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Extra SPD only usable for making skill rolls or PER rolls


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I'm working on a Heroic-level detective character and one of the abilities I have been considering is additional SPD that can only be used for INT-related tasks, like PER rolls, Deduction rolls, etc. What sort of Limitation level might this be? The character would have a 3 SPD and an additional 3 SPD that can only be used for thinking-related tasks.


One advantage is that the character could get credit for taking an extra phase when making a skill roll or PER roll, if they use a thinking phase and an action phase together to just make the roll.

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The "take extra Time bonus" for 1 Phase is only +1, tops. Wich is easily done with a Overall Skil Level (on top of the ones you already had planned).

In fact to get from 30 to less then 12 (1 OSL) you would need at least a -2 Limitaiton Value. And if you just pick a 10 point Skill Level (instead of 12 point OSL) it's harder to underbid with SPD.


What else you could use the extra Phases for:

You could make a PER Roll as Full Phase without having to sacrifice a normal action phase.

You could also make a Analyzing Roll for something Combat related, like Martal Arts with this extra Phase.

Paramedics could be used in this extra Phase.

I think one of the APG's listed some more uses for INT skills in combat, like Tactic to figure out what the enemy is after (only distraction, thier primary target).


All the other uses of INT would either be 0-Phase already (KS, SS) or have no relevant use for combat time anyway.

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I KNOW I've seen this topic before. I think it's one of those perennial topics that just keeps coming up on a cyclical basis.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suggests doing a search but with what keywords?

Even if not this exact topic, "Extra Speed, only for (X)" is something that gets discussed fairly regularly, whether "X" is defensive actions or non-combat skill rolls or only mental powers or whatever.

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Thanks for the reminder about Secondary SPD. Extra SPD only to use skills is a -1 Limitation, but the extra phases can also be used on a regular action phase, which I had not considered before. Having a 3-4 SPD normal with 1-3 extra phases to just do skills rolls or make PER checks, even while using up full normal phases for movement and combat, seems more like what I had in mind.

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