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Forced Mental Link


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Hi, I'm thinking of a mentalist that can force his way into a targets head that allows him to see and hear through them - clairsentience, basically. I'm trying to think of how to buy it exactly...the idea being either the target doesn't know (if successful). What do you think? or am I going about this all wrong?




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I have tried it as a compound power:


Forced Link:  (Total: 135 Active Cost, 70 Real Cost) Mind Control 10d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Mandatory Effect EGO +20 (-1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2), Set Effect (-1/2) (Real Cost: 30)


Clairsentience (Hearing And Sight Groups), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (60 Active Points); Linked (Mind Control; -1/2) (Real Cost: 40)


Does this look correct?


Thanks again.

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If the subject you want to use as a focal point is in LOS, you don't need anything other than the Clairsentience with the Mobile Perception Point adder. 


If the subject is remote, you need to use Mind Scan to find them and then use your Clairsentience. 


You need enough range on Clairsentience and enough speed with the perception point to keep up with the subject but Clairsentience itself isn't an attack power. Buying invisible power for the Clairsentience may also be appropiate.

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Yeah, I'd go with Clairsentience linked to Mindscan. This would have the effect that a powerful mentalist type would be able to resist being used as a clairsentience point. (by simply being too hard to "hit" with a mind scan. To create the effect of the subject not knowing they are being ridden you could buy Invisible Power Effects for the Mind Scan as a Naked Advantage with a limitation of "only successful with a competitive ego roll" or similar.


You might also want to limit the Clarisentience with something like "blocked by target's mental defence" or "target's mental defence creates static in the picture." Something like that, I'm just riffing now.

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Yeah, I'd go with Clairsentience linked to Mindscan. This would have the effect that a powerful mentalist type would be able to resist being used as a clairsentience point. (by simply being too hard to "hit" with a mind scan. To create the effect of the subject not knowing they are being ridden you could buy Invisible Power Effects for the Mind Scan as a Naked Advantage with a limitation of "only successful with a competitive ego roll" or similar.


You might also want to limit the Clarisentience with something like "blocked by target's mental defence" or "target's mental defence creates static in the picture." Something like that, I'm just riffing now.


Eh, if the Clairsentience is linked to the mind link, this is automatic - if the mind scan fails, the clairsentience fails.  


However, Mind Link can only be used, it seems, on a willing target - I don't even see the option to make it an attack.  So I think this would be telepathy + clairsentience, with the CS having the "Only through the Senses of Another" option rather than the mobile perception point (the perception point is the mind-linked character.)

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Eh, if the Clairsentience is linked to the mind link, this is automatic - if the mind scan fails, the clairsentience fails.  


However, Mind Link can only be used, it seems, on a willing target - I don't even see the option to make it an attack.  So I think this would be telepathy + clairsentience, with the CS having the "Only through the Senses of Another" option rather than the mobile perception point (the perception point is the mind-linked character.)


Mobile Perception Point is required for the Only through the senses of another . CC page 54.

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Mind Link, Useable as Attack, with Feedback. They will think twice about hitting you!

Mind Link is entirely Voluntary. Says so in the first sentence.

A non Voluntary Mind Link is hat the power Telepathy is

You should read what was disccussed so far, as what was written as the Topic was never actually requested. It was a special effect description, not a Rule construct question.


So far the best idea was:

Clairsentience, Mobile Perception Point (adder), Only Through The Senses Of Others(-1/2)

The limitation includes a sugested -1 PER/Point of Mental Defense.

The Perception Point is inherently not visible in any way. (you get a limitation to make it visible to Mental Awareness, for example)


So the only missing part is actually "hitting" with the Clairsentiece, wich requires a Targetting Sense.

Sight will do if the Target is in Sight Range (note that there are limits on using Clairsenteince as Targetting Sense or to establish Line Of Sight)


If the Target is out of Sight Range a Mind Scan will do as others sugested. EGO+10 would propably count as "able to percieve with nontargetting sense", wich might still be enough to hit a unaware target with the Clairsentience. EGO+20 explicitly counts as "able to percieve target with targetting sense".

+20 more result or a +1/2 "Invisible to Target" Advantage makes the Mind Scan Attempt undetectable by the target.

Keep in mind that Clairsentience also needs the range to actualy reach the target and Mind Scan has quite a bit of Megascale figured into it's cost.

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I recall seeing a character with a 'transform to emindlinked individual' power once, to get around the voluntary rule. But that was a long time ago and I'm not sure on the legality

That is certainly among the things Transform can do.

But I have to wonder what the benefit of having that power would be:

You still cannot force the target to tell you something (the target is not forced to use the Link in any way and ML does not give acces to even Surface Level thoughts).

"A character can voluntarily leave a Mind Link as a Zero Phase Action (just like deactivating any power)." 6E1 258


There is the aspect that you can target mental powers through the link, but if that was your intention all along just use Mind Scan instead. Or maybe some long Range Targetting Sense (if you do not like the whole Mind Scan cost)

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