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Agent X

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Everything posted by Agent X

  1. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Common sense says that we really shouldn't pay attention to comics titles outside of the mainstream milieu to dictate what happens in the mainstream milieu.
  2. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever I think, in the right circumstances, Foxbat could take him.
  3. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Some of us think the Silver Surfer comic book was an over-hyped craptastic excrapiganza that didn't have the right feel for the Marvel Universe.
  4. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Why would you dispute that? He's put "stun" on any number of Class 100 threats over the years. You don't get to pick which issues are valid and which issues are not. Just because Spider-Man has trouble with folks that aren't cosmic class doesn't mean he can't give cosmic class beings trouble. Why? Because it's in the comic books and it's not just a single incident. He's been doing it since the 1960s. Your whole argument is built around some idea that you get to pick which stories we all have to pay attention to and you don't. You're not the boss of anyone on these boards.
  5. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Yep, I suppose she could beat Spider-Man if she blew up the sun. But would she? And ask yourself, do the Heralds display all this power when they interact with superheroes in less cosmic titles?
  6. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Who wouldn't call being dropped over 5,000 feet a 'legitimate beatdown'? One of Spider-Man's talents is ingenuity and he has the powers and intelligence to be quite good at it. That's why he beats people that he wouldn't beat if he just stood there and leaned into their punch. Can Spider-Man beat Titania? Yes, virtually every time the fight isn't a draw it would be Spider-Man as the victor. Why? Because she's not going to tag him and he's going to find a way to use his speed, agility, webbing, and Spidey-strength to beat her.
  7. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever And Spider-Man has used speed, wits, and his normally untapped reserves of strength to deal with multiple cosmic opponents over the decades.
  8. Re: What does a SuperTeam need? Really good points. I especially like your bringing up the "conscience" of the team. This group is all-male and none would be too keen with dealing with romance as a female player character. I think I'll have to toss in an NPC or two and encourage at least one player to run a character with an NPC lover a la Hawman and Hawkwoman. Perhaps, if I bribe them by not making them buy the character as a follower but controlling the character myself it just might work.
  9. Re: What does a SuperTeam need?
  10. Re: What does a SuperTeam need? The flight ring thing sounds really interesting. Nobody even blinks when you do that for a futuristic game. Could be a very good twist for a present-day game to have some very useful equipment like that.
  11. Re: What does a SuperTeam need? I was thinking of having everybody write down their three favorite characters from the Justice League and the Avengers and then show everybody else and the have the players negotiate rolls from there. I want a very strong Four-Color/Bronze feel to the game so I really want to steer these guys toward homages (rip-offs) of the big names.
  12. Re: What does a SuperTeam need? He knows the lyrics to the song that asks the question, "Am I blue?" ?
  13. Re: What does a SuperTeam need?
  14. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever You stacked the deck here. We can't simply limit ourselves to Kirby's view, for one thing Kirby's view was never the pre-eminent force at Marvel. For another, it just doesn't make sense since he didn't continue to write every story that the Heralds of Galactus showed up in. Spider-Man has routinely been written as a character with many insecurities who usually doesn't tap his true potential.
  15. I'm thinking of pitching a new campaign to the players in the group I'm in and I'm hoping to get them to thinking about the roles they can play in game. Looking at the Champions game, it has a decent list of roles for characters in a game but I don't think it's particularly in-depth. What do you think? What kind of abilities does a superteam need to get the feel of a group like the Avengers or the Justice League? What sort of skill roles are needed? What kinds of technology do they need access to? What sort of character dynamics in terms of interpersonal relationships have you seen in comics that you think work well? For example, I really like the old Booster Gold/Blue Beetle buddy thing.
  16. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Heralds of Galactus are over-rated. They aren't anywhere near as consistently invulnerable in the comic books as some of the comments on these boards would suggest.
  17. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Lighten up, Francis.
  18. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Why you gotta rain on my parade? I'm proud of the post and I got a lot of rep for it and the post is pertinent to this discussion.
  19. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever This is lifted from my much-repped response to folks who challenged the notion that the Spidey v. Firelord made any sense and challenged the notion that it could be simulated in Champions terms:
  20. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Me too. And Spidey can beat Firelord, temporarily, if he pulls out all the stops. So I've got no problem with it.
  21. Re: "Finally a game where you can kill the fodder, just like in the movies." The only thing arbitrary about a one hit KO for mooks is deciding whether a character is a mook and that's pretty much arbitrary in every system. I established a "common sense" break point. Did the mook get hit? If so, the mook goes down. Can 5 500 point supers level the Chinese army? Let me answer this with a rhetorical question: Depends on the campaign guidelines doesn't it?
  22. Re: "Finally a game where you can kill the fodder, just like in the movies." I guess I'm just too darn practical and so are the folks I play with. If we want mooks to go down easy, we don't worry about numbers. If the mook gets hit, the mook goes down.
  23. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates I really have to disagree with you here. Nothing in Gravitar's write-up implies that she has any special sensory capabilities concerning gravity. Nothing! Her powers, from looking at the actual character, indicate that she actively manipulates gravity - not that she's in "tune" with gravity. That means to resist knockback she needs to actively anchor herself. She has that ability. That means she has no special sensory capability regarding which way gravity goes when she's not manipulating it. That means no bump of direction. It's not a bad design. It isn't a design out of character concept. It is only a bad design if you have an "arms race" mentality with character builds and get into the habit of thinking more points means justification for any application of a general SFX. I know a lot of players think this way. I game with some folks who have this sort of knee-jerk reaction, although they don't always follow it.
  24. Re: By request: Gravitar vs. Ultimates Sure. We don't have the whole story. That's one of the reasons I think it's in bad form for you to comment on Incredibl's game-style, especially because you've chosen to render judgement without all the information and seem to believe the onus is on him to change your mind. It's enough for me to hear from him that it was reasonable given that, on its face, it very well could be reasonable for the player-characters to react as they did in a four-color game given the proper context. It's especially a bad idea on your part considering what transpired earlier in this thread.
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