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Re: World's Finest


Excues me, but I think it is unfair. Unfair!


Let me explain. I do not have much disposable income. So I can't get my hands on a FReD, let alone the BBB or even the curent edition of the rules. I asked for help with my charater. What I got was varry limited help, if any at all. Well, it could be worse...I could of goten help from Foxbat (his help is worse than doing nothing at all).


And now I am told that there is no room for my charater. This would be good and I would slink into the darkness IF I HAD A FAIR SHOT. If I had the rules book, I could of created the charater myself. If I had a real computer and not my DSi, I would proably have a Hero Central acount by now (Where is the join button? Why is it takeing so long for my DSi to respond?) But being a utility clerk who has to do things like pay rent, food, and other nesesities, I am up poo creak, without a paddle (at least I have a boat, as small as it is).


Hear is a list of what I needed for my charater:

1) Stat cost and the formulas for secondary stats.

2) The stats for basic Judo.

3) Cost for advantages and limitations on my charater's Thorn Gun (How much is NND again? How many charges make a net of +/-0? How much is OA Focus?)

4) Cost for Hunted, Psychological Limitation, Secret ID, and DNPC.


After all that, I could do a basic charater outline which can, WITH HELP, be molded into a charater which would be Belladona. Now, I have to wait till there is an opening which will never happen. Unfair!


And it is takeing all my muster to keep from flaming and using harder language.


What will this group do about it? What will the GM do about it to help my wounded fealings?


Stanley R. Teriaca.

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Re: World's Finest


Excues me, but I think it is unfair. Unfair!


Let me explain. I do not have much disposable income. So I can't get my hands on a FReD, let alone the BBB or even the curent edition of the rules. I asked for help with my charater. What I got was varry limited help, if any at all. Well, it could be worse...I could of goten help from Foxbat (his help is worse than doing nothing at all).


And now I am told that there is no room for my charater. This would be good and I would slink into the darkness IF I HAD A FAIR SHOT. If I had the rules book, I could of created the charater myself. If I had a real computer and not my DSi, I would proably have a Hero Central acount by now (Where is the join button? Why is it takeing so long for my DSi to respond?) But being a utility clerk who has to do things like pay rent, food, and other nesesities, I am up poo creak, without a paddle (at least I have a boat, as small as it is).


Hear is a list of what I needed for my charater:

1) Stat cost and the formulas for secondary stats.

2) The stats for basic Judo.

3) Cost for advantages and limitations on my charater's Thorn Gun (How much is NND again? How many charges make a net of +/-0? How much is OA Focus?)

4) Cost for Hunted, Psychological Limitation, Secret ID, and DNPC.


After all that, I could do a basic charater outline which can, WITH HELP, be molded into a charater which would be Belladona. Now, I have to wait till there is an opening which will never happen. Unfair!


And it is takeing all my muster to keep from flaming and using harder language.


What will this group do about it? What will the GM do about it to help my wounded fealings?


Stanley R. Teriaca.


Do you realize how much ongoing extra effort you are asking for?

I feel for your situation. I really do. But it's probably not just a matter of building the character for you. It's very likely the realization that any game activity in the future involving your character that needs a rules reference will be that much more of a PITA since you don't own a copy of ANY version of the rules. In a FTF game this is relatively easy to remedy. I loan you a spare copy of mine. That's just not possible (or at least ethical to HERO) via an online game. Online games are already a PITA in my opinion because typing alone filters out so much extra communication that our voice inflection adds to our communication and is the main reason I choose to not participate in them.


*PITA = pain in the @$$

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Re: World's Finest


1) There is a fine self filling character sheet pdf for 5E somewhere. Just search for "5E", "sheet" and "self filling". I use it, mostly becaue I am to lazy to do the math.

If you open it with PDF-Xchange viewer you can even save the entires (Foxit reader can open and save, but often crashes during changes; Acrobat can open but somehow disallows saving).


2) Judo/jujutsu (the HSMA deals with the name difference) has a group of maneuvers totalling 49 Real Points an no outline of "Basic". So it boils down to needing the rules.


