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Campaign: Children of Tunguska


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On June 30, 1908, an aerial explosion occurred in Russia, the largest impact event in recorded history.


In this world, the Tunguska Event caused more far-reaching effects. Within a year after the blast, the world's first documented superhumans appeared, first in Russia and then in Europe. In the following years, more came forward, their numbers spreading all over the world.


Despite this change, World War I was still triggered by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, only in this timeline his killer was superhuman, taking the nobleman's life with a blast of energy through the chest.


Like in the Godlike RPG, superhumans appeared in sufficient numbers to be recruited into the various militaries involved in the conflict. Germany and Russia held the lead in such empowered soldiers, hurling them at each other in the bloody conflict.


The February Revolution in Russia failed when it was revealed that Tsar Nicholas II was superhuman, taking to the streets in defense of his rule and cutting a bloody swath through his opponents, leaving hundreds dead. A later attempt in October also failed.


The Great War eventually ground to a halt in early 1919, the Allied forces unable to turn back the Central Powers from their gains and declaring an Armistice. France ceased to exist when the maps were redrawn, leaving Germany and the Ottomans in charge of Europe.


America, its nose bloodied in the War, turned its attentions back to the Western Hemisphere, maintaining trade relations with England and Russia.

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I am experimenting with a Champions setting in a different time. In this case, it would be the Roaring Twenties.


Because of superhumans, the Great War was lost by the Allies and Russia never fell to Communism. The Ottomans are a client of the Kaiser, who has been busy consolidating his gains in Europe.


To the east, Tsar Nicholas is purging Russia of dissidents and rebuilding the economy, aided by at least one superhuman intellect. He is offering a rich bounty and a title of nobility to any superhuman willing to swear fealty to him. This has led to a superhuman arms race with the Kaiser, the Japanese (a fast-rising power in Asia, aided by a cadre of superhuman loyal to the Emperor) and America.


Great Britain is still in recovery mode from the War.

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If I go with the Tunguska Event as triggering an unlocking of superhuman mutation, then it becomes a cross between "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and "X-Men" in feel. This is currently where I am leaning.


France is currently fighting a resistance effort against the Kaiser's forces, led by the few remaining French superhumans. German psionics are being pressed into service to aid in the effort to hunt them down.


Since Germany won the Great War, that country is experiencing an economic boom right now. Their main trading partner right now is the Ottomans, currently expanding further south into Africa. Italy is also being friendly with them, but they are recruiting superhuman forces "just in case".


Spain is eyeing their eastern neighbors uneasily, wondering if they are next for conquest, feverishly using the time being taken to pacify France to build up their military and superhuman forces.


America is concentrating their attentions in the Western Hemisphere, going into isolationist mode for the time being. The Roaring Twenties are a party being thrown to distract from troubles overseas. Havana is a popular vacation destination for the well to do.


Power-level wise, I am thinking of going with Standard Superhumans or maybe Low-Powered Superhumans. Foci would likely be limited to things that could be replicated by others of similar resources.


For comparison, Tsar Nicholas is roughly comparable to the powers of the original Golden Age Superman, and is currently one of the most powerful men on the planet.

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