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Starting from scratch, newbie help request


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Hello one and all!


Although I am not a TOTAL newbie to Hero, it's been a long while since I ran a game and I have never taken the full plunge into designing a campaign using the rules. In short, this is a help request in my effort to build a newbie-friendly SF setting for Hero.


I am using Hero System 6E and have Star Hero 6E on hand.


My questions are the first step stuff:


  1. Does anyone have any advice on where to start?
  2. How can I make Hero as friendly as possible for new players?
  3. Is there anyone who wouldn't mind "holding my hand" through the process and being an advisor?


Crikey, now that I think of it... I don't even know which questions to ask.


Where do you start?


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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


1. What sort of game do YOU want to RUN?

2. Are your players interested in participating in such a game? I've been on both sides of this question, getting dragged into games I didn't care for, which never ends well--and proposing campaigns I thought would be great fun...and learning that nobody else was interested. Once you've found that sweet spot where the game you want to run is a game they want to play, you can then...

3. Enlist your players in helping you flesh out the campaign background.

4. Don't feel shy about filing the serial numbers off of Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscape, or any other movie/tv show/novel and playing in that world for a while. You can always start adding innovations to make it your own once you have a better feel for what's working, what's not, and what you wish you'd done in the first place.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


First of all, thanks for the initial response. Those are good questions...


Right now, here's what I have:


1. It's a kind of Imperial SF game with a massive backdrop but initially focused on the events in one city, on one world. I want Psi, paramilitary action, conspiracy and a growing scope for the players.

2. Right now, I don't have players recruited. My aim is to draw some folk into the conversation as I develop things.

3. Good plan. My own first writings are up on a wiki: http://serenedawn.wikispaces.com

4. Yeah, I want to draw in some elements from things players are familiar with, such as Star Wars and Trek.


To get the ball rolling, and help me to re-learn the system, I have had a stab at creating a hero of my own. My idea is to use him to help me get a handle on how things work and then use him as a patron NPC once play gets underway. His name is Jack Haussmann and you can see his background PLUS a .PDF character sheet here: http://serenedawn.wikispaces.com/Haussmann


So... does that make sense?

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


First, psionic powers - predesign some you're happy to have in your campaign. This will give players a list to pick from, or something to inpsire them.


If you allow custom psi powers, it is usual to have some standard limitations (for instance, do the all cost extra END, no END, do they require a power skill roll? Will you have one Psi skill or separate ones for telepathy, clarivoyance, etc).


Likewise prepare some standardised weapons (unless you use the ones from Star Hero). Decide also which weapon styles you want. Slug throwers, lasers, blasters... Same with armour.


Next, give some thought to the abilities you'll give NPCs. This isn't simply a Star Hero issue, it applies to all Hero games. You need to know what the players will be going up against so that you can tell the players what counts as good in combat, weak in combat or average in combat.


Board regular Tasha has an excellent guide to creating Hero characters on her blog here. Look at what she suggests a player needs to know in order to design a character, and make sure you have that information ready.


You will need to help them create characters as well.


For example, many beginners, if they want a sniper character, will buy high OCV and high skill with ranged weapons (or just rifles if they want something cheaper). An experienced player is more likely to spend somewhat less on the skill, but buy penalty skill levels to counteract range and hit location penalties, allowing them to pull off headshots at range with ease.


Name abilities you give your characters. It's a wonderful way to add colour and flavour (for instance, in the example above, I might call the OCV rifle skills Sharpshooter, the range penalty skill levels Hawk Eye and the hit location penalty skill levels Crack Shot or Dead Eye)


On the example character you gave...


He's rubbish in combat. All his combat-relevant characteristics are at base level, which makes him about as effective as a Normal. This may be intentional, but to be honest I'd expect a cop, even a psi-cop, to have better combat skills.


His psi-skills are also weak, because you've added only one level of OMCV (and you haven't added any DMCV at all, which makes him susceptible to psi attacks). His TK Push (bought as a blast) isn't too likely to be effective as that will use his OCV. That may also be intentional.


I notice you've used 4 points to add +1 skill level each to Conversation and Interrogation. For those points, you could instead buy +1 skill level with all interaction skills (call that Smooth Talker or something). Or you could spend just 3 points to get +1 skill level with Conversation, Interrogation and another related skill (High Society, perhaps).


His skill list is extensive. Maybe lose a few in order to boost combat or mental combat skills? Also, create (or adopt) an Everyman skill list for your campaign - these are skills everyone gets at the 8- level for free.