3) Either +1 or +1/2 for NND. Charges: 7-8 Recoverable and 13-16 not Recoverable; OAF: -1


4) Varies strongly between Severity and Frequency. You could always take a look at the other PC's, no login needed.


Personal notes

5) A better smartphone is not the right tool for a Play by post game.


6) I said that a am willing to help (and later even that I even got the rules), but you never asked me aynthing. And I also have a life and right now have no time to walk you through the rules remotely.

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Re: World's Finest


Do you realize how much ongoing extra effort you are asking for?

I feel for your situation. I really do. But it's probably not just a matter of building the character for you. It's very likely the realization that any game activity in the future involving your character that needs a rules reference will be that much more of a PITA since you don't own a copy of ANY version of the rules. In a FTF game this is relatively easy to remedy. I loan you a spare copy of mine. That's just not possible (or at least ethical to HERO) via an online game. Online games are already a PITA in my opinion because typing alone filters out so much extra communication that our voice inflection adds to our communication and is the main reason I choose to not participate in them.


*PITA = pain in the @$$


OK. I understand that part. In other words, your saying to me that I just got outpriced from my own hobby. Because of that, the only blame is to myself, right?


I hate this...eveything right now. Don't make enougth to get the basics of my hobby. And if I could make enougth, I can't find the books I need localy. And, does anyone in Milwaukee even do face-to-face roleplaying with the HERO System anymore?

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Re: World's Finest


5) A better smartphone is not the right tool for a Play by post game.


6) I said that a am willing to help (and later even that I even got the rules), but you never asked me aynthing. And I also have a life and right now have no time to walk you through the rules remotely.


Thank you for the willingness to help (it's to late now, right). As for the 'smartphone' remark, you realise that the DSi is a portable game system...Nitendo DSi, right? With a web brouser program which forces you to find a for free and open online thing. Same difrence, thoe...except that I hate that the program has such low power compared to the 3DS (which can even show YouTube contact).

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Re: World's Finest


Excues me, but I think it is unfair. Unfair!


Let me explain. I do not have much disposable income. So I can't get my hands on a FReD, let alone the BBB or even the curent edition of the rules. I asked for help with my charater. What I got was varry limited help, if any at all. Well, it could be worse...I could of goten help from Foxbat (his help is worse than doing nothing at all).


And now I am told that there is no room for my charater. This would be good and I would slink into the darkness IF I HAD A FAIR SHOT. If I had the rules book, I could of created the charater myself. If I had a real computer and not my DSi, I would proably have a Hero Central acount by now (Where is the join button? Why is it takeing so long for my DSi to respond?) But being a utility clerk who has to do things like pay rent, food, and other nesesities, I am up poo creak, without a paddle (at least I have a boat, as small as it is).


Hear is a list of what I needed for my charater:

1) Stat cost and the formulas for secondary stats.

2) The stats for basic Judo.

3) Cost for advantages and limitations on my charater's Thorn Gun (How much is NND again? How many charges make a net of +/-0? How much is OA Focus?)

4) Cost for Hunted, Psychological Limitation, Secret ID, and DNPC.


After all that, I could do a basic charater outline which can, WITH HELP, be molded into a charater which would be Belladona. Now, I have to wait till there is an opening which will never happen. Unfair!


And it is takeing all my muster to keep from flaming and using harder language.


What will this group do about it? What will the GM do about it to help my wounded fealings?


Stanley R. Teriaca.

As for openings, the GM said upthread that it would be "first come, first served" so I was unsure myself if I'd be able to finish up a preliminary writeup myself.

Luckily, I made it. There are now 7 heroes in the group, and that's slightly more than the GM said he would take in.


I'm sorry to hear you were expecting help that you don't feel you have gotten, but as Christopher says, it's not easy to help someone out if communication fails somewhere along the way.

Here's a link to a character sheet in the Free Stuff section at the HeroGames site:


It has all Characteristics costs and the calculations for Figured Characteristics listed.

There are also excel spreadsheets to create 5th edition characters in the same section, assuming you can use them (OpenOffice is free if you don't have Office).


