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Freezing Field


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I am concidering a character that is a cryomaster who was the result of an experiment to cure an uncurable illness.  As a result, the character survives by literally absorbing the heat energy from everyone around him.  In addition to all the other abilities that this character has, he constantly projects this absorption field that feeds his lifeforce.  I was wondering what the best way to create this ability would be.  I was thinking of:


Drain (BODY): 4m AE (Cone), Penetrating, AP, Personal Immunity, 0 END, Only to Starting Value, No Range, No KB, Always On, Not in Frozen Environ

AC - 28/ RC - 10


Is there a better way that this ability could be represented?

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Possible you mean Transfer for Drain?


Or is the effect that it Drains Body down to 10 (ie 'Starting' value)?


Also, Drains do no KB, so there's no point in taking it.


If the SPFX is Cold, I'd suggest also Does Not Affect Targets With Life Support Vs. Cold.


And I'd suggest Does Not Affect Inanimate Targets, as your guy will end up draining the Body of the ground they stand on and heading for China.


And then destroying the planet.

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I will be using 6e, so there is not a transfer option, but I did wonder if I should use the drain+aid option that they suggest. The suggestions for not against inanimate targets and those with Life Support are good ones. The starting value is meant to stop the power when his BODY reaches its starting value, which makes me wonder if Uncontrolled would be a better way to go than Always On. I was also thinking of changing the drain to STUN.

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The Drain + Aid option works well. The added complexity is worth it because it allows different return and fade rates.


Should be AE Radius over Cone and Uncontrolled makes more sense than Always On for the description of the power.


Could just go with a 2d6 Penetrating Blast(not KA) instead of Drain. Knockout normals(with potential serious injury but it takes long exposure) and do minor damage to supers. Still add the Life Support but no need to worry about destroying the environment. Link the Aid as normal.

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Instead of a Drain vs. Body build I would go a more subtle route and begin with a No Range, Always On Change Environment effect that drops the temperature and use the environmental effects rules from there.  I would also give the character a Complication that requires them to seek a warm environment or they eventually go into a state of hibernation. 


Also - see Killer Frost - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_Frost

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Instead of a Drain vs. Body build I would go a more subtle route and begin with a No Range, Always On Change Environment effect that drops the temperature and use the environmental effects rules from there.  I would also give the character a Complication that requires them to seek a warm environment or they eventually go into a state of hibernation. 


Also - see Killer Frost - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_Frost


Change Environment has the effect I would go with. The character could have the Body Drain + Aid has one possible attack but not necessarily the only attack. Is the person going to be a player character or not? If player character, I think this would be a hard concept to get past the GM, not to mention hard to have any kind of social life but that depends on your campaign/GM/style.

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