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Posts posted by "V"

  1. A man goes into a bakery in Edinburgh and asks "How much are your cakes?"

    "They're all a pound each," says the baker, "except for that one, which is two pounds."


    "Why is that one two pounds?" asks the customer

    "That's ma dearer cake."


  2. Oh and three quarters of the way  through the movie a shoe-horned in moment of trite reflection, usually at night or at a camp fire as the protagonist in an astonishingly out of character moment expresses some measure of doubt or compassion or a vulnerable side which has not been present before and will not have any bearing on the rest of the movie except perhaps in some call-back at the very end of the talkie.

  3. "The feds are calling the shots on this one, my hands are tied" - followed by maverick cop solving the whole case without backup


    "You and I are not so different" - by villain to hero even when this isn't remotely true


    Vehicles exploding with very little provocation.


    Guys being kicked in the balls presented as funny


    Characters from outside the US all conforming to a single "type" except possibly for one exception either as a bad guy or good guy.   



  4. I know I am probably very late to the party on this one but I recently binge-watched Peaky Blinders series 1 through 4.   Utterly brilliant.   Compelling storytelling and a superb soundtrack, with cinematography that I swear was so good you could freezeframe at any point and talk about just why everything in the shot was perfectly composed. 


    For those not in the know - it's a drama series about a family of illegal bookmakers and their rise through the underworld set immediately after World War I, and it is tremendous.

  5. On 4/14/2018 at 9:42 AM, Trencher said:

    A panel form one of my favorite comics from when I was young.


     2000AD Flesh strip?


    If I remember rightly the spiders were attracted to sound and someone managed to lure them into a trap with a radio playing "Yellow Rose of Texas."

    A week later in a school singing lesson that very song came up and I whispered to my pal "Careful the spiders don't get you!" - he exclaimed "What spiders?" at the top of his voice and the teacher made me explain.


    Ah, memories.

  6. 2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    Welcome back, Mr. Fawkes! Good to see you. Too many of the cool people I used to correspond with around here disappear. :(


    You might like to know that the "award for Darren" that Cancer mentioned above was for Golden Age Champions. It's finally in print, and it's beautiful! Also, Michael Surbrook helmed a new edition of Aaron Allston's classic Strike Force incorporating a lot of the material from Aaron's campaign we always heard about but never saw. And it's in glorious full color, glossy paper, and hard cover.


    While I've never had any pretensions of being cool, I am very happy to be back my Lord.   And thanks for the news updates - I must say that Strike Force was one of my favourite supplements back in the day and it sounds crazy but I'd always wanted to run games like Aaron described... but it wasn't until seeing in print (which made it official) how he did it that I felt I could.   Massively influential supplement for me.  I must pick up the new version.

  7. ...well I'm back.   Now get those snot nosed hobbit brats off my favourite chair, Rosie.


    Having been absent from the world of RPG for some time I'm now in the middle of somewhat of a roleplaying revival and seem to be busier than ever with it so naturally I need more excuses to eat up time that I should be better spending elsewhere, hence my reappearance here.   What did I miss?

  8. On 3/26/2018 at 11:16 PM, death tribble said:

    "V" has done a book available from Amazon on the Kindle platform. He wants to spread the word. Anyone got an idea how he could do this to the community ? He did not want to do a thread trumpeting it. I don't have Kindle so I can't say whether this is any good.


    I was indeed too shy to appear in public being a shill for my own work so asked DT if he'd be kind enough to see if there was a socially acceptable way of doing this.   And many thanks to DT for raising it!


    If anyone does want to read a novel that combines Regency sensibilities with cyberpunk thriller in a novel of dynastic intrigue that isn't quite the gumbo it sounds like... then please do check it out


    Linky Here



  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Just finished the audiobook of Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys" - read by British actor/comedian Lenny Henry. Young man discovers that his late father was Anansi the trickster god of West African tradition. Magical and supernatural fun ensues. Excellent book with some memorable characters. One thing I noticed, which was not spotlighted at all, but when I noticed it made me grin, was that the only time a character is described by their skin colour is if they are caucasian - a nice reversal of the usual assumptions in most literature.

  10. Re: Creepy Pics.


    Embed a webcam and light source with them. Watch even though they are fully entombed. :eg:


    A later story addressed that... even a recorded or transmitted image of a Weeping Angel can allow the Angel to manifest through the viewing medium.

  11. Re: Creepy Pics.


    Speak for yourself - I found Blink terrifying. And how would the roleplayers arrange any of those traps when you don't dare take your eyes off the Angel, don't blink, or, god in heaven, dare split up?


    Of course, that said more horror movies do make me throw my arms up in despair at the victims lack of lateral thinking, but then Moffat is that good a writer.


    Nods, I quite agree. My comments were my observation on RPer's reactions rather to my own. I found Blink an excellent story, and the Angels a splendid new addition to Who canon... but every time I see them being discussed the focus is less on story and atmosphere and more on the chances of putting mirrored hoods on the Weeping Angels or some other such unlikely fun.

  12. Re: Creepy Pics.


    LOL - Roleplayers make very bad audiences for horror.


    "A charging tyrannosaur is no problem, all you need to do is step to one side and lay a series of man traps in front of their feet as they run, then as they start hopping in pain grease up a steep slope just in front of them that leads down to a deep pit of quicksand. That I prepared earlier."

  13. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster



    The "don't end a sentence with a preposition" is my pet peeve, as well as pretentious pedantic nonsense. Counter examples are found in Chaucer, Shakespeare, and the King James translation of the Bible. What examples of English are more venerable than Shakespeare and the Bible? English is a Germanic language, it makes absolutely no sense to crucify it on a Romantic grammar. I absolutely refuse to recast a sentence because it is not how Julius Caesar would have said it.


    Churchill on being corrected for ending a sentence with a preposition refuted it wonderfully


    "This is the kind of nonsense up with which I will not put."

  14. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster


    My pet peeve with grammar is the "snob's error" - using "I" in a sentence when "me" is actually correct.


    "That film was very amusing to Steve and I" and so on. So easy to correct (take out the other person and see if it still sounds right) but so many people do it because they think it sounds more refined.

  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos




    Please, US posters, offer me some glimmer of hope that your nation - the most powerful nation on Earth is not, as things like this suggest - sliding backward into an ignorant morass of superstitious anti-science reactionary crap? It honestly will not be a good thing for the world if you guys go crazy.

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