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Please Review a Base for me


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For the game I am going to be running I am giving the heroes a small base for free...I want it to be useful, well concealed, but not to useful.  It is in the docks area of the city, disguised as a warehouse.  It does include a large subteraining work bay/garage...but as most of the base is above ground I did not purchase underground (as it has no advantage)...Tell me if I missed anything important or if you feel I should tone down anything


"The Warehouse of Justice"

VAL    CHA    Cost    Notes
9    Size    18    Length 64m,  Width 32m,  Height 32m,  Volume 65,536m^3   OCV +10
10    PD    12    10 PD (10 rPD)
10    ED    12    10 ED (10 rED)
10    BODY    8

Movement    Cost    Meters    Notes

Characteristics Total: 50

Cost    Powers    
4    Comm System: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Sense Affected As  Radio, Hearing, Sight [very common Sense] (-1/2)    0
4    Secured Mind Link (CentLink, FoxLink): Mind Link , Specific Group of Minds, Number of Minds (x2) (15 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight, Hearing and Radio (-1/2)    0

Powers Total: 8

Cost    Skills
6    1)  Crime Lab: +2 W/ Criiminology, Deduction, Forgery
6    2)  Maintnance Bay: +2 Mechanics, Electronics, Weaponsmith
6    3)  Med Lab: +2 W/ SS: Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Paramedics
15    1)  Hidden: Concealment 15-
15    2)  Looks like a warhouse: Disguise 15-
15    3)  Rerouted utilities: Computer Programming 15-
15    4)  Lockpicking 15-
15    5)  Security Systems 15-

Skills Total: 93

Cost    Perks
1    Internet: Computer Link

Perks Total: 1

Base Points: 200
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 152

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Are alarms already effectively covered by the Security Systems?


Unless it's an open-floorplan warehouse, you probably should have cameras (Clairsentience) to cover different rooms, as well as the underwater access, plus views of the area outside the warehouse.  But it's not required. 


I'm guessing from your posts elsewhere that there's a computer planned for the base as well.  (Or is the Spyder Computer located elsewhere?)


If the base is to be well concealed, you may want the Comm System and Secure Mind Link to be IIF Immobile rather than OIF.


I'd suggest a DNPC (Normal) or two who work at the base.  Based on your "Returning to GMing" thread, that may already be covered by the Spyder and the old guy. 


You may want detailed records of past cases of the missing main hero of the city and his foes (IOW, a few Knowledge Skills). 

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Yes alarms are part of security systems


Clairsentience will be added


Will consider the IIF, probably a good call


Needs it's own computer...Spyder's is at his location (they will probably not meet him at first, just his Avatar), but the old guy (Grey Fox) will be on site some...


The case files will be on the computer...Spyder also has access....

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Current Write up...tell me what you think



Warehouse Base

VAL    CHA    Cost    Notes
9    Size    18    Length 64m,  Width 32m,  Height 32m,  Volume 65,536m^3   OCV +10
10    PD    12    10 PD (10 rPD)
10    ED    12    10 ED (10 rED)
10    BODY    8

Movement    Cost    Meters    Notes

Characteristics Total: 50

Cost    Powers    
4    Comm System: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight, Hearing, & Radio (-1/2)    0
4    Secured Link System: Mind Link , Cent Link, Foxlink, Number of Minds (x2), Psychic Bond (15 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4), Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Sense Affected As  Radio, Hearing, Sight [very common Sense] (-1/2)    0
19    Security Cameras: Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), 8 Perception Points, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); IAF Immobile (-1 1/2), Fixed Perception Points (Various cameras in and on base) (-1)    0
2    IR Lenses: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Only with Security Camera (-1), IAF (-1/2)    0
1    Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Only with Security Camera (-1)    0
1    1)  Clock: Detect Time 9- (Unusual Group) (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Requires Power Supply (-1/4)    0
4    2)  Internal Lights: Change Environment (-4 to Normal Sight PER Rolls), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (32m Radius; +1) (20 Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Limited Arc Of Fire (60 degrees; Only on same horizontal level; -3/4), No Range (-1/2), Requires Power Supply (-1/4)    0
1    3)  Climate control: Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) (3 Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2)    0
2    4)  Entertainment Playback: Detect A Single Thing 9- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory (8 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Requires Power Supply (-1/4), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Hearing & Electrical (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)    0
4    5)  Signals/Playback: Hearing Group and Normal Sight Images, +/-1 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (19 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Only To Create Light/Sound (-1), No Range (-1/2), Requires Power Supply (-1/4)    0