Now, what rules _do_ you have? If you don't have any of the rules, and money is an issue, there's always the Sidekick book still available in pdf format at the Steve Jackson Games online site for $3.50:


That's a "basic rules" book, but it might be sufficient to build character basics and then get some assistance either here or from someone in the World's Finest group.

Christopher has already said he can help out, but that time might be limited.

I volunteer to help out as well, provided I have the time - just post here, in a separate character thread, or shoot me a PM.


Optionally, the Character Creation Handbook (the one Christopher's using right now I think) in pdf at the online store, for $12:



I certainly don't want you to feel excluded because of finances, and I think everyone else agrees with that.

Still, this doesn't guarantee there's an opening, since any GM can only manage so many players at a time, but there might be eventually - plus I think itsalwayssunny is still accepting applications to the Golden Age campaign set in the same world, if that is interesting to you.

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Re: World's Finest


OK. I understand that part. In other words, your saying to me that I just got outpriced from my own hobby. Because of that, the only blame is to myself, right?


I hate this...eveything right now. Don't make enougth to get the basics of my hobby. And if I could make enougth, I can't find the books I need localy. And, does anyone in Milwaukee even do face-to-face roleplaying with the HERO System anymore?


I wasn't trying to lay blame. And I'm sorry if I came across sounding harsh. Pitfall of the medium.


I think HERO is one of the most economical gaming investments out there period. I own a good chunk of their products going all the way back to the 80's. I managed this by not buying ANY other system's RPG product except for Amber diceless (I also still have my 1st edition AD&D books purchased before I found HERO). I am fully invested into HERO as my game of choice (monetarily at least). I still hold out hope that I will find a work/life balance that allows its pursuit beyond my participation on this forum.


And add me to the willing to help group. I enjoy making characters on a budget so given enough initial input I can certainly help chisel away at a concept with you.

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Re: World's Finest


As for the 'smartphone' remark' date=' you realise that the DSi is a portable game system...Nitendo DSi, right? With a web brouser program which forces you to find a for free and open online thing. Same difrence, thoe...except that I hate that the program has such low power compared to the 3DS (which can even show YouTube contact).[/quote']

You see: same problem.

PbEM and PbP is by definition heavy on text, both reading and writing. Nothing you can really do effectively without a 08/15 Keyboard or a decent sized screen.

Plus herocentral's storyboard can be heavy on the CPU. Long going threads even tax out the one core of my 2.2 Ghz Cpu.

So while it is possible, the results might not be good...


Also I think you misunderstood the GM's definition of "first come": I was admitted into the campaign and even said to start posting on the storyboard before even having the secret ID sheet written up. I am still working on the Heroic ID sheet and it looks like action is behind the horizon...

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Re: World's Finest


OK...even if it is to late, this might be an intresting side project, so hear goes nothing.


The one sentence concept: After her sisters and herself were captured by The Mad Music Man (a crazed clasical music fan who ploted using the girl group in a plot to mind control all who listen to them into rioting), Donna Bell used her knolage of flowers to stop them, and deciding it was fun, became Belladona.


Concept abilities:

Sleep Dart Gun (NND Energy Blast, Physical, OA Focus "Dart Gun", enougth charges to be neather a advantage or limitation. Defences are Imunity to Poison, No Need To Sleep, active Force Field, Armor defined as not harden skin.)


Judo: Judo excape, Judo throw, Joint Lock. Don't remember if block or dodge is a part of the martial art.


Flower Bolo: Entangle, OA Focus, 3 Recoverable Charges, Cost END (she has to swing the bolos to use them), Restranable (grabing her will stop them, as well as trying to use them in tight spaces).


Pollin Gun: Flash (Sight and Smell/Taist), OA Focus (flower gun), NND (Defences, imunity to poison, no need to breath active, being a plant-like lifeform), Charges (again, enougth to be negable on advantages and disavantages, Boostable).


