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Everything posted by jwpacker

  1. Re: You. Make. The Call. I think, on some level, the fact that his powers do top out in the 120 active point range makes him happy. I'm not sure how I feel just yet, but suspect it'll work itself out in the wash. As for playability, this guy's a mathematician. I fully expect him to come prepared with a set of pre-set power levels he can easily shift through as the battle progresses.
  2. Re: You. Make. The Call. That's where I'm leaning too, Alibear. The day this guy turns his FF down below some reasonable number is the day he decides he must, to use his full strength TK to keep a building from falling on a crowd of puppies.
  3. Re: You. Make. The Call. Y'all wanted to see progress... Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 23 DEX 39 20 CON 20 12 BODY 4 13 INT 3 18 EGO 16 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 4/64 PD 1 4/64 ED 0 5 SPD 17 7 REC 0 50 END 5 30 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 3" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 115 Cost Power 100 Telekinetc Powers: Multipower, 120-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (150 Active Points); all slots OIF (Diadem; -1/2) 15m 1) Remote Hands: Telekinesis (70 STR), Fine Manipulation (115 Active Points); OIF (Diadem; -1/2) 16m 2) Autolifting: Flight 50", Position Shift, x16 Noncombat (120 Active Points); OIF (Diadem; -1/2) 16m 3) Personal Shield: Force Field (60 PD/60 ED) (120 Active Points); OIF (Diadem; -1/2) 16m 4) Remote Shield: Force Wall (20 PD/20 ED; 5" long and 2" tall) (Opaque Sight Group) (120 Active Points); OIF (Diadem; -1/2) 15m 5) Telekinetic Shove: Energy Blast 13d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (114 Active Points); OIF (Diadem; -1/2) Powers Cost: 178 Cost Skill 3 Bureaucratics 12- 3 Conversation 12- 3 Deduction 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 Inventor 12- 2 KS: Nanotechnology 11- 3 Mechanics 12- 2 SS: Microelectronics 11- 2 SS: Force Field Mechanics 11- 3 Security Systems 12- 3 Stealth 14- Skills Cost: 30 Cost Perk 11 Money: Filthy Rich Perks Cost: 11 Cost Talent 3 Absolute Range Sense 3 Bump Of Direction 5 Eidetic Memory 5 Rapid Healing Talents Cost: 16 Total Character Cost: 350
  4. Re: You. Make. The Call. I think his take was that he'd not often find much need to put full power into his force field, that nine times out of ten, it would be more on the level of 25/25 than 75/75, but that, like many comic heroes, he could, at need, exceed everyone's expectations and do what needed doing by sacrificing in other areas while he's doing it.
  5. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central That's gonna get pricey, when you add in "Does Body" for an additional +1...
  6. Re: You. Make. The Call. It all raises for me a question I've had since I delved back into Hero - and it's a philosophical one. If the system is truly balanced, then shouldn't characters built on the same number of points be, technically equal? I mean, sure, some people will be better at power gaming than others, but oughtn't the characters be on par with one another in the long run?
  7. Re: You. Make. The Call. I'm really learning a lot watching them hack their first characters together (the only experience they have is in old-school traditional systems or console games). One came with a rock solid concept and back story, another built from Disadvantages first, and expanded from there, and the third just knew that many cool heroes really only have one power (he talked about Nightcrawler, for example) so I think he'll get there once he's had some time to cogitate on the system. And don't feel like you have to pull any punches. I'm pretty sure none of them are reading here... I don't intend to tell them about the place just yet. They might read too many of the good ideas I've stolen!
  8. Re: You. Make. The Call. Seeing as I went from 1st Ed to 5th Ed with a near 20 year gap between, I do that all the time Oh, most assuredly. I'm not sure who is going to give me the biggest headaches, this guy, or the one with the 15 point multipower with twenty five slots in it. Talk about your Boy Scouts, this guy is prepared.
  9. Re: You. Make. The Call. Hey, I was just impressed that a new gamer wanted to use multi slots in a multipower. He seemed to grok the flexibility that it gave him right away.
  10. Re: You. Make. The Call. Wow, I didn't see that at all...maybe just because I know the player... Your math is a little off - it's only 150 active points, so 15 END per turn, maximum, no matter how he splits up the points. But, again, your point stands - with a SPD of 5, he'd burn 75 END per turn...
  11. Re: You. Make. The Call. What constraints do you typically run with in your games? And is it strictly AP, or do you also limit DC, CV, etc?
  12. A player comes to you with a character with this power construction: 120....Telekinetic Powers: Multipower, 150 point reserve, all slots IIF - Power Amulet 23m....1) Telekinesis: 90 STR, Fine Manipulation 24m....2) Telekinetic Shield: Force Wall, 26PD/26ED, 5" Long, 2" Tall, Opaque to Sight Group 24m....3) Personal TK Shield: Force Field (75PD/75ED) 24m....4) TK Flight: Flight 55", Position Shift, x256 NCM It's a standard 350 point characters campaign, they're spending 215 on powers, and presumably the remainder on characteristics and skills. These are the only powers they intend to take. Do you allow it? Or do the extreme numbers send him back to the drawing board? I know many GMs who would veto this immediately, seeing that TK strength and not wanting a hero who can mentally lift an ASW destroyer, or fly at 30+ times the speed of sound outside of combat, or whose force field, in full effect, can nearly stand up to artillery, in their campaign. But when you get right down to it, most of the time this guy is going to have a pretty even balance between offense, defense and movement, right? Or you're going to paste him the minute he uses all his power to deliver an 18D6 TK punch... So, what do you think?
  13. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Yes, if you're satisfied with their depth and point balance, I'm satisfied with them as well.
  14. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Okay, updated character specs, very basic mods to Requiem, significant backstory update, tweak of a few disads, and significant tweak of skills to suit new status.
  15. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Something about this campaign world tends to make me do that, as well.
  16. Re: Sapphire up Significantly better than the depiction in the books, but I agree that her ethnicity has been utterly lost in this depiction.
  17. Re: Worth a thousand words? Yeah, sorry, but most of the females thus depicted are pretty much all possessed of the same powerset - or at least outfits that have a very limited form of telekinesis to keep themselves in check.
  18. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central I'm considering this as an updated backstory for Engram. Little has changed about his past, but his present has been updated for a little more chance to get out and about. If you think this will work better, I'll update disads and skills to suit.
  19. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Nothing makes me happier than coming into a game world that feels like something real. There's enough raw story going on here to make for fertile storytelling ground. PS, did you have a chance to look at my return questions about Engram from earlier?
  20. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Not until just now. D'oh! I didn't realize we were so far south that we were, in fact, in Mississippi!
  21. Re: Continuing charges As both are instant powers, I'm not sure I'd go with continuing charges, unless I wanted to target to be burning for 20 minutes. I would either go with regular charges, or perhaps fuel charges.
  22. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central Does that mean, when I write up the character sheet for me, I get to take a psych lim for Carnitarian? Remember the credo of the Carnitarians: "If it's green, it's trouble, if it's fried, order double."
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks. I did have to wonder just how many programs, in Portugese, there could be.
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I had that URL... I was looking for the one referenced in the beginning of the thread - the one that'll let you have characters who aren't staring straight ahead...
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