -0*". Potentially also Extra Time, Concentration (1/2 DC) and Gesture - all only to active, if forming it puts the cahracter into a defenseless state (wouldn't advise to use so many in superheroics, but for heroic this may be the only way to make it payable).


Forming a Stone Skulpture would be a Cosmetic Transform, but it may not look very pretty (this would require a minor perhaps).


Letting the ground grow spike to hinder movement would a Attack with Area of Effect(apply to Ground surface).


Stone support for buildings could be made with a barrier, but better could be a uncontrolled TK ("Hurry, that won't hold long").


Stone Slides for people would be a form of Flying, UOO, Gliding only (it say you can only go down). Maybe a "Limited Path" Limitation.


*depends on Setting. No problen in Montains, but the city may be difficulty if he can't affect concrete.

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Re: Create Object?


Actually, Barrier would cover the things you listed as examples (stone support structures for a falling building or stone slides for rescues from a burning building).

While you can go for a whole VPP to cover every possibility, a Multipower with the right slots is probably enough if you just want to do a certain range of things. For example:


Stone Shaping, Multipower

1) Barrier - Covers walls, support pillars, bridges, ramps/slides, and crude towers.

2) Change Environment, AoE, Varying Combat Effects - Covers making the ground uneven, slippery, or spiky (CE can do damage, albeit not very efficiently), or even creating lots of thin columns to obscure sight.

3) Transform - Covers creating any "ordinary" object that doesn't have a specific combat effect. You could create a club or whatever with this, but it would only be as effective as an "object of opportunity".



4) Entangle, probably with Variable Advantages. For encasing people partially or fully in stone. You can trap someone with Barrier, but they'll still have their hands free and be able to use any power to break out. Entangle would be a "tighter" binding.

5) RKA, AoE, Constant, Uncontrolled. If you want your "spiky ground" to really hurt, this is more effective than the Change Environment version.

6) HKA, Usable by Others. If you want to create stone weapons that are significantly effective.

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Re: Create Object?


Transform Power works best.

Yes, a really high transform with Broader Result group can make Plowshare to Swords. But such a Transform can have way to much utility for it's costs (when you can equip an army with stoneswords).


One way I have forgotten:

The Power Roll itself. This depends a lot on the GM, but usuall you can create one-shot effects just with a power Roll (when want to use the result regulary, you are required to buy it). The APG has some more detailed suggestions on how this could work and of course it depends on the GM - and it's not a real alternative to a VPP, especially when Combat effects are involved.

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Re: Create Object?


The way that I would handle this ability would be with the VPP framework. While it is EXTREMELY expensive, the character will be able to produce whatever is needed at the time that it is needed. There will be methods that will reduce this overwhelming point-cost.

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Re: Create Object?


I have a "Stoneshaper" in my fantasy game right now; actually more of an Elementalist in general, but with a particular talent and interest in stone.


In a Heroic game - where one doesn't pay points for weapons and such - Transform really is the go-to answer; because you can transform stuff into usable equipment, which "doesn't cost points."


In a Champs game, I would almost have to build this as its own VPP - since you can have attacks, defenses, etc. all coming from "one power."

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Re: Create Object?


This would be a rough guide that I would use ...

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
75     [b][i]Object Creation[/i][/b]: Multipower, 75-point reserve - END=
4f     1)  [b][i]Create Armor[/i][/b]: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) - END=0
4f     2)  [b][i]Create Club[/i][/b]: Blast 12d6; No Range (-1/2) - END=6
7f     3)  [b][i]Create Solid[/i][/b]: Telekinesis (40 STR), Affects Porous - END=7
7f     4)  [b][i]Create Wall[/i][/b]: Barrier 20 PD/20 ED, 10 BODY (up to 1m long, 1m tall, and 1/2m thick) - END=7

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Re: Create Object?


Create Club: Blast 12d6; No Range (-1/2) - END=6


Why use blast, No Range for that, instead of HTH-Attack?


Because I totally forgot about HTH Attack ;) Honestly though, it also depends on the build ... if I were making someone like Hal Jordon, I would do the build as a No Range Blast, as it's not the user's Strength that determines damage ...

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