Concept Skills: Bontany


KS: The Music World

KS: Gardening


Concept Disavantages:

Coad VS Killing

Beleves Strongly In Woman's Equality/Rights

DNPC: Debra Bell (older sister, former member of The Southern Bells, now owner of the coffie shop The Flower Pot)

DNPC: DeeDee Bell-Ringer (younger sistet, former member of The Southern Bells, and owner of the record shop The Swaying Leaves with her new husban David Ringer)

Hunted by The Shadow Syndicat (inciderous group of normal crinimals lead by The Shadow Boss)

Hunted (the second, undefine hunted eveyone must buy)

Secret ID (Donna Bell)

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Re: World's Finest


Sleep Dart Gun (NND Energy Blast' date=' Physical, OA Focus "Dart Gun", enougth charges to be neather a advantage or limitation. Defences are Imunity to Poison, No Need To Sleep, active Force Field, Armor defined as not harden skin.)[/quote']

We can just take the Bookexample for NND here:

6d6 Blast, NND (any Resistant Protection or fitting LS: Imunity; +1/2), 45 AP, OAF(-1), 8 Charges (-1/2)

You have to keep in mind that charges also include "No Endurance" so they point for "No advantage" might be at +1/2 (the value of 0 END).


Judo: Judo excape' date=' Judo throw, Joint Lock. Don't remember if block or dodge is a part of the martial art.[/quote']

Yes, Block and Dodge are there (in 6E they are at +2 DCV and +2 OCV to the normal ones respectively). Can only give you the cost, not the modifiers for the maneuvers:

Escape: 4

Throw: 3

Joint Lock (not in the base Rules; Garb at: 3)

Dodge: 4

Block: 4


Flower Bolo: Entangle' date=' OA Focus, 3 Recoverable Charges, Cost END (she has to swing the bolos to use them), Restranable (grabing her will stop them, as well as trying to use them in tight spaces).[/quote']

Entangle: 4d6, 4 Def (40 Base Points), OAF (-1), 3 Rec. Charges (-3/4), Cost End (-1/2)

Consider "Can't form barrier" (-1/4) and "Range based on STR" additionally.


Pollin Gun: Flash (Sight and Smell/Taist)' date=' OA Focus (flower gun), NND (Defences, imunity to poison, no need to breath active, being a plant-like lifeform), Charges (again, enougth to be negable on advantages and disavantages, Boostable).[/quote']

NND +1 (clearly), boostable Charges (9-12/17-32; +0/+0.5)

Note: Pepper Spray is a simple 8D6 Sight Flash, you might want to go with that instead.


Concept Skills: Bontany


KS: The Music World

KS: Gardening

You need to determine if this is Ks (Knowledge Skill), PS (Professional Skill; can do the job), or SS (Science Skill). Either cost 2 for a Int based roll, but you also get one PS Free.


Concept Disavantages:

Coad VS Killing

Beleves Strongly In Woman's Equality/Rights

DNPC: Debra Bell (older sister, former member of The Southern Bells, now owner of the coffie shop The Flower Pot)

DNPC: DeeDee Bell-Ringer (younger sistet, former member of The Southern Bells, and owner of the record shop The Swaying Leaves with her new husban David Ringer)

Hunted by The Shadow Syndicat (inciderous group of normal crinimals lead by The Shadow Boss)

Hunted (the second, undefine hunted eveyone must buy)

Secret ID (Donna Bell)

CvK: 20 (Common, Total)

Secret ID: 15 (Frequently, Mayor) (or 20 for Severe)

The others depend on Competence/Incompetence and Freqeuncy (you have 3 "levels" to select from)

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Re: World's Finest


We can just take the Bookexample for NND here:

6d6 Blast, NND (any Resistant Protection or fitting LS: Imunity; +1/2), 45 AP, OAF(-1), 8 Charges (-1/2)

You have to keep in mind that charges also include "No Endurance" so they point for "No advantage" might be at +1/2 (the value of 0 END).


*nod* Looks good. Let me guess, in 6th ed., No Normal Defence is on a sliding scail depending on how common the defences are, right?


