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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Re: Superfluous Powers If you want to protect carried items with Armor, it should probably cost 15 pts instead of 10 since it costs no End whereas the FF version costs End.
  2. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power Multiform. If you choose the right Multiform, you can have any power you want without sacrificing anything.
  3. Re: How Do I: Weapons with -OCV
  4. Re: How Do I: Weapons with -OCV If it were equipment, I would cost it at -5 pts for -1 OCV and -3 pts for -1 to Range modifiers, and such reductions can't lower the cost of the weapon by more than half. So a 1d6 RKA with -1 OCV would cost 10 pts before limitations, and 1d6 RKA with -2 OCV would cost 7 pts before limitations.
  5. Re: Populations and Genetics The supers will eventually win out. Even if they have a low base fertility rate, there are enough people out there who want 'superior' children that there will be a huge market for super sperm and egg donors. Just one super sperm donor could potentially father thousands of children over the course of a lifetime.
  6. Re: New Advantage: Disorienting Might be very dangerous as a slot in a multipower to soften an opponent up before the knockout blow. Also, as with most damage advantages, there's the danger of Advantage Stacking when other Advantages are thrown in. A Disorienting KA with Increased Stun Multiples and Armor Piercing could be horrendous...
  7. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules Ghost/Dust Angel/Raven, is there a story behind the name changes?
  8. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules One thing that bothers me a great deal about Regeneration. It's extremely useful at its base level, but quite a bit less useful at higher levels. 4 Body Regeneration is not 4 times as useful as 1 Body Regen (it's probably not even twice as useful), but it costs 4 times as much. I'd probably change it so that the 1st point of Regen costs X, and each additional point costs 1/2 X or something similar. And it would be treated as its own special power. The limbs and resurrection Adders are well worth the price however.
  9. Re: Streeeeeetch I know. I love Stretching.
  10. Re: Streeeeeetch Stretching is another power priced at a point where it may be mildly overpriced at its base cost, but becomes somewhat of a bargain in a EC or Multipower.
  11. Re: Weight a minute Too Late! Str is too cheap!!! Muah Huah Huah...
  12. Re: Weight a minute I don't think you can sell back Leaping explicitly. I think you have to either take a physical limitation or a limitation on the power. That's the case with every published character and Hero's official published guidelines. I can definitely see the rationale when Str is only 1 pt...
  13. Re: Weight a minute http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9963&highlight=growth+density
  14. Re: Weight a minute You can stick growth and density in a EC. That's the 'balance' right there. Of course if you stick both in a EC, the Str doesn't stack...
  15. Re: Hit from behind Would you allow someone with 3" or more Stretching, possibly with extra limbs to get combat bonuses for attacking from behind?
  16. Re: Energy Duplicate Summon with the +1 Slavishly Loyal Advantage.
  17. Re: Hit from behind Heck, a Stretcher, especially with multiple limbs, can attack from any angle at any time without even moving. My guess is that most GMs won't give the Stretcher free attacks from behind, although it is a good special effect to justify purchasing Martial Arts and/or CSLs.
  18. Re: Absorbtion Simply treat Increased Maximum for Adjustment powers as an Adder and it stops the infinite feedback loop right in its tracks. You now need to purchase the +1 Advantage to Adjust Adders, and that Adder has to take this +1 Advantage as well! And remember that if you feed the maximum, it must account for every Advantage applied to the base power! So let's take that White Knight example. First of all with an additional +1, it becomes 4.5d6 instead of 6d6 for 90 pts and a max of 27 pts. First iteration +27 to Stun +13 to Rec +13 to Body +6.75 CP of additional Absorption (after applying Advantages). That's 13.5 pts of additional maximum effect. Second iteration +13.5 Stun +6.75 Rec +6.75 Body +3.25 CP additional Absorption etc If you continue infinitely, you get an infinite series and eventually you'll reach double the first iteration or +54 Stun, +26 Body, and +26 Rec. Not terribly abusive for 90 pts spent.
  19. Re: partial entangle You can use Change Environment with -DCV or perhaps OCV and then add a custom Limitation that every X amount of 'Body' done to it removes some of the penalties. You can also use Negative Combat Skill Levels as well, although it's a bit more clunky.
  20. Re: Affects Solid World Pressing a button, driving a vehicle, or lighting a match is more than a 'power trick'. The orbital death ray might only occur once, but pressing a button in general occurs far more often. Nope, it's the type of suspension of disbelief where Bugs Bunny can stand in the air and not fall because he never learned the Law of Gravity. Where Wiley Coyote can stand in the air without any problems until the Roadrunner points down and makes Wiley realize he's standing hundreds of feet in the air. Pressing a button or opening a door is the exact same thing no matter what's behind the button or door. Have you seen some the real world effects? Especially if you add in advantages such as Area Effect or Explosion or Armor Piercing etc. Or poisons which are typically built on hundreds of active points. Not after movethrough damage was accounted for. And not if it were something like an airplane. It's not 'using as weapon', it's doing damage at all that's the heart of Steve's ruling. If you can't do damage, you can't crash into a Force Wall or a barrier you can't see. That would be hysterical. In your world if there was terrible visibility, you can have the desolid guy drive the car because it would be impossible for him to crash into anything no matter what the terrain was.
  21. Re: Affects Solid World A question for the peanut gallery. Would you consider it abusive for a character to purchase Desolid plus 4 Str TK or 6 Str ASW in your typical 60 pt multipower? What restrictions, if any, would you put on such a combined slot in actual play? Assuming the character doesn't have personal equipment and can only use the environment or an opponent's weapon against them.
  22. Re: Affects Solid World I'm not talking about setting off explosives that you carry with you all the time. I'm talking about simple everyday tasks such as pressing a button, flicking a switch, lighting a match, opening a door, or driving a car. Apparently you can drive a car or plane as normal, but you can't crash it into a building. Even if someone sets up a Force Wall in front of you, the car or plane just mysteriously comes to a complete stop even if it were going at hundreds of miles per hour. There's something called suspension of disbelief in RPGs, and being able to fire a guard's gun normally, but not if the bullets were poison tipped, completely snaps it. What it sounds like you're saying is that you don't think a poltergeist or a mist being is a viable character concept at all. Not if you want them to pay 900 points just on the odd chance they run into an orbital death laser.
  23. Re: Affects Solid World Even if you force the player to buy ASW as a naked advantage, it gets silly. Suppose you pay 120 pts for ASW on 60 AP of powers. That means that if the poison gas behind door A is less than 60 pts, you can open the door. If it's greater than 60 APs, you can't open the door no matter what. If the grenade is 2.5d6K explosion or less, you can pull the pin. If it's 3d6K explosion or greater, you can't pull the pin even if it's the exact same pin in the exact same type of grenade. If pressing the button releases an arrow trap of 2d6 RKA, it's ok. If pressing the exact same button releases the orbital death ray, then you can't muster the several ounces of pressure no matter what. You can light a match almost anywhere, but you can't light the match in a room full of explosives or gas. You can stick a hyperdermic needle in someone's arm if it contains water, but you can't if it contains cyanide. Etc.
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