Powers Total: 42

Cost    Skills
6    1)  Crime Lab: +2 with Criiminology, Deduction?, Forgery?
6    2)  Maintnance? Bay: : +2  Mechanics, Electronics, Weaponsmith?
6    3)  Med Lab: +2  SS: Medicine??, Forensic? Medicine, Paramedics?
15    1)  Hidden: Concealment 15-
15    2)  Looks like a Warehouse: Disguise 15-
15    3)  Rerouted Utilities: Computer Programming 15-
15    4)  Advanced Locks: Lockpicking 15-
15    5)  Alarm Systems: Security Systems 15-

Skills Total: 93

Cost    Perks
25    Computer: Vehicles & Bases
1    Elevator: Vehicles & Bases
1    Internet: Computer Link
3    Anonymity
10    Location:  City; Modifier Underground (20 Active Points); Limited Covered (-1)

Perks Total: 40

Base Points: 200
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 225

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Base computer, has 33 points unspent


Base Computer

VAL    CHA    Cost    Notes
28    INT    18    15-    PER Roll 15-

13    DEX    6    12-
3    OCV    0
3    DCV    0
3    OMCV    0
8    DMCV    15
2    SPD    0    Phases:  6, 12

Movement    Cost    Meters    Notes

Characteristics Total: 39

Cost    Powers    
10    Mental Defense (10 points total)    0
12    Comm System: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)    0
7    Secured Link System: Mind Link , Cent Link, Foxlink, Number of Minds (x2), Psychic Bond (15 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1)    0
3    Printer / 3-d Printer: Minor Transform 1d6 (Raw materials to basic item), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2)    0
3    1)  Clock: Absolute Time Sense    
5    2)  Memory: Eidetic Memory    
3    3)  Calculator: Lightning Calculator    
3    4)  Quick on: Lightsleep    
6    5)  Scanner: Speed Reading (x100)    
3    6)  Internet: Computer Link    

Powers Total: 55

Cost    Skills
8    AK: San Corona 20-
3    Computer Programming 15-
3    Criminology 15-
3    Cryptography 15-
3    Deduction 15-
3    Electronics 15-
3    Forensic Medicine 15-
3    Forgery 15-
3    KS: Case Files 15-
3    KS: Criminals 15-
3    KS: Entertainment Programs 15-
13    KS: General Knowledge 25-
3    KS: Recent News 15-
3    KS: Superhumans 15-
3    Language:  English (completely fluent)
1    Language:  FoxSpeak (basic conversation)
3    Mechanics 15-
3    Paramedics 15-
3    Science Skill 15-
3    Science Skill:  Chemistry 15-
3    Science Skill:  Toxicology 15-
3    Science Skill:  Balistics 15-
3    Science Skill:  Medicine 15-
3    Security Systems 15-
3    Systems Operation 15-

Skills Total: 88

Cost    Talents
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program
1    Program

Talents Total: 10

Base Points: 200
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 192

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Overall, well done.  However, I noted a few discrepancies / questions:

  • Both the base and computer have Internet: Computer Link, but the base only pays 1 point for it and the computer pays 3
  • On the base, the Clock is Detect Time 9-, while the computer's clock is Absolute Time Sense. 
  • I don't typically charge for something as basic as lights.  That said, I think the normal way to do lights is Images, Only to create light.  But if using Change Environment, I'd think (1) you'd have that same Only to Create Light limitation, and (2) I'm not sure the Limited Arc of Fire is really applicable
  • I like the idea of having a 3D printer on base.  But shouldn't that be on the base rather than the computer?
  • If the base has High Range Radio, does the computer need it as well?  After all, the people don't need to purchase HRR to use the base's radio, so why does the computer?  Unless the computer has its own dedicated HRR for backup (which may be your intent).
  • Same point as above with the Secured Link System
  • I think Forgery is normally a 2-point skill, with type specified (I'm guessing in this case it's Documents, though I kinda like a homebrewed Computer Files for the Computer).
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I will think on most of your points. 


RE: Paying for the lights: House rule, basically you pay for everything but you get an extra 25 points (no every-man)

RE: Forgery, Champions compete rules instead of 6th (one of the few differences)

RE the clocks: just a different way of saying the same thing (Detect is how the talent is built)

RE Radio & Link: yes a redundant system


Need to examine (note to self)

Internet link 

Lights build 

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I like that house rule. 


I don't have Ultimate Base available right now.  Are things like Computers and dedicated Vehicles paid for within the Base sheet, or separately?  It seems a bit like double-dipping to have the base pay 1/5 cost for them, when the player is paying 1/5 cost for the base.

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It is, and I do allow it, if the computer (or follower) is dedicated to the base.  In this case I decided to remove it (however an "autopilot computer" would be okay on a vehicle


The guideline I use on it is based on the Lone RAnger


Lone Ranger has 2 followers (Tonto and Silver)

Tonto has his own follower (scout). 


Also due to another house rule it actually cost more to have it on the base (Vehicles, bases & Followers are the same thing in my game, so +5 x2)


Should be noted that this is all being given to the player for free, so points are a minor concern...

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