Yes, Block and Dodge are there (in 6E they are at +2 DCV and +2 OCV to the normal ones respectively). Can only give you the cost, not the modifiers for the maneuvers:

Escape: 4

Throw: 3

Joint Lock (not in the base Rules; Garb at: 3)

Dodge: 4

Block: 4


Looks good also. I thought the Joint Lock was the grab arm and bend it to cause pain attack (Grab arm, NND hard joint armor or flexability). Am I wrong?


Entangle: 4d6, 4 Def (40 Base Points), OAF (-1), 3 Rec. Charges (-3/4), Cost End (-1/2)

Consider "Can't form barrier" (-1/4) and "Range based on STR" additionally.


Yes...I forgot about thoes limitations. Thay would defently be a part of that weapion.


NND +1 (clearly), boostable Charges (9-12/17-32; +0/+0.5)

Note: Pepper Spray is a simple 8D6 Sight Flash, you might want to go with that instead.


The definition is a pollin induced allergy reaction which waters the eyes and induces sneasing. Pepper Spray would be to evil for the time period, don't you think? (Othoe given her knolage, she could defntly be able to create some).


You need to determine if this is Ks (Knowledge Skill), PS (Professional Skill; can do the job), or SS (Science Skill). Either cost 2 for a Int based roll, but you also get one PS Free.


Bonity is a science. Gardining is a PS, as is Singing. The rest KS.


The others depend on Competence/Incompetence and Freqeuncy (you have 3 "levels" to select from)


Comipent, 14-.

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Re: World's Finest


Forgot to coment on the Hunted. While the agents are slightly less compitent, the leader is defently on my charater's level, if not slightly more so (think Kingpin except nobody knows who s/he is). So, Compitent (for the orgization), Non-Combat Influance, 11-. For the mystery hunted, Compitent, 11-.


Oh, forgot the scail with Hunted and DNPC. 8-, 11-, 14-. So make Debra and DeeDee both 11-. My bad.

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Re: World's Finest


*nod* Looks good. Let me guess' date=' in 6th ed., No Normal Defence is on a sliding scail depending on how common the defences are, right?[/quote']

Yes. In 6E this would be a +0


Looks good also. I thought the Joint Lock was the grab arm and bend it to cause pain attack (Grab arm' date=' NND hard joint armor or flexability). Am I wrong?[/quote']

At least that is joint lock in HSMA for 6E, so I guess it works that way on 5E.


The definition is a pollin induced allergy reaction which waters the eyes and induces sneasing. Pepper Spray would be to evil for the time period' date=' don't you think? (Othoe given her knolage, she could defntly be able to create some).[/quote']

You can still call it "Pollen Gun", but it can take the mechanic from the pepper spray (it also had a -1/4 "Not vs. Desolid" limitation along with "No range").


Bonity is a science. Gardining is a PS' date=' as is Singing. The rest KS.[/quote']

SS: Botany

PS: Gardener

PS: Singer

KS: Plants


The Diads follow

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Re: World's Finest


You can still call it "Pollen Gun"' date=' but it can take the mechanic from the pepper spray (it also had a -1/4 "Not vs. Desolid" limitation along with "No range").[/quote']


Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, the real question is, does "Pepper Spray" flash more than one sence group?


SS: Botany

PS: Gardener

PS: Singer

KS: Plants


The Diads follow


The skill list looks fine so far. I think we should give her basic Combat Driving (humm...11 or less to much?) as she drives to get to where she needs to go (It is a normal car of the time period, so you don't have to build her the 'flower-mobiel'.)


Humm...how much would a flower shop 'base' cost (with a secret basement for storage)? Basicly four 'stories'...shop ground floor, living quorters upstairs, basement, secret storage basement for her 'Belladona' gear.

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Re: World's Finest


Why reinvent the wheel? Of course' date=' the real question is, does "Pepper Spray" flash more than one sence group?[/quote']

Nope, it only flashes sight. Of course thue question is why Smell/Taste would be so important for this power?

Flashing the entire Smell/taste Group would only be 5 points (or literally cost 1d6 of the effect).


