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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Are we going to let 2016 kill this thread, too?
  2. 9 million painkillers shipped to Kermit, WV pharmacy over last 2 years Kermit has a population of 400
  3. Errr, aren't some of the very top grossing movies ever (inflation and non-inflation) also incredibly long? Gone with the Wind, Titanic, Avatar, LOTR, etc.... IOW, the simple premise that long movies don't work is silly...it's clearly more complicated than that.
  4. I don't necessarily need a more inclusive, fun-loving movie, I just want them to stop picking the gloomiest and darkest stories imaginable and I just want the characters to act like the characters. I want Superman to be Superman, not the Sentry. I want Batman to be Batman, not the Punisher. I want Lex Luthor to be Lex Luthor, not the Joker.... I also want to Doomsday to be Doomsday...not a cave troll from LOTR.
  5. Don't you know that all we hear when you post is - blah blah blah, green sauce sucks, blah blah blah?
  6. Wasn't the Alderaan housing bubble about to burst anyway thanks to Bail Organa telling the government to back millions of sub-prime mortgage loans?
  7. How do you people expect to fight the Empire if you don't even know your Echo Base call signs?
  8. Was it the bright red coats that screamed, "Over here, shoot me, shoot me"?
  9. In order for something to have the Imperial designation, doesn't it have to have a major design flaw?
  10. All true and vinyl sales have been rising for years, but IMO digital download totals have dropped enough to be surpassed by vinyl totals (which was the specific point of the article) primarily because streaming has cut so deeply into the downloads. Last I checked vinyl albums were still less than 8% of the album market.
  11. Actually, I think its because of streaming
  12. Can you convert that question to feet and inches, please?
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