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Agent X

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Agent X

  1. Just picked it up. As a player, I didn't feel any urgency. Since I started running a game again, I felt the need to pick it up because it's tough enough working on background and scenarios. I don't have time to build pretty supervillain constructs from the ground up.
  2. I guess that leaves the band Boston out. I'll think on this but I know you have to do something with the EL.
  3. I don't like switching ethnicities on established characters. It's jarring.
  4. Yep. I love Hero but I have found some of the old systems had some gems that Hero has never quite matched or only recently tried to.
  5. I think it's really simple. I can throw a football x number of yards and let's say I would be represented as a person with a 10 strength (heh, not likely). If Grond has a strength of 90, he is roughly 64,000 times as strong as me. If I can throw a football 50 yards he should be able to throw it 3,200,000 yards which is, what, edging toward two thousand miles? I haven't studied up too much on throwing in 5E - has it taken this into account?
  6. We just use the Mayfair DC system for throwing. You just steal their chart, divide strength by 5 and follow the distance for the weight of the item. Of course: The Hulk should be much stronger when enraged than the listed strength of Grond and just as strong to begin with.
  7. ...and their Hexajet can't get into the upscale ladies department store.
  8. Re: New Monster: Drakameleon A little too conservative for my taste. This is really cool. You should post game stuff more often.
  9. As a GM, I am happy when players can get to the adventure. I love for characters who don't have a reason to have hyper-running, flight, etc. to have an independent means of arriving on time. Players don't always help each other out and it isn't always a circumstance for them to do so. Sometimes, greater capabilities for Player Characters make it easier for the GM to set up a good story entertaining to all.
  10. That would be more work than what Steve Long came up with.
  11. Thank you and BRAVO! yourself.
  12. Re: Australian characters I'm not seeing the depth in the modern characters that you are and I have been reading fiction for a while. I find these characters to have bought into recent trends just as much as older characters.
  13. No maximum. It's open for abuse but I don't play with abusive players... for very long.
  14. Just finished tonight's session. A bomb from the dirigible, affected by a curse placed on the ship, drifted down to the ocean depths exploding and injuring Atlantean people. Karog the Seer moved swiftly to investigate and discovered two ships, an American Destroyer and the HMS Majestic. Karog sat upon the Throne of Visions and summoned the Leviathan. The Leviathan ran the Destroyer adrift as a lure to the HMS Majestic. The players, meanwhile, had discovered the curse on the HMS Majestic when distress calls from the Destroyer lured the flying brick, Blockbuster, out to investigate. Eventually, the heroes found themselves in a night battle in which Doctor Phantom was involved in a mental battle of wills with Karog over control of the Leviathan while Blockbuster found himself at a huge disadvantage beneath the waves against Surok, a hot-headed warrior who thought he could "help" Karog out. Doctor Phantom lost the mental struggle with Karog, ultimately coming under his control. Blockbuster attacked the Leviathan after Surok was distracted by an incredibly lucky hit from the ship by Sure Shot. Blockbuster performed an aquatic move through but was unable to move the Leviathan. The damage from that and the Leviathan's response knocked him unconscious. Sure Shot, Patriot Ranger, and Doc Turbo battled Surok on deck. Patriot Ranger managed to actually take Surok's Trident away from him. The tide appeared to be turning in favor of the three against Surok when Surok received a mental command from Karog to return while the Leviathan carried a mind-controlled Doctor Phantom and an highly unconscious Blockbuster deeper and deeper to the Atlantean Enclave. I left it at that for the night. I've left quite a few details out but I can only type so much. They should finish up this adventure next week and two weeks from now they should meet the British Heroes they will be fighting alongside against the Axis threat. (Blockbuster had been endowed with water breathing by Doctor Phantom - unfortunately no precautions concerning vision were taken.)
  15. Thanks, I'll find a use for these guys.
  16. This is all good stuff. I'm going to try to use as much of it as I can. Thanks so much. Today is the second session. I should have a report back by tomorrow.
  17. Agent X

    Hulk Promotion

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Questions regarding the Hulk writeup Yeah, but Steve Long's strategy may be better for min/maxers anyway - unless they are trying to pull some cheese with frameworks/limitations. Instead of having points eaten up by advantages, you just buy the effects normally. You get to place the negative effects on your character in the Disads so that's one less psych lim or vulnerability. It may free up a good 10-30 points for you to buy some stuff you usually have to wait until you get experience for.
  18. Thanks, I'll be here all summer.
  19. Why are you going to all this trouble? One of the reasons that skills have specific characteristics that modify them instead of some complicated formula is because it already takes a long time to build characters. I like Hero because I can represent my character effectively and then I can role play.
  20. That's cool. I still like the idea of using charges though.
  21. He's also got the loophole: You can't kill the undead.
  22. Remember when Hercules made Godzilla stumble. That was woderful. Hmmm, Godzilla is thirty stories tall. That's at least 10' for each level but I could swear I heard someone say 13' is common. Okay, so that's roughly 2 hexes for 13' so 2 time 30 = 60 hexes. So, Godzilla is going to have +75 Strength from Growth. He is also a reptile and appears like he is proportionately stronger than a human being, say a 35 or better strength, a minimum of 110 strength. Wow! Hercules is mighty. He was able to "grab" Godzilla's leg and "throw" him back. That's impressive. He probably translates as being stronger than Grond. YET ANOTHER CHARACTER STRONGER THAN GROND! WOOHOO! Sorry, I'm bitter about the guys running around making it out like Grond is the strongest one there is.
  23. Yeah, I don't know why everyone gets stuck on hex maps.
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