The skill list looks fine so far. I think we should give her basic Combat Driving (humm...11 or less to much?) as she drives to get to where she needs to go (It is a normal car of the time period' date=' so you don't have to build her the 'flower-mobiel'.)[/quote']

You get free Combat Driving at 8- and thus a "Transport Familarity". Unless she is a designated driver or tend to do car-chases, that is all she needs to drive a car.


Humm...how much would a flower shop 'base' cost (with a secret basement for storage)? Basicly four 'stories'...shop ground floor' date=' living quorters upstairs, basement, secret storage basement for her 'Belladona' gear.[/quote']

The character creation book does not covers that. I could give you a answer for 6E, if I knew a LOT more about what facilities it should have. I don't think you need to write it up, if it is only in the background/not playing any active part in the game.

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Re: World's Finest


Excues me, but I think it is unfair. Unfair!


Let me explain. I do not have much disposable income. So I can't get my hands on a FReD, let alone the BBB or even the curent edition of the rules. I asked for help with my charater. What I got was varry limited help, if any at all. Well, it could be worse...I could of goten help from Foxbat (his help is worse than doing nothing at all).


And now I am told that there is no room for my charater. This would be good and I would slink into the darkness IF I HAD A FAIR SHOT. If I had the rules book, I could of created the charater myself. If I had a real computer and not my DSi, I would proably have a Hero Central acount by now (Where is the join button? Why is it takeing so long for my DSi to respond?) But being a utility clerk who has to do things like pay rent, food, and other nesesities, I am up poo creak, without a paddle (at least I have a boat, as small as it is).


Hear is a list of what I needed for my charater:

1) Stat cost and the formulas for secondary stats.

2) The stats for basic Judo.

3) Cost for advantages and limitations on my charater's Thorn Gun (How much is NND again? How many charges make a net of +/-0? How much is OA Focus?)

4) Cost for Hunted, Psychological Limitation, Secret ID, and DNPC.


After all that, I could do a basic charater outline which can, WITH HELP, be molded into a charater which would be Belladona. Now, I have to wait till there is an opening which will never happen. Unfair!


And it is takeing all my muster to keep from flaming and using harder language.


What will this group do about it? What will the GM do about it to help my wounded fealings?


Stanley R. Teriaca.




I'm sorry you never bothered to get involved beyond making up a vague Black Canary type of character and now you feel left out.


You could have written up a character using any edition you wanted as I clearly said the changes from one to another were no big deal. It's not my job to create a character for you. It's not my job to escort you onto Hero Central to apply as a player in the campaign, which you never bothered to do. I would have accepted your application and held a slot open for you had you done so. Other people showed interest, created characters, and applied to play in the game which I did a lot of work to set up. You could have sent me a message and asked me to save a spot for you, but you never even made that much effort. I'm not going to hold up a game just so we can wait and see if you ever get around to taking an active part in things. Even today, you've still NEVER EVEN APPLIED TO THE GAME.


I work for a living, too, and also raise small children. I have very little free time for games, and I certainly don't have time to cater to someone I don't even know.



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Re: World's Finest


Thank you for the willingness to help (it's to late now' date=' right). As for the 'smartphone' remark, you realise that the DSi is a portable game system...Nitendo DSi, right? With a web brouser program which forces you to find a for free and open online thing. Same difrence, thoe...except that I hate that the program has such low power compared to the 3DS (which can even show YouTube contact).[/quote']


If you can afford a Nintendo portable game system, you can afford a copy of the Hero System. I can't afford a Nintendo for my kids unless I want to skip a car payment. I bought the 5th Edition for $10.00 online.

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Re: World's Finest


OK...even if it is to late, this might be an intresting side project, so hear goes nothing.


The one sentence concept: After her sisters and herself were captured by The Mad Music Man (a crazed clasical music fan who ploted using the girl group in a plot to mind control all who listen to them into rioting), Donna Bell used her knolage of flowers to stop them, and deciding it was fun, became Belladona.


Concept abilities:

Sleep Dart Gun (NND Energy Blast, Physical, OA Focus "Dart Gun", enougth charges to be neather a advantage or limitation. Defences are Imunity to Poison, No Need To Sleep, active Force Field, Armor defined as not harden skin.)


