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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Social media has exacerbated intolerance and hatred exponentially IMO. It allows you to easily voice 'opinions', but without the courtesy, temperance and natural back and forth dialogue of a face-to-face setting.
  2. I'm SURE I'm in the minority, but I kinda liked The Postman.
  3. Weekend At Bernie's is definitely an underrated comedy.
  4. Wow, have to vehemently agree to disagree there. Overall, I think DS9 is better than TNG, but TNG easily has at least a dozen really good to great episodes IMO. Just off the top of my head - Measure of A Man Darmok Inner Light Sins of the Father Best of Both Worlds I, Borg Tapestry Conundrum Cause and Effect I can think of several more in my head, but I don't know their titles. Many people love Yesterday's Enterprise also, but I think it's just good. The first three I listed are simply brilliant IMO.
  5. Did he start that up? If he paints it black, he might get some satisfaction.
  6. Mr. Scott - "Surely, you don't believe we can defeat the Klingons!" Captain Kirk - "Yes I do. And don't call me Shirley."
  7. A reporter finally called him on the Veteran's Choice lie he's been bragging about for 2 years, so President Pouty McCrybaby walked out
  8. It also seems odd (i.e., also creepy) that, according to the lady in the video, neither the button or it's functions are advertised on the box....
  9. they come and go, they come and go
  10. Speaking of abuse of preteen girls https://twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1290986237315039232?s=20 Umm, way to be unbelievably creepy Hasbro.
  11. Is that like Fight Club rule or Rule of Acquisition?
  12. Trump has voted by mail 3 times in the last 3 years and as recently as April 2020 in the FL primary. On one of these ballots he got his birth date wrong. Just FYI.
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