If you're figuring players will spend around 70 points on psi powers (as this character has), maybe the 175 character point level is too tight a limit. Consider moving it up to 225 points, which will allow them to do some non-psi stuff as well.


Finally, don't be afraid to keep asking the boards for help. The more specific your question, the more likely you are to get a useful answer.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Many, many thanks Andy. That's a really practical and helpful bundle of advice, plus a clearly useful link from Tasha.

Jack was a very first stab (in the dark, mostly) at developing a character. Now I have some parameters to work with which is helpful in revising him... and going on to design NPCs.


It feels like a big dollop of trust is required to invest the time in creating stuff for a Hero game. My (limited) play experience with the system means that I have seen it work well but have few ideas on how to get there. Your list is a very helpful one.


I'll post back when I have more worked out.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


For desgining enemies:

Best is to first pick a powerlevel. 175points is a mook for a 400 points Superhuman.

100 might be the same for a 225 Point character.

The closer to the heroes powerlevel, the more likely they will be a hard enemy in combat. If they are above, they propably only server as boss.


Don't go overboard on Skills. They are really expensive for heroic characters (3 points from 175 is almost 2%).



Always tricky in Heroic games. Consider making a game that does not uses that first.

The usual approach is to let Psionics/Magician buy their spells/power with points. Downside is, that everyone else pays money for his gear (inlcuding weapons) so those characters will be at a disadvantage - because they pay points and need more limitations to make thier "tools" payable. Consdier making usefull equipment for Psionic characters (guns that use END, if you are a telepath; Items that give OMCV/DMCV bonuses).

About Mind Classes: Genereally everyone (even aliens) is supposed to be in the human mind class (wich would better be named standart mindclass).

You can see it in Star Trek where everyone is succeptible to telepathy, one type of truth drug and one type of Virus (the one from DS 9 Babel). Except a few species with 4-part brain (Ferengi, Orions), ones with wierd anatomy (Changelings) or non-organics (Holograms, Androids, Computers, Borg) wich have their own minds classes.

On the other hand, those specie immune to "normal" Telepathy also have no telepaths of their own and have special mind drugs/viruses to deal with.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


First of all, thanks for the initial response. Those are good questions...


Right now, here's what I have:


1. It's a kind of Imperial SF game with a massive backdrop but initially focused on the events in one city, on one world. I want Psi, paramilitary action, conspiracy and a growing scope for the players....

You might want to get a copy of "Terran Empire". It will already have things like backstory, character point levels, NPC's, equipment lists, campaign seeds, etc. for just this type of campaign. It would save you a lot of trying to create stuff on your own, and might make things easier for a HERO System beginner. It's written for 5th Edition, but conversion from 5th to 6th is a snap.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Regarding the overall setting design, I'd recommend looking over one or more previously published settings for Star Hero, even if you're not planning to use one of them. They'll give you some new ideas, lots of examples, and provide a variety of "templates" for what goes into a Star Hero setting.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Much useful advice so far - thanks to you all.


My major question right now is where to set the Power Level for the campaign. Drawing on Tasha's blog article, I need to set up some standards.


If I plump for 175 pts with 50 pts Complications then is Characteristics set at an average of 11-13 about right for my reasonably competent heroes?

How powerful should attacks be? Is 3d6 (AKA DC3, or 15pt attacks) enough for this setting, or should it be much higher?

What should average and max OCV, DCV, OMCV and DMCV be? Is 3-4 enough?

What about PD and ED? Is 5-6 enough?



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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Much useful advice so far - thanks to you all.


My major question right now is where to set the Power Level for the campaign. Drawing on Tasha's blog article, I need to set up some standards.


If I plump for 175 pts with 50 pts Complications then is Characteristics set at an average of 11-13 about right for my reasonably competent heroes?

How powerful should attacks be? Is 3d6 (AKA DC3, or 15pt attacks) enough for this setting, or should it be much higher?

What should average and max OCV, DCV, OMCV and DMCV be? Is 3-4 enough?

What about PD and ED? Is 5-6 enough?



There are guidelines in 6E1 35. The Power level mostly determines how much "room" you have to create enemies. Setting it small, can keep it simple (there is only so much one 100 point Mook can have).

On the other hand, having it high means there is more room for your characters to be "above the common man or even soldier". And some powers simply don't work well with to few points.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Again, thanks. Those guidelines are useful to refer to.

I've had a second stab at Haussman, but it still feels like "finger in the wind" stuff. Feels like I need to run him through some fights so I learn how it all clicks (or doesn't).



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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


I think that's a much more well-rounded build. He's still not great in combat (though he has his psi powers to back up his pistol and his fisticuffs), but he's better than a rank beginner.