Judo: Judo excape, Judo throw, Joint Lock. Don't remember if block or dodge is a part of the martial art.


Flower Bolo: Entangle, OA Focus, 3 Recoverable Charges, Cost END (she has to swing the bolos to use them), Restranable (grabing her will stop them, as well as trying to use them in tight spaces).


Pollin Gun: Flash (Sight and Smell/Taist), OA Focus (flower gun), NND (Defences, imunity to poison, no need to breath active, being a plant-like lifeform), Charges (again, enougth to be negable on advantages and disavantages, Boostable).


Concept Skills: Bontany


KS: The Music World

KS: Gardening


Concept Disavantages:

Coad VS Killing

Beleves Strongly In Woman's Equality/Rights

DNPC: Debra Bell (older sister, former member of The Southern Bells, now owner of the coffie shop The Flower Pot)

DNPC: DeeDee Bell-Ringer (younger sistet, former member of The Southern Bells, and owner of the record shop The Swaying Leaves with her new husban David Ringer)

Hunted by The Shadow Syndicat (inciderous group of normal crinimals lead by The Shadow Boss)

Hunted (the second, undefine hunted eveyone must buy)

Secret ID (Donna Bell)


If you would have made this much effort before and actually applied to the game, you'd have been a player in the game now. Only you can explain why you waited so long to make the effort.



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Re: World's Finest


The crack about the DSi...it was something I bought for myself with my tax refund check, so don't judge me and I won't judge you. As for not applying to HERO Central...what is the point. As for not contacting you, you realise that I was going to do so after Thanksgiving, but your deadline messed that up. And the charater profile was an academic thing, and only because someone said 'yes I'll help'. But what is the use of doing that NOW...it is to late.


You know, it realy IS my fault. Sorry for waisting eveyone's time.

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Re: World's Finest


I would like to say I am sorry to the entier group. Now I need to tell you the reasons why I have yet to join the group.


1) I feal like even if I stand back and watch, that I got in by the equivelent of screaming, pounting, and holding my breath till I turn blue. And being on a waiting list is baicly an invite to wishing ill on another player so you get in. I mean, I came to play, and roleplaying is not a spectator sport.


2) If the group or the game master does not forgive me, there will be ill will twords me, and that is a death of a game right there. I don't want to see this game fold because I am in it.


That is basicly it (since while hard to navagate, the lack of materials and using this brouser program can be overcomed).

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Re: World's Finest


I have both 5th ed and 5th ed revised

yes it is well worth to get 5th ed revised

I also have 4th and 6th editions



I never got an answer to this one. Is that worth it's money' date=' or should I search for "[b']The HERO System 5th Edition, Revised[/b]" instead?



Found a sampel file of 5th ED Revised:http://watermark.drivethrustuff.com/pdf_previews/3083-sample.pdf


As I understand it "Chapter one" equals 6E1 in content. But still: has anybody taht book or maybe even both?

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Re: World's Finest


If you would have made this much effort before and actually applied to the game, you'd have been a player in the game now. Only you can explain why you waited so long to make the effort.




Anger, then sadness at what the anger does, can be great modivators. Beyond that, your right. If only I found the time and effert inside myself, I could of spaired myself a self destructed meltdown.

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Re: World's Finest


Well, Steriaca, I can't help it if you want to postpone activity until after Thanksgiving. I have no way to read the minds of people on the forum, so if you don't post that here or in a private message or on Hero Central, I had to assume that the lack of activity = lack of real interest. So I accepted the first acceptable players who submitted character concepts and applied. I even accepted more than I planned to because I didn't want to reject someone. But 7 PCs is more than I intended to accept and is a lot of work. Just reading all their PC writeups and posts takes a lot more time than I had hoped, so I won't add any more players unless someone quits or does something to force me to ask him/her to leave.


I haven't banned you from future games I may run. But next time if you're that interested, I recommend contacting the GM and explaining that you're having a problem getting things done on time. I can't say I'd postpone a game indefinitely to wait on 1 potential player, but I might have waited an extra couple of days to see if you came through with an application.



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