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Character: The Joker


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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes20	STR	10	13-	Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage18	DEX	24	13-	OCV: 6 / DCV: 618	CON	16	13-12	BODY	4	11-28	INT	26	15-	PER Roll 15-20	EGO	20	13-	ECV: 730	PRE	30	15-	PRE Attack: 6d610	COM	0	11-7	PD	3		Total: 7 PD6	ED	2		Total: 6 ED4	SPD	12		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 128	REC	236	END	032	STUN	1Total Characteristics Cost: 150Movement:	Running: 6" / 12"		Swimming: 2" / 4"Cost	Powers & Skills77	Tricks And Toys: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 60 base + 30 control cost; All 	Powers Must Be IIF Minimum (-1/4), Can Only Be Changed At Armory/base (-1/2)14	Acid Flower: RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Penetrating (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2);	1 Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), IAF (flower on lapel; -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4),	No Range (-1/2)11	Electric Joy Buzzer: EB 9d6; 1 Charge (-2), IIF (joy buzzer; -1/4), No 	Knockback (-1/4), No Range (-1/2)57	Joker Venom Ring: RKA 6d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS [immunity]; +1), 	Does BODY (+1); 1 Charge (-2), IIF (ring; -1/4), No Range (-1/2), Must Contact Bare Skin (-1/2)	Martial Arts: Dirty Infighting;	Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage4	Block		+2	+2	Block, Abort4	Kidney Blow	-2	+0	1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 w/STR)4	Lowblow		-1	+1	2d6 NND (3)4	Punch/Backhand	+0	+2	6d6 Strike5	Roundhouse		-2	+1	8d6 Strike1	Use Art With Knives20	Mind of Madness: Mental Damage Reduction, 1/2; Only vs Mental Illusions, Mind 	Control, and Telepathy (-1/2)	Perks50	Base: 250-point base (varies)10	Money: Wealthy	All the bases, vehicles and followers he might need	Skills:5	Combat Skill Levels: +1 with Hand-to-Hand9	Combat Skill Levels: +3 with Pistols3	Acting 15-3	AK: Arkham Asylum 15-3	CK: Gotham City 15-0	Climbing 8-0	Concealment 8-0	Conversation 8-0	Deduction 8-1	Disguise 8-3	Electronics 15-3	High Society (Underworld) 15-3	Inventor 15-3	Interrogation 15-2	KS: Arkham Inmates 11-2	KS: Batman 11-3	KS: Electronics Communications 15-3	KS: Gems and Jewelry 15-3	KS: Gotham City Underworld 15-2	KS: Supervillians 11-1	Mechanics 8-3	Persuasion 15-2	PS: Broadcasting 11-2	PS: Chemist 11-1	PS: Stand-up Comedian 8-3	SS: Biochemistry 15-3	SS: Broadcasting Technologies 15-3	SS: Chemistry 15-3	SS: Toxicology 15-3	Streetwise 15-1	System Operations 8-7	TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes,	Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles2	Weaponsmith: "Trick" Weapons 14-3	WF: Small Arms, Knife349	Total Powers & Skills Cost499	Total Character Cost200+	Disadvantages15	Distinctive Features: White Skin And Green Hair (C, E)15	Hunted: Gotham City PD (AsPow, NCI, LimGeo) 11-20	Hunted: Batman (AsPow) 14-20	Normal Characteristic Maxima20	Physical Limitation: Psychopathic (VC, S)25	Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer (VC, T)20	Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with the Batman (VC, S)15	Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with Practical Jokes (C, S)20	Reputation: Psychotic criminal and killer (extreme) 14-5	Rivalry: The Batman (prof.)124	The Clown Prince of Crime Bonus499	Total Disadvantage Points

The origin of the Joker has gone through a number of minor modifications over the years. The most recent (well, the one that was given in The Killing Joke anyway), runs like this:

There was a man who was tired of his life as a chemist for a local chemical plant. He quit his job and tried to become a stand-up comedian. He was rather unsuccessful at this, and despaired of making it "big" before his wife gave birth to their first child. Meanwhile certain criminal elements had contacted this would-be comedian in an attempt to persuade him to lead them through the chemical plant so they could raid the payroll. To cover the comedian's identity, he was to wear the mask and cape of The Red Hood, a notorious local crime figure. While trying to decide to say yes to these two men, the comedian was informed that his wife had been killed in an accident involving a household appliance (a space heater, I think). Now, with nothing else to live for, he agreed to be the Red Hood help his two "friends"> raid his old employers.

As unluck would have it, the place was being staked out by the police, and a gun battle commenced. The Red Hood's two companions were gunned down, while the Batman appeared to confront the Red Hood directly. Confused, disoriented, and very scared, the comedian leaped into one of the waste disposal tanks, making his way down an outflow pipe and into the river. Staggering to shore, he removed the mask of the Red Hood, only to discover the waste chemicals had permanently altered his face and hair color, making him look like some sort of horrid clown. It was at this point the comedian's mind snapped.

This is possibly the best all-around origin for the Joker I have seen yet. It works well and makes a great deal of sense. It doesn't hurt that Alan Moore is an excellent writer and The Killing Joke is a fantastic story.

