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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I rode down to see the Cherry Blossoms at the tidal basin today. In the 15 + years I've lived here and worked just outside of DC, this is the first time I've actually gone down to see the Cherry Blossoms. It was great.


I'd do it more often if it wasn't for the lousy traffic.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The very definition of insult:


You're a chef. You come home from a hard days work and are badgered by a certain someone to cook dinner, and please do it quickly everyone, especially her, is starving. Despite protests that you've been making fish stock all day and smell like hours old red snapper, or that you're tired and sticky and just need to be refreshed, they keep on you till you agree to cook.


So you make something quick and easy, that certain smells good while cooking and is going to be tasty and delicious while at the same time being no big effort because by god you are tired and you still haven't had a shower yet.


In the middle of cooking, the person who badgered trundles through the kitchen, says "That looks really good... and it smells good too..." and you, as is your practice if you are a smart chef, take out a tester-spoon and give the trundling badger a taste. "Tastes better than it smells," the trundler responds.


So, in twenty minutes dinner is ready. You go around the house announcing it, then return to the kitchen. There, you find the trundler, cooking something else for dinner because "I just decided I wanted this instead."


Its enough to make me want to strangle them with your apron strings.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"I would really like to do that. But there is an important principle involved here: It is a long-standing principal that sitting national security advisers do not testify." - Condaleeza Rice


This is sweet, because she's just digging herself and Smirk a deeper hole. She's willing to talk to 60 Minutes and The Today Show and anyone else that will listen, but she's afraid to be put under oath for what I think are obvious reasons.


I believe at some point she'll be forced to testify and because she's fighting the inevitable so hard, she's only creating more drama. When she finally gives and raises her right hand, the whole nation will be watching and we'll all get to see her squirm.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have just learned that a coworker of mine is quitting so that she can raise her new spawn. This would be the second quitter (as it were) from my department in the past few months. Did I mention that my department started with three people? If the new guy wasn't going to start in two days I would proceed to go mad. As it is we'll still be shorthanded.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ok - being out of work truly blucks (blows and sucks). We're covered that part. But many good things have happened as well.


First of all, the outpouring of support from my friends has been tremendous and wonderful. Not just people giving me sympathy and support, but asking for my resume to hand it off to folks they know while dropping a good word in their ear about me. That really means a lot when you see people actually putting their money where their mouths are when it comes to being a friend.


Next, while I am down about my situation, I am not letting it *keep* me down in all other things. Yeah, I've slipped a few times, but over-all, my mood is good, and I'm staying strong.


So for now, things are going rather well. Let us hope that this doesn't turn around to bite me on the ass in a few months as funds run dry.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A regular at my cafeteria committed suicide. She'd been going through depression, and being diagnosed with a terminal illness apparently caused her to snap. She hurled herself under a truck at the same spot her mother had been killed years ago.

She was a kind, soft-spoken and sweet person. I'll miss her.

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