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Terror INC


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Okay I am reintroducint Terror iNC, with some changes (I have already covered the changees in another thread, but will recap)


First of all they are part of Dr Destroyers organisation now, answerable to his Primary LT, Prof. Mouriarty (Sp), who is himself now built on 1500 points or so (Should be able to challange a team of Supers by himself)


Second, the team membership will now be quite different, this is where I need the help, I want to create a group of new villains over all so:


The team as it now stands (each member should be a difficult challange to a single hero, but two heroes should be able to take any one of them out, as a team they should be a hard challange) :


Major Mayhem: Powered Armor, Flight, Primary energy based weapons (75 points), Secondary Projectile based (60 Points, everything is on charges)


XXXXXXX: Darkness Manipulator, EB, Change Enviroments/Darkness, Desolid, Entangles, Teleportation, etc


XXXXXXX: Mentalist, origin tied to Menton and Mentalla


Can't remember how to spell his name: Brick from 4th edition of Terror Inc


I would also like to add one more member, thinking of some kind of Martial Artist or Weapons Expert...


I could use help naming these guys

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Re: Terror INC


Originally posted by JmOz


XXXXXXX: Darkness Manipulator, EB, Change Enviroments/Darkness, Desolid, Entangles, Teleportation, etc

Cloak might be a good one, or my Fav for a Darkness Char - Eclipse Give him a Continuous EB with Sticky, and Opaque to sight... Like a Darkness Blob.

XXXXXXX: Mentalist, origin tied to Menton and Mentalla

Male or Female??

Can't remember how to spell his name: Brick from 4th edition of Terror Inc


I would also like to add one more member, thinking of some kind of Martial Artist or Weapons Expert...


I created a character to lead a group of NPC Heroes in my world, to be rivals with the PC Team AvantGuard, I called him Cache

I could use help naming these guys

Hope those Helped :)




PS If you need help with that last one I'd gladly loan you Cache, Just let me know. :D

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Re: Terror INC


Originally posted by JmOz

Okay I am reintroducint Terror iNC, with some changes (I have already covered the changees in another thread, but will recap)


First of all they are part of Dr Destroyers organisation now, answerable to his Primary LT, Prof. Mouriarty (Sp), who is himself now built on 1500 points or so (Should be able to challange a team of Supers by himself)



Oh yeah... the reason I read this thread is that I'm bring the Original Terror Inc back into my world as well, and I'd love a look at your 1500pt version of the old Professor.


I'll trade you Cache for Prof M



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Re: Re: Terror INC


Originally posted by Wildcat

Oh yeah... the reason I read this thread is that I'm bring the Original Terror Inc back into my world as well, and I'd love a look at your 1500pt version of the old Professor.


I'll trade you Cache for Prof M




Because of what managment has said I don't feel comfortable posting it here without permision, I have sent an E-Mail to Steve, but have yet to get a responce.


However, I will tell you WHAT I did in broad terms:


Take Dr Destroyer:


Add OIHID to all powers (Teleporting Armor)

Reduce effectivness of combat powers by removing Hardening on all non standard defenses, reducing normal defenses. Reduce Primary weapon system to 90 points, secondary is 75, VPP goes to 60.


Reduce numbers of followers, and bases, and contacts


Remove some skills


Reduce Characteristics to Human range


Add some characteristics to armor (Such as Str)

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Re: Re: Re: Terror INC


Originally posted by JmOz

Because of what managment has said I don't feel comfortable posting it here without permision


Well We could just exchange our own 'Ideas' for characters without posting themon the boards, say via E-mail? You could PM me and we could exchange E-mail Addys and avoid breaking any rules :-)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, back on topic:


On my other computer I have finished both the Major and the Shadow character (Need to come up with a name, right now I call him "Shadow"), as well as my revised Giganto and Prof Muerte


I still need a name for the Shadow


As for the fourth slot I have decided on a Martial Artist, probably one with some high tech gear...

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If Prof. Muerte were to name the Shadow character, he'd probably use Spanish, so how about Spanish translations of:


"Shadow" - Sombra

"Shadowy" - Tenebroso


Continuing with the Latin American theme, I created a Brazilian super martial artist trained in capoeira called Martello. That's Portuguese for "Hammer," and one name for the round kick maneuver in capoeira. In Spanish it would be martillo.


I also came up with a Mexican weapon master called Atlatl, who used the traditional Aztec spear thrower of the same name with gimmicked projectiles - essentially the same as Hawkeye or Green Arrow.


Obviously these would give your team a more Latin flavor than you may want, but I thought I'd offer them in case there was something you could use. :)

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Well, if you have Major Mayhem, it sounds like you favour a moderately Silver Age feel (I have noticed different people favour different styles of name).


Classic darkness-using names include Nightshade (deadly of course...) and Blackout. A little more modern in feel would be Belladonna (one step on from Deadly Nightshade, but of course this means making the character female, which might not suit), or Onyx/Jet (black semi-precious stones, inspired by DC's Obsidian).


If your villain is classically schooled, you could adapt Lord Liaden's suggestion and go with Tenebrae (which I think means "of the darkness", but my Latin is ropey).


You haven't given much information about the mentalist. Does he/she have a particular "schtick" like Mental Illusions? If so, you could try a name I suggested on a different thread for such a mentalist, which was Phantasm (could also apply to your darkness character). Mirage is a classic name for an illusion using character.


