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Everything posted by "V"

  1. I said it was best NOT to think about it!
  2. Q: Who is this "Melvin" guy anyway? A: A bucket full of steroids and a copy of "Men are from Mars..."
  3. That explanation is really super, man.
  4. Re: Witchcraft Just use an Alan Moore classic technique and have a plot thread where she discovers her REAL origin and then have the PCs try to figure out why someone went to so much trouble to make her believe in the spurious one...
  5. Q: "???" A: Like Speedy Gonzales pole-dancing.
  6. Q: Don't you ever know when to quit trying to conquer my land of bunnies General Zod? A: Written in huge letters on the dark side of the moon.
  7. Q: Is this an accurate photofit of the man who attacked you at Neverland? A: Only twice. Once with Great Cthulhu and once with Great Enthusiasm.
  8. I used to make more use of Metaplots when I had a lot more RPG time and players were more likely to pick up on long-running threads... My favourite one (apologies for those who read a brief mention of this in another thread) was when I ran a metaplot that extended as a background feature across several campaigns I ran (different genres & systems) over the course of years. Players thought it had come to an end when their AD&D team travelled to the decaying world of the evil Alfar who had been sending cross dimensional agents to countless other worlds to soften them up for invasion. Alfar hurled into Negative Material Plane, world saved, everyone happy. It was a moment of sheer GM sadistic pleasure when in my next Champions campaign one of my more astute players suddenly realised the identity of the "stranded psionic lifeforms" that the team's mentalist/teleporter had located and whom the team had just expended great amounts of energy in returning to "their homeworld." I did enjoy the moment when the PCs realised they had just helped the Alfar break free from their transdimensional prison and given them a free lift to the AD&D campaign world I was using...
  9. "Are You Being Served" Hero? Wonderful concept. "Mr Humphreys, how many points do you cost as a Follower?" "I'm free!" heh Best not think about what sort of DNPC Mrs Slocombe may have...
  10. Where indeed? "The humans died of martians..." Nice line. I'd spotted/guessed what type of hybrid Moreau was providing, especially given the source material for the invaders, but nonetheless I loved Nemo's reaction to the whole thing. Is it just me or does Alan Moore seem cynical/suspicious of authority figures? V
  11. By the way! Didn't somebody post on the boards the other days as the "Bishop of B & W"? What a Hunter that character would make. "You don't have any children do you Blackadder?" "uh, no, no I'm not married." "Well we'll skip breakfast then and get straight down to business."
  12. Yep. Blackadder series one definitely had Edmund as a world class geek with Baldrick as the brains behind the organisation (typical comedy set up with the upper class twit and the practical working class hero) but later - and much better - series had Edmund becoming cooler and wittier and Balders becoming more and more degenerate. Closing moments of Blackadder Goes Forth really hit home considering the context in a comedy series... has that been shown in the states yet?
  13. Q: What's dyslexic and horny? A: A pretty butterfly, or a canine tragedy
  14. How many superheroes does it take to change a lightbulb? My PCs have just survived the New York blackout... not just the traffic chaos naturally, but the alien invasion vanguard that was diverting power from all the major nearby powerstations into a communication device intended to broadcast vital data to the fleet and launch the invasion. I may have a plotline coming up shortly where it's revealed that various world figureheads (President Bush, PM Blair etc) have been replaced by humans.
  15. Q. What technology allows futuristic dwarves to mince Orcs at high speed. A. Only once, and then the end fell off.
  16. Fear of being touched is Aphephobia Fear of losing is tricky, the nearest I can think of is Atychiphobia which is actually fear of failure. Hope this helps.
  17. "V"

    V: HERO

    "Ooh dear Mr Glover, now my melons are falling out!" There is always the possibility of running a spin off campaign based on either "Storm Saxon" or "You Have To Laugh, with Sid & Brenda." Not sure which would be the most politically incorrect of course...
  18. "V"

    V: HERO

    It would be interesting to do a short-term mini campaign perhaps, but who would the characters be... after all there's only one V (sort of) and most of the other characters were seriously messed up. Hang on- V was seriously messed up too. Eric Finch was probably the most normal person in the series and he was on the wrong side (again, sort of). FYI there was a decent write up of V in the Champions forum. If you do a search on Vendetta you ought to find it. I'm a fan too... as the nickname, avatar and autosig may suggest...
  19. I've only seen some of the Dan Turner pulp comic strips, so I've probably got quite a shallow view of him. Looked like fun, but I did wish I had "Universal Translator" while reading.
  20. "V"

    V: HERO

    Dang! When I saw the thread title I assumed someone (with excellent taste) was planning a campaign based on me! Admittedly it would have been hard to model all the pysch limitations, not to mention the imaginary followers, but hey, I'd have played it.
  21. On a side note, the only version of Pascal's wager I've come across is as follows (published in his Pensees of 1658): "If God does not exist, one will lose nothing by believing in him, while if he does exist, one will lose everything by not believing. " With 'Pascal's wager' he uses probabilistic and mathematical arguments but his main conclusion is that "...we are compelled to gamble... " Sorry for the digression.
  22. Some other verses your heroine may like to quote at appropriate points, not so much about smiting the evil doers, but about their own role: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. and possibly (from the "introduction" to the Book of Judges in which appear Samson, Ehud (God's left handed assassin) and lots of other interesting types) Judges 2:18 And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.
  23. I read many of the source texts as a teenager (not quite during their first editions, but almost...) but re-read them recently when doing research for my own LOEG (sorry, LXG is an abomination!) rip-off... er... homage. Lord Liaden, do yourself a real favour and read Jekyll & Hyde. It is a masterpiece of construction and one of the most tightly plotted & lean works of fiction ever. The way the narrative dovetails through the points of view