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Superhero To Do List


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To Do List Re: Superheroing


  1. Secret identity (Double check)
  2. Secret lair (Palace too obvious... or is it so obvious as to be dismissed?)
  3. Sidekick (Check)
  4. Interesting supporting cast (Check)
  5. Animal sidekick (Bats? Dogs?)
  6. Love interest (Maybe reporter)
  7. Arch nemesis (perhaps bald)
  8. Origin story (Perhaps best left vague, or multiple choice)
  9. Cool vehicle (Not necessary but cool)
  10. Wonderful toys (Ditto)


BTW -- I didn't come up with this, but found it in a fanfic and had to share.

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Re: Superhero To Do List


Doctor Sanguine checks his list....

To Do List Re: Superheroing



[*]Secret identity (Double check)

Yes, I suppose in most mundane circles I have one. Vandeleur blood makes it difficult to keep some fellow mystics from having insight I might not wish them to have.

[*]Secret lair (Palace too obvious... or is it so obvious as to be dismissed?)

Secret enough.

[*]Sidekick (Check)

Siam would not care for that term.

[*]Interesting supporting cast (Check)

I might count the Fox as comedy relief.

[*]Animal sidekick (Bats? Dogs?)

Again, Siam would not care for that term.

[*]Love interest (Maybe reporter)

Who has the time? Though it does make me wistful.

[*]Arch nemesis (perhaps bald)

Loki appears to have a full set of hair, but it can be hard to tell what a trickster god's true form is.

[*]Origin story (Perhaps best left vague, or multiple choice)

Ah yes, my own story contains elements of pride, hubris and desperation turned to a path of redemption. In short, Mystic origin #3B

[*]Cool vehicle (Not necessary but cool)

I would like to think my cloak of translocation is 'cool'.

[*]Wonderful toys (Ditto)

Raven feathers from Odin's memory and thought haven't been tested out yet, but hopefully soon.


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Re: Superhero To Do List


For Grey Angel, coming from the around year 2200 to prevent WW3 (And 4. And the earth exodus), but got a little early (her one-shot time travel aimed for 2000. She hit 1960).


  • Secret identity (Double check)
    Works as geologist for Mining Company. Can cause trouble with her DNCP but overall not fleshed out very much.
  • Secret lair (Palace too obvious... or is it so obvious as to be dismissed?)
    A secret underground base, with stuff that could cause WW3. Or win it. Not on the sheet so no effect in game, but "is there".
  • Sidekick (Check)
    I consider adding an A.I. that travelled allong but got "lost". Technically GA hates A.I.'s, but this one is special (since it's technically not an A.I. despite thinking and being artificcial.).
  • Interesting supporting cast (Check)
    Only her DNCP (Diana Rex), could not think of much more. But this one is a twist: Dianas DNA (plus some substantial genetic modficiation) was used to craete Grey Angel. Right now it would look like Diana is GA younger twin, while actually GA is Dainas older Clone. And of course Diana should not know who is behind that helmet, could give her the shock of her life. And neither side can even get close to anyone knowing the other.
  • Animal sidekick (Bats? Dogs?)
    Seriously, No.
  • Love interest (Maybe reporter)
    She could be interested in any member of the team, but they are just in their first adventure. Time will tell.
  • Arch nemesis (perhaps bald)
    A Robot for her time she consider a threat to humanity. May or may not be the case. In any way, he is bald as a lightbulb. Or a tincan.
  • Origin story (Perhaps best left vague, or multiple choice)
    Her Original Story is this: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79785-Create-a-Villain-Theme-Team!?p=2192143#post2192143
    But had the option of two other stories and I am not certain if I should use them as "fake" origin stories in game.
  • Cool vehicle (Not necessary but cool)
    When I ever have the points to spare, she has access to an entire carpool - including superadvanced jets, jet/subarines, antigrav-cars and light to heavy tanks. Maybe she can even summon one of them at a time in the field. And then there might be a ingame situation where the "Orion 1" is needed as plot device/plot enabling device, but it would be too powerfull for normal gameplay...
  • Wonderful toys (Ditto)
    She has superadvanced tech, both on her person and in her base. If it falls in the hands of either side in the cold war, it could make the war hot pretty fast (simply because the other side fears to loose if it plays for time).
    I hope to get a few "you have a WHAT in your base?" out of the team

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Re: Superhero To Do List


Let's see, for Belladona, a silver age superheroien who I have yet to play.