Anyway, the Joker has plagued Batman from the early days of Detective Comics. Joker started out as a jewel thief (and possible assassin) and has since become one of the most famous super-villians of the DC universe, as well as one of the most interesting, He is a wonderful combination of comedy and horror, of outrageous slapstick and chilling ruthlessness. And worst of all, is just when you think he's gone, the Joker pops up again, with yet another mad scheme to outwit the Batman and win himself another fortune.

First and foremost, the Joker is crazy. He is a brilliant psychopath, who's twisted mind is capable of baffling even Batman. He is totally unpredictable, and does what he wants when he wants. Joker is also totally self-centered. The only things that really matter to him is his criminal empire and his constant battles with the Batman. Nothing else, not the police, innocent bystanders, fellow criminals, or even Robin (Batman's sidekick) matter. In fact, Joker has prevented others from removing Batman's mask, since he doesn't care who Batman is, he just wants someone around that he can go up against; someone who can be a worthy enough opponent for his activities.

Joker will kill for the slightest of reasons. He has killed numerous people in the course of hiscrimes, including the victims of his crimes as well as his henchmen. (I still remember a scene where the Joker shoved one of his mooks in front of a passing truck, commenting, "...and you will learn not to ask me stupid questions.") He killed Robin (the Jason Todd Robin, I think), beating him to death with a crowbar. He has tried to kill Batman as well, but current opinion has it these have not been "real" attempts on Batman's life. The idea being, if Joker did kill Batman, who would he have to "play" with?

Joker's main power is his mind. He is brilliant -- ruthlessly brilliant -- and totally unpredictable. His crimes may (or may not) have some sort of theme, or they may merely be a desire to acquire large sums of cash (usually so the Joker can then enact some other scheme). He has access to a fairly large amount of money (usually) and in World's Finest is shown to own a fairly large amount of property in Gotham (such as gambling dens and pool halls).

Joker's "powers" center around his technical genius. He has a great deal of knowledge in the fields of chemistry (witness his deadly "Joker venom"), as well as electronics and broadcasting (he used to interrupt TV broadcasts all the time). Naturally, the Joker is the master of the practical joke, especially the lethal practical joke. Deadly electric joy buzzers, exploding gifts, trick guns, balloons with poison gas, the list goes on and on. In his early (1940's) years, the Joker often created elaborate death traps to kill his targets (such as painting a cat's nails with his Joker venom or mixing the parts of his Joker gas into candles and food). He has also created bizarre contraptions in order to kill the Batman (and others) but this schtick mercifully died out in the 60's. Recently (well, as recently as the mid-90's) Joker has stuck with simpler gadgets, such as trick guns and other gadgets, all in keeping with his clown motif. Joker also has three more specific gadgets that he uses constantly, regardless of whatever else he may have. These devices are:

  • Acid Flower: This is a lapel flower that contains a small quantity of acid. Joker has used it to dissolve ropes and locks and, if in close combat, to spray an unsuspecting target. The Continuous effect can be stopped by the application of a base, to dilute the acid content.
  • Electric Joy Buzzer: This is a small, hand-held device capable of delivering a potentially lethal charge. Joker has used this while clapping someone on the back or shaking hands with them.
  • Joker Venom Ring: This "ring" is more of a poison needle strapped around the palm of the hand. It is very fast acting, killing a target in a matter of seconds. In The Killing Joke, I'd guess the man Joker uses it on is dead within two panels, and these panels are only covering a few seconds of time each...

Finally, Joker has shown some skill with hand-to-hand combat and is a very good shot (he prefers handguns).

The Joker is tall and very thin. He stands over 6' in height (possibly close to 6'3") and has a thin build with long arms and legs. The Joker's skin is pasty white, with green hair and red lips. The Joker, in fact, bears more than a passing resemblance to a clown, a fact that did not escape him when the Joker saw what he had become.

Joker dresses in suits most of the time. Usually, he wears a purple three piece suit, with long tails on the coat. He also wears a purple fedora with a broad brim. He will wear other costumes as the mood suits him, and anything he does wear tends to be bright and garish.

Designer's Notes:
This is my interpretation of The Joker. It is based off of his appearance in Alan Moore's excellent The Killing Joke (illustrated by Brian Bolland) as well as Dave Gibbon's fun romp World's Finest (illustrated by Steve Rude). Joker's stats and some of his powers were taken from the 2nd Edition Batman sourcebook for DC Heroes. I also drew on some of the Joker's original motivations and actions as shown in the early issues of Detective Comics.

(The Joker created by Bob Kane, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook. Special thanks to Steve Kramer for additional input.)

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As always a very good write up, Susano. I would reduce his STR from 20 to 10 and then buy him an extra 10 which doesn't add to his characteristics and cost increased END to simulate those occasional burst of manical strength. I would probably give him a 5 speed.


These are just personal preferences though.

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That's a cool write-up Susano :) I would add a few things myself:

Followers ... Joker always has a few shlumps following him ... not to mention a few contacts with other Bat-Rogues ;)

I would also lower his Strength to 15 ... but give him a +10 Str with some rage-linked limits ... he tends to have that psychotic strength :)

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Joker's 20 STR is taken from translation notes I had for the 2nd Edition Batman sourcebook for the old DC Heroes game. I think I'll add your suggestions for "psychotic STR" to his online write-up though.


I'm not sure about Combat Luck, as I've not seen him get shot at a lot (or even hit)...


As for thugs and followers, allow me to reprint this line under "Perks": All the bases, vehicles and followers he might need.

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Originally posted by Susano

I'm not sure about Combat Luck, as I've not seen him get shot at a lot (or even hit)...

Which was why I suggested Combat Luck, which "represents a character's ability to avoid damage in combat".


Joker repeatedly comes out unscathed. If you're going to be running him in Champions, it is unlikely that the players will allow him to remain not shot at. And since you have to deal with the randomness of dice here, he'll eventually get hit.


So I'd give him Combat Luck, for the times when the dice say he got hit, but you want him to remain unhit.

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No Harley Quinn?


I realize your write-up is based on a specific version of the Joker and that Harley Quinn is a recent addition to the mythos. But she does add something to the Joker's persona, don't you think?


Just wondered, have you ever thrown your Joker up against a group of pulp adventurers? Even though he's almost 500 points, he seems as if he would work better in combat against Dick Tracy and Indiana Jones types than 350-point superheroes. Not a criticism of your write-up, just a consequence of dealing with hard stats rather than comic writers' plot devices.

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Re: No Harley Quinn?


Originally posted by Kevin Scrivner

I realize your write-up is based on a specific version of the Joker and that Harley Quinn is a recent addition to the mythos. But she does add something to the Joker's persona, don't you think?


From what little I've seen of her, I have to agree.


Just wondered, have you ever thrown your Joker up against a group of pulp adventurers? Even though he's almost 500 points, he seems as if he would work better in combat against Dick Tracy and Indiana Jones types than 350-point superheroes. Not a criticism of your write-up, just a consequence of dealing with hard stats rather than comic writers' plot devices.


No I haven't. I actually ahven't used many of my adaptions in games... although others have and have had great success with them.


I also think that the Joker is not meant to fight a team of 350-point supers... or, more accurately, he's not meant to take on a team directly. He's a thief, assassin, murderer, and maniac. You don't fight him one-on-one, but try and figure out what he's up to and stop him before he does whatever he's doing, or capture him at the scene of the crime as he arrives. So he's perfect for detective adventures (well duh.... he's a Batman villan...) not fight scenes.


OTOH, he's also perfect as a mastermind villan for a pulp-era adventure, as physically he's about the right power level to actually be challenging to a 150-200 point character (or characters). And even if Indiana Jones is 300+ points, most of that is skills, not charateristics and combat abilities.

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Originally posted by Susano

Joker's 20 STR is taken from translation notes I had for the 2nd Edition Batman sourcebook for the old DC Heroes game. I think I'll add your suggestions for "psychotic STR" to his online write-up though...

For "psychotic strength" I'd simply give him some DCs and the "Dirty Infighting" MA package. As for representing all the other bizarre ideas that the Joker comes up with which catch the heroes off-giard -- that's just a matter of good GM-ing.

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Originally posted by Supreme

For "psychotic strength" I'd simply give him some DCs and the "Dirty Infighting" MA package. As for representing all the other bizarre ideas that the Joker comes up with which catch the heroes off-giard -- that's just a matter of good GM-ing.


I dunno ... that doesn't explain how he can toss Batman off him so easily many times ... the MA works for somethings, but he's shown some odd bursts of actually strength occasionally ...

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Re: Joker write up


Another excellent write up but I agree with most of the posted comments as to Joker's STR. I think in DC Heroes his STR is listed as 6 which would translate to a 30 in Champions. The way I'd structure it as 15 STR with the other 15 points as a manic burst.


For the Luck, I'd look at 5 or 6d6 to reeflect the fact that things do seem to fall out in Joker's favor. I think this is even more emphasized in his conflicts with Bats by the fact that Bats seems to have 1 or 2d6 of Unluck...maybe even just against the Joker. The effect of the 2 together should help to accurately reflect Bat's frustration during their encounters


Great write up. I'd love to see others.





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Re: Re: Joker write up


Originally posted by Vigil

Another excellent write up but I agree with most of the posted comments as to Joker's STR. I think in DC Heroes his STR is listed as 6 which would translate to a 30 in Champions. The way I'd structure it as 15 STR with the other 15 points as a manic burst.


That was 1st Edition. This is Second. He has a 4 in 2nd Edition.


For the Luck, I'd look at 5 or 6d6 to reeflect the fact that things do seem to fall out in Joker's favor. I think this is even more emphasized in his conflicts with Bats by the fact that Bats seems to have 1 or 2d6 of Unluck...maybe even just against the Joker. The effect of the 2 together should help to accurately reflect Bat's frustration during their encounters


Hmm... not sure about that, but that is more a matter of opinion.


Great write up. I'd love to see others.



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