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Create Icy Weapons


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That construct does not seem to address going away as soon as you swap the MPP to a different power.
Yes it does. Unless you are saying you don't want them to go away when swapping slots, in which case perhaps they shouldn't be in a Multipower. You mentioned UBO; are you trying to give these weapons to other people?
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They don't physically go away. They stay there. You just can only use one at a time. I can have an RKA and a Hand Attack, with one described as shooting a gun and the other hitting you in the head with a club. The gun doesn't disappear, I just can't shoot it while I'm using the club.

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Wintry Weaponsmith


Cryokinesis Skill: Power: Ice Powers (3 pts minimum)


I am the Forge of Frost: Weaponsmith (Ice weapons) (3 pts minimum)


Instant Weapons, Just Add Water: +18 Weaponsmith (36 Active Points); Limited Power Only to move down the time chart (-1 1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Must be extremely humid, or at least a few litres of water present; -1/4), Restrainable (if subjected to heat/fire attacks or powers; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost 10, END Cost 4, should allow you to craft a weapon in one phase.)


No, it shouldn't be put in a Multipower, but it would allow you to create weapons of ice.


Lucius Alexander


Now the palindromedary won't stop singing that song - "Cooollllld......aaas....iiiiiice......."

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That construct does not seem to address going away as soon as you swap the MPP to a different power.
It was a thought. I believe that I have seen the ice character do it at times and was wondering how it might be accomplished. I guess the method that I am talking about could be constructed as an Aid. The 'Aid' being defined as ice weapons. That would put it in a MPP and allow it to exist after swapping.
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Actually, many GMs would let you use a Multipower for this purpose without Time Limit Advantage. After all, the flash pellets in Batman's Multipower: Utility Belt don't disappear when he uses his smoke pellets from the same MP. The Icy special effect is free. However, it would not likely qualify for Focus Limitation.

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I was assuming of course that you want to create weapons to give to other people that stick around, at least for the duration of a combat.(that is to say, the weapons stick around, although I suppose you hope the people will stick around too, rather than running off with your weapons.)


If you want your character to have personal ice weapons for use in melee that continue to exist in phases you don't use them, that can probably be done easily in a mulitpower. One phase you swing at one opponent with your Ice Pick, next phase you cause another to fall by creating an Ice Slick, but the whole time the Ice Pick remains in your hands. All part of your Ice Schtick.


On the other hand, for others to use the weapons from a Multipower, look at Usable by Other, Time Limit (probably not long - ice melts or breaks) and either Focus or Physical Manifestation.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary reminds me that my own time is running out

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Not sure the weaponsmith version would work as intended in a normal champions campaign. I know as a GM I would never allow someone with that power to just decide on the fly that he was creating a bunch of Light Sabers to pass around at the start of an adventure. WAAAAYYY too much power for a 3 point skill. Generally I think that skill is more about being able to identify and repair weapons he finds in a Champions style (no free equipment campaign).


For champions it would have to be either UBO, Aid, or Transform. Those are the only ways I can think of to "grant abilities" to someone else. Personally I think UBO is probably the right way to go. Aid has some odd limitations (you can't aid a power a player doesn't have so you can't give them a HA/KA weapon unless they have something similar already). And it doesn't really fit the flavor. You could run it as aid Strength but then it can never be KA.


I also think you might be able to do it with some form of focus, by buying multiple copies using the 5 point doubling rule. Of course I would never allow that as a GM but then I find that I am far stricter than some so your GM might allow it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I might be two weeks late for the party, but I still have something that might help. I agree that Weaponsmith would be a problematic approach. I always considered it a heroic skill and not fitting for superheroic games.


We need to figure out the Scale this applies to first (does it happen sometimes, regulary or all the time).


If the Power has a Physical Component (Focus or Physical Manifestation), it might be sometimes allowable to hand it to other Characters. You would still have to let the MP stand on "Ice Weapon" the whole time, spend END as apropirate, etc.. Care must be taken as obviously a +6 DC iceweapon in the hands of a 60 STR Brick or max OCV Martial Artist could cause havok on the game balance. Handing over Powers like this could be considered a version of "Teamwork". The skill itself is designed to improve chances of stunning a foe (and providing a +3 OCV), Improving someones damage by handing him your weapon also is a way to improve the chance of stunning.

But depending on just how much bonus damage this causes, the GM could just say "no, too unbalanced".


If it happens too often to be justified with a Limitation, you may have to make a version with UBO. Default UBO only gives you one weapon to hand out or use yourself. Again you have to keep the power "slotted" all the time it is used. As with just handing it out, UBO for Attack powers that add to STR can cause game balance Problems.


If you solved all the previous problems, it's time to overcome the need to keep the power "Sloted":

I have no information that says Time Limit Advantage can overcome this requirement. But I do know of two things that do:

Continous Charges are "seperate" from the Character after used. He can change the Slot selection of his Multipower after using the Charge and the Power will continue to work. Exampels are smoke grenades and other stuff that has to linger and is based on Charges already.

Uncontrolled (+1/2, power must be cosntant) might be a better alternative for this case. Basically you "invest" a certain amount of END when activating the power. The power will then use up this Endurance over the turns. It is diconnected from your character and his END/Actions, so you again could switch MP Selection. Togehter with Constant and UBO it could make the power rather expensive. Also this advantage is a STOP sign.

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