1). Yes, a secret ID. Donna Amy Bell, if fact. (I just thought up her middle name...makes it for the young comic book readers to remember who she is, but might also give her away with an extremly smart villian.)

2) Secret Lair, yes. A subbasement under her flower shop, used to store her superhero stuff.

3) Sidekick...no. Being a woman superhero in the 1960's, she might have to become someone's sidekick to get noticed. Except she is not going to sit back and make cookies while the hero puts himself in danger. So, no sidekick position for her, thank you.

5) Animal Sidekick...are you kidding? No. She bases her gadgets on plants. She is a vegaterian. She dosen't even keep a cat. No pets.

4) Intresting suporting cast...? Well, she has an older sister, Debra. And a younger sister, DeeDee.

6) Love Intrest...none. Nobody wants to hook up with a woman libber/flower shop owner/superheroien.

7) Arch Nemisis...The Shadow Boss and his Shadow Syndicate. Thay count, right?

8) Orgin story...I know it. You don't have to know it. There.

9) Cool vehical...does a VW bug, colored wood green, count?

10) Cool gadgets...my Thorn Gun which can put a thug to sleep in a pull of a trigger, my Vine Bolos can bind thugs just as fast, and my Polin Gun can make your eyes itch and your nose runny.

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Re: Superhero To Do List


To Do List Re: Superheroing


BTW -- I didn't come up with this, but found it in a fanfic and had to share.


Olympian sits down at his desk and pulls out the worn checklist. Finally able to use it!

  1. Secret identity (Double check): Of course, I have family and friends to protect. Hell, half of them don't even know I write romance novels!
  2. Secret lair (Palace too obvious... or is it so obvious as to be dismissed?): Does Protectors Bay count as a secret? No?
  3. Sidekick (Check): I am the side kick! No wait. Athena offered me a satyr as a trainer like the Hercules movie she saw but I turned her down.
  4. Interesting supporting cast (Check): Team mates? Check, lovely Administrative Assistant to the team? Check, Ex-Fiance? Check, Family? Check, best friend/agent? Check. Yeah. I'm supported.
  5. Animal sidekick (Bats? Dogs?) Seeing if Athena will spring for a griffon hatchling, but no. No animals.
  6. Love interest (Maybe reporter): There was a reporter, and Zoe mentioned above...I'm interested, there are potential targets.
  7. Arch nemesis (perhaps bald): too soon to tell. Dr Yin Wu would be a nasty nemesis. On the other hand I could have regular throwdowns with Cateran and be a happy man.
  8. Origin story (Perhaps best left vague, or multiple choice): Touched by a Goddess.
  9. Cool vehicle (Not necessary but cool) I can fly, I am the cool vehicle.
  10. Wonderful toys (Ditto) None yet.
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Re: Superhero To Do List


To Do List Re: Superheroing


  1. Secret identity (Double check)
  2. Secret lair (Palace too obvious... or is it so obvious as to be dismissed?)
  3. Sidekick (Check)
  4. Interesting supporting cast (Check)
  5. Animal sidekick (Bats? Dogs?) “Never work with children or animals.” W. C. Fields
  6. Love interest (Maybe reporter)
  7. Arch nemesis (perhaps bald)
  8. Origin story (Perhaps best left vague, or multiple choice)
  9. Cool vehicle (Not necessary but cool)
  10. Wonderful toys (Ditto)

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