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Everything posted by ghostwolf

  1. ghostwolf


    Re: Herbs I'd like to thank everyone that has replied so far. I have plenty of ideas for herbal effects, what I need is examples of how to code them into hero-speak.
  2. ghostwolf


    Hello All. I'm working on an herbalism setup for a campaign, and I'm trying to come up with more ideas than just "heal xd6, only for y-affliction". Everyone always says there's a hundred different ways to build a power in Hero, so let's hear some ideas The types of things I'm looking to do would be: heal broken bones, salve burns, induce sleep, heal minor wounds, etc.
  3. Re: Force Field that's not-so-much-uberpower How about making the FF cost end based on the number of individual attacks it blocks, or on the amount of damage it blocks?
  4. Re: Force Field that's not-so-much-uberpower Well, if you make the FF generated by a device, you could do several things: 1) limited internal end reserve (fusion batteries) with long recharge time 2) extra phase activation time while the FF powers up 3) fixed ratings (Technology supports FF, but they can only be so strong on a mobile platform) 4) solid barrier, user can't fire through it
  5. Re: Love for Non-Casters? Could someone explain the Change environment thing in this list?
  6. Re: Cyberspace/Matrix Persona as Vehicle This is an interesting idea. Would you suggest having the programs that matrix jockeys use be powers of the character, equipment of the character, or integral to the matrix persona vehicle?
  7. Re: Variable length hand weapon Wow, double-quick responses! Thanks guys!
  8. One of my players wants to build a mono-filament sword that has a variable blade length, starting at survival knife size and growing out to long sword size. I figure yeah, it's a HKA, no problem, but how do I model the variable size? Handwave it as SFX?
  9. Re: (Somewhat) realistic "Sensors" I think they would be able to detect weather patterns, get a decent topographical map, and perhaps do spectroanalysis to determine the atmosphere composition from a distance. If they have good telescopic sensors, they might be able to do an birds-eye view of terrain areas and use their computer to pattern match for lifeforms (detect movement, construction etc.) Further studies could be conducted with unmanned probes. They could probably also extrapolate the planets composition from it's magnetic field.
  10. Re: Divided Skies: "Everyman Gear"? (Need suggestions.) David Weber's Prince Rodger series (March Upcountry, etc) has similar heavy plasma weapons. They were tripod mounted with heavy shielding to protect against heat backdraft. To model the effect of overheated plasma streaking through the air, you might give them the Beam disadvantage and have the weapon cause damage to everything that it passes near.
  11. Re: Telepathic race with no other sensory organs Oh, I like that last bit. Good idea, Kraven.
  12. Re: Telepathic race with no other sensory organs Good points... all of them. This is a mobile plant species designed to be a playable race, so I'm going to have to do a little hand-waving to keep it in the "affordable" category and avoid having no one want to play one.
  13. It's my week for copious weird questions, I guess. The race I'm building is basically a psionic plant species. It has sensory organs, relying on telepathy and mental awareness for sense and targeting. Questions: Do I need to purchase some kind of sight/hearing flash defense? Is there any other way to model being totally uneffected by visual and aural flashes?
  14. Re: Venomous bite Thank you all for the suggestions!
  15. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to do a 3d visual star sector map. I've got all the sector coordinates I need, but I'm having trouble representing the Z-axis. If anyone has any recommendations, especially software based, please share.
  16. Re: Venomous bite To clarify, the effect of the poison doesn't last for 3 seconds, it becomes worse over the course of that time and then stays stable until it wears off normally.
  17. I'm working up a Saurian-style race that has a venomous bite attack. The effect I want is for the venom to suppress STUN cumulatively over the course of 3 phases after the bite. I'm not sure how to set the Suppress power up to only "run" for 3 phases though. Suggestions?
  18. Re: Divided Skies: "Everyman Gear"? (Need suggestions.)
  19. Re: Divided Skies: "Everyman Gear"? (Need suggestions.) You should add various perception enhancers to the helmet, like nightvision, IR, ultrasound, etc.
  20. Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean I highly recommend reading at least a few of the Horatio Hornblower books to get a feel for life on ship and nautical terminology.
  21. Re: How would this work - Citizenship Azato, check out Starship Troopers (the book, not the godawful abortion hollywood produced) for context. Brief snippet from wikipedia: Interspersed throughout the book are other flashbacks to Rico's high school History and Moral Philosophy course, which describe how, in the Terran Federation, the rights of a full Citizen (to vote, and hold public office) must be earned through voluntary Federal service. However, the franchise cannot be exercised until after honorable discharge from the Service, which means that active members of the Service cannot vote. Those residents who opt not to perform Federal Service retain the other rights generally associated with a modern democracy (e.g. free speech, assembly, etc.), but cannot vote or hold public office. This structure arose ad hoc after the collapse of the 20th century Western democracies, brought on by both social failures at home and military defeat by the Chinese Hegemony overseas (i.e. looking forward into the late 20th century from the time the novel was written in the late 1950s) Good book.
  22. Re: Western Hero (Price of goods and hit location) There's a prefab in the hero designer vault that has some basic prices for goods and weapons.
  23. Re: Crossroads: Urban Fantasy HERO Indianapolis The "magical crimes" division, either part of the police department or a separate organization, is a staple of UF literature. How does humanity deal with crimes committed by a criminal that might not even have to be on location? Forensic science is useless when the unsub is using a ritual to remove the victim's heart from his chest 50 miles away. How long will it be before the government requires anyone with the ability to use magic to be licensed, or outlaws magic entirely?
  24. Re: Urban Fantasy 'white event' idea Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hp_lovecraft for a little context.
  25. Re: Urban Fantasy 'white event' idea S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire and Island in the Sea of Time series both start with a White Event, literally a blinding white flash seen by everyone on the planet. In Dies the Fire the White event changes reality, making modern technology (steam power, gunpowder, electricity, etc) stop working. The survivors of this event have to re-adapt their society and technology levels to Medieval levels. The event also links into the other series with the disappearance of Nantucket island, which is transported back into like 2000 BC, but all their technology still works.
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