Test combats are a great idea. I learnt a lot about how Hero functions from that. Consider making yourself some crib notes to speed up combat (or buy the Hero System resource kit PDF, print it out and alter the ranges and manoeuvres to fit 6e - the resource kit is a 5e product). Hunting up rules is a major source of slowdown when you're familiarising yourself with the system.


And born 'n' bred, eh? Nah then, ah'll 'ave it known Robin were Yorksher, an' Nottinum owny 'as t'Sheriff. Sithee! :D

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


There are three ways to be targeted:

Against DCV. This is the most common. Your Base DCV, CSL and your Martial Arts determine how well you fare here. Being able to abort allows you to boost this.


Against DMCV. Least common, unless Psionics are common. You also tend to lack armor agaisnt this.


Against Area. A tricky one. The only defense is not being there, wich usually means Aborting to a dive for cover. Wich means you need to see that it is an AOE attack. If you have a strong armor, the difference in the number of Dices (area of effect means a few dice are more DC's than without the advantage) might make sitting it out an idea.


As for hte question what penalties/boni are worth and what the difference between X OCV and Y DCV means:

every +1/-1 and every point of difference means the chances of succes change by about 10%.

3 points difference are a sure win/loss.

Anything above 5 is only there to buffer agaisnt further modifiers in the other direction.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


If you use Hero Designer to create your characters, I've found Shane Harsch's export template to be great for new players. It strips out all of the point totals, groups needed stats together in a logical format, and generally results in an easy to read character sheet.

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Regarding the overall setting design' date=' I'd recommend looking over one or more previously published settings for Star Hero, even if you're not planning to use one of them. They'll give you some new ideas, lots of examples, and provide a variety of "templates" for what goes into a Star Hero setting.[/quote']


I'll shamelessly recommend Kazei 5, seeing as it's crammed with piles of near-future tech, vehicles, templates, powers, and what not.


Oh, and there's that Terracide setting, too. ^_^

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Much useful advice so far - thanks to you all.


My major question right now is where to set the Power Level for the campaign. Drawing on Tasha's blog article, I need to set up some standards.


If I plump for 175 pts with 50 pts Complications then is Characteristics set at an average of 11-13 about right for my reasonably competent heroes?

How powerful should attacks be? Is 3d6 (AKA DC3, or 15pt attacks) enough for this setting, or should it be much higher?

What should average and max OCV, DCV, OMCV and DMCV be? Is 3-4 enough?

What about PD and ED? Is 5-6 enough?




For Heroic games I tend to look at the weapons list for the particular genre (Hero System Equipment Guide is a great resource for this). I assume that for SciFi that most Players will want Rifles and high damage pistols and work from there. ie Lets just say that we are setting up a more gritty SciFi setting. There are some energy weapons, but older Projectile weapons(AKA Modern Guns) are still available. That would set the DC to 6-9 (7 Average).


I would assume that body armor has become even lighter so def r6-r8 body armor is pretty common with military body armors going as high as 12 (14 for that Stormtrooper style plastic armor). So a PC should have from 12 -18 def including armor and Combat Luck (a Talent).


I would use Normal Characteristic Maxima (6e1 pg 50). Primary Stats (ie Str, Dex, Con, Body, Int etc) should average 13-15. Def (ie PD and ED) should range from 4-8, IN your psychic game MCVs should range 4-7, Physical CV's should range from 4-7 and I would allow up to 3 skill levels (not including Rifle Scopes, and Penalty Skill Levels) 6e1 pg 35 has a good section on recommended power levels (though the resistant def Levels are ridiculously low IMHO).


Remember that one easy way to set how much rDef and Damage players can do is to make a chart of Armor and weapons that are available to the PC's. Then make sure that all of the weapons and armor are in your power ranges. I would caution you to use the HS equipment guide as a template to make "believable" weapons and armor.


BTW since you wanted to run a game with Psychics in it, I would really highly recommend Kazei 5 which is a Cyberpunk game that is nearly superheroic in feel if one plays the Psychics in the game. He's got a great collection of Psychic powers, Cyberwear, and SciFi weapons. Also guidelines on how to play the world at different powerlevels (ie your typical Cyberpunk runner vs the Superpowered Psychics). It's very well written and every easy to pull elements from for use in other games. K-5 rocks. :D

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Re: Starting from scratch, newbie help request


Tasha, that's an awesomely helpful post, thanks. I'll try and grab Kazei 5 in the morning too - it keeps coming up.


I've got a lot of thinking and outlining to do. I also have a lot of "what makes this cool" stuff to decide.


Game on!

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