If the mentalist is more a telepath/EGO Attack user, how about something connect to the words "Mind", "Brain", or "Thought"? You could have a former secret policeman or woman who was particularly effective at interrogation - Thought Police? Seer would work for a mind-reader too.


If the villain uses Mind Control, you could have Puppet Master or Puppeteer. The Master, or the Controller would fit too and sound villainous. Of course, all of these have been used before, but finding a good name that is also completely original is difficult.

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As to your high-tech Martial Artist, have you any thoughts on what sort of MA you are looking for? What sort of gear did you have in mind? Is it weaponry, like a set of souped up karate weapons, a laser katana, or more in the nature of, say, a stealth suit with concealment and armouring capabilities, or even a flight belt?


Do they have a type of MA they favour? Is the character a grappler/thrower, a hitter, or both?


Is the character a man or a woman, or are you undecided?


For some reason, I keep thinking of Poinsettia, a character for previous editions of Champions. She was an Energy Projector, whose powers were a result of Nazi experiments in South America (probably why I am thinking of her, in view of Professor Muerte and Giganto both being from that part of the world). Drop the powers, of course and keep the name. Your Martial Artist could be beautiful but deadly. Of course, this brings us back to Belladonna!


With Martial Artists, I think it is usually better to avoid explicit references to the art itself. While no comment on the characters themselves, I think of Karate Kid and Judo Master as being just a little too "classic" in their names.

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The real Terror Inc.


Since I created the original Terror Inc, I thought I would horn in on this thread with a few comments.


As the playing groups I worked with got larger, I felt a need to expand the team. I added a French martial artist knife expert called Poignard and an Armenian woman mentalist called Esprit.


If you like, I can provide character sheets for these characters either in Metacreator or Word format. I haven't gotten into Hero Designer. I can attach them to missives here, as I do on the VOICE thread, or send them personally if you like.


By the way, shortly after I submitted Terror Inc to Hero for the original Enemies II book, I realized that the brick should be called Gigante, not Giganto. But the change never made it into Hero's versions.


I also have a better version of Feur (or Feurmacher if you want to use the 5th Edition version) and Scorpia.


If anyone is interested, let me know.

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Terror Inc, as last seen


The attached zip file contains all of my Terror Inc principals. They are in rtf format. Please let me know if that doesn't work.


These are just bald character sheets, with the only roleplaying notes contained in the Disads, which are not always clear.


I think Terror Inc is well enough known that not too much needs to be said about the first four. Please note the booster multipower on Feur. That has never been seen on a published version of the character.

The entire team has undergone an increase in DEX and Spd, as well.


Poignard is an experienced mercenary assassin who had some initial success against various supers but decided he needed some backup. His relationship with Terror Inc is strictly business, though he never fails to try to impress Scorpia and Espirit. Scorpia slept with him but was not impressed. Then again, she is rarely impressed.


Espirit is a protege of Scorpia's that she met in Syria when the Armenian freedom fighter was just getting started. Espirit lives up to her name because she can adopt a "spirit form" at will that partially removes her from the real world, which is the reason for her Damage Reduction. This is not astral projection, her actual body turns semi-insubstantial. She is working on being able to go totally desolid, but hasn't pulled it off, yet. She has a deep and abiding hatred for capitalist lackeys, which was only emphasized when the Soviet Union broke down and the capitalists/gangsters made life even worse. She is the youngest member of the group and still has some innocence, though that is going fast in Scorpia's company.


Lately, Professor Muerte has been thinking of retiring to a behind-the-scenes position, and has been looking at various independent villains as possible new blood in the Terror Inc organization.

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Thanks Steve, I will look it over.


I like the name Espirit and the background and will probably use it for a mentalist I wanted to add to the group.


I also like the concept behind Poignard, and will probably use some version of it for a new character.


This will make the current group


Major Mayhem: Power Suit Energy Projector

Darkness (Need a better name for the guy): Darkforce Energy Projector

Giganto: Brick

Espirit: Mentalist

Poignard: Martial Artist

Mosquito: Shinking, Flight, Energy Blast (Perhaps Growth, but I think not)

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Pardon me for asking, Captain L, but what's the linguistic derivation of the name "Espirit?" If it's meant to be Spanish for "spirit" (i.e. named by Professor Muerte), that would be espiritu. I know it's not Armenian (anernerk).


(Ya gotta love Google and online dictionaries.) :cool:


Marvelous new characters BTW - they really flesh out Terror Inc. If you were going to bring back Prof. Muerte in the "official" CU, they could be used to replace Scorpia and Feur(macher).

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The meaning of Espirit


In theory, the name Espirit is French. It's a brand name for something or other you can buy in frou frou stores. It shows up on tote bags.


Google and Babel Fish were not available when I was making up names for these characters.


Even if it is French for Spirit, it probably doesn't mean spirit as in ghost, but it sounded good.


Why is an Armenian working for a South American and trained by an Irish girl using a French name? It is a secret ID, after all.

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Replacing Professor Muerte


Unfortunately, trying to rebuild Terror Inc in the current CU would involve getting a new Professor Muerte. The description of what Scorpia and Feurmacher did to the old one was pretty thorough. There definitely was a body to see.


Not to say that a new Terror Inc couldn't arise, though. In fact, given that Poignard is probably a low-grade physical mutant and Espirit is more than likely a mutant, I could see Holocaust deciding to revive the name...


Of course, I never did specify an origin for Espirit. She could just as easily be an almost ghost, someone left for dead who revived somehow, perhaps because of the intercession of some Armenian spirit of reprisal.

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