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WIP Unnamed Villain


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Val   Char   Cost    Roll     Notes

  25    STR      15      14-      Lift 800.0kg; 5d6 [2]

  26    DEX     32      14-      OCV:  9/DCV:  15

  25    CON     15      14-

  18    INT        8       13-      PER Roll 13-

  13    EGO      3       12-      ECV:  3 - 5

  25    PRE      15      14-      PRE Attack:  5d6


   9     OCV     30     

  15    DCV     30     

   3     OMCV  0      

   5     DMCV  6      

   6     SPD      40                  Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


10+3 PD          8                   Total:  10/13 PD (0/3 rPD)

10+3 ED         8                   Total:  10/13 ED (0/3 rED)

  10    REC      6

  50    END      6

  25    BODY  15

  50    STUN   15      Total Characteristic Cost:  252


Movement:    Running:  12m/24m

                         Leaping:  4m/8m

                         Swimming:  4m/8m

                         Teleportation:  40m/80m


Cost   Powers                                                                                   END

43      Dimensional Attacks:  Multipower, 75-point reserve,  (75 Active Points); all slots No Range (-½), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                     

3f       1)  Dimensional Blades:  RKA 2 ½d6, Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +½) (60 Active Points); No Range (-½), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                       6

3f       2)  Rift Staff:  Blast 8d6, Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +½) (60 Active Points); No Range (-½), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                   6

2f       3)  Dimensional Prison Touch:  Entangle 5d6, 5 PD/5 ED (50 Active Points); No Range (-½), Vulnerable (Dimensional Attacks; -¼), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼) 5

           Extra Dimensional Being, all slots Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)         

17      1)  Blink Dimension-Walking:  +6 DCV (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                                                     3

32      2)  Dimensional Bypass:  Desolidification  (affected by Dimensional attacks, any Power with the Transdimensional Advantage, or magic) (40 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)             4

16      3)  Dimensional Point Defense:  Deflection (20 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)       2

7         4)  Extra Dimensional Being:  Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED) (Impermeable) (9 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                   0

32      5)  Dimensional Transit:  Teleportation 40m (40 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)    4

16      6)  Dimensional Vault:  Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension) (20 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                   2

20      7)  Dimensional Window:  Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups) (30 Active Points); Perceivable (-¼), Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                   3

24      8)  Multi-Dimensional Form:  (Total: 30 Active Cost, 24 Real Cost) +15 Mental Defense (15 points total); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼) (Real Cost: 12) plus Power Defense (15 points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼) (Real Cost: 12)                                                                           0

3         9)  Planar Reach:  Stretching 2m, Transdimensional (Any Dimension; +1) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (Dimensional Life Form; -¼)                                                                            1

           Gadgets and Gear                                                                        

           Tae Kwon Do

           Maneuver        OCV   DCV    Notes

16      +4 HTH Damage Class(es)

4         Arm Sweep Block     +2      +2 Block, Abort

5         Crescent Kick Block +1      +3 9d6 Strike

4         Disarm              -1       +1      Disarm; 55 STR to Disarm

5         Flying Side Kick         +1      -2 13d6 Strike

4         Front Kick        +0      +2      11d6 Strike

4         Knifehand/Spearhand        -2 +0           HKA 3 ½d6

4         Punch/Elbow Strike  +2      +0 11d6 Strike

5         Side or Roundhouse Kick  -2 +1           13d6 Strike

3         Takedown       +1      +1      9d6 Strike; Target Falls

1         Weapon Element:  Blades

1         Weapon Element:  Clubs

1         Weapon Element:  Karate Weapons

1         Weapon Element:  Staffs



6         Investments:  Money:  Wealthy

15      The Monestary:  Vehicles & Bases

35      Vehicles:  Vehicles & Bases

15      Contact:  The Black Market (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 11-



6         Man of Mystery:  +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

3         Environmental Attunement:  Lightsleep

5         Swiftness:  Lightning Reflexes (+5 DEX to act first with All Actions)



16      +2 with HTH Combat

3         +2 with Security Systems (4 Active Points); Only Versus Computer Security Systems (-½)

3         Acrobatics 14-

3         Breakfall 14-

3         Charm 14-

3         Climbing 14-

3         Combat Driving 14-

7         Computer Programming 15-

3         Concealment 13-

3         Contortionist 14-

3         Electronics 13-

3         High Society 14-

3         Inventor 13-

3         Lockpicking 14-

3         Paramedics 13-

3         Persuasion 14-

3         Scholar

2         1)  KS: Art and Antiquities (3 Active Points) 13-

1         2)  KS: History (2 Active Points) 11-

1         3)  KS: Innuendo and Banter (2 Active Points) 11-

1         4)  KS: Sexual Positions and Techniques (2 Active Points) 11-

1         5)  KS: Tae Kwon Do (2 Active Points) 11-

1         6)  KS: Wine (2 Active Points) 11-

3         Scientist

2         1)  SS:  Computer Sciences 13- (3 Active Points)

1         2)  SS:  Mathematics 11- (2 Active Points)

1         3)  SS:  Statistics 11- (2 Active Points)

3         Security Systems 13-

3         Stealth 14-

3         Streetwise 14-

3         Systems Operation 13-

2         WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  457

Total Cost:  709


400+ Matching Complications

15      Psychological Limitation:  Thrillseeker (Common; Strong)

15      Psychological Limitation:  Inflated sense of Self-Importance (Common; Strong)

10      Social Limitation:  Criminal Record (Occasionally; Major)

15      Social Complication:  Secret Identity Frequently, Major

15      Hunted:  Interpol Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

5         Unluck: 1d6

309    Experience Points


Total Complications Points:  709










Campaign Use:




mild twist on the sexually provocative cat-burglar. It's a dude. 

This guy was born in an extradimensional space - in a place he calls the Monestary. He can travel to EarthRealm and has a number of bizarre powers as a result - his physical attributes are a subtle side effect of his home plane's marginally greater gravitational pull. 


His combat training was from youthful desire - he was a European junior champion before he realized his powers gave him subtle advantages even when he didn't want them to. 


I think he's Belgian - but haven't decided, he'll have a few more background skills. 


Essentially, he steals what interests him, fights who intrigues him and tries to seduce women of "exception." 


I could use help with names and I need to get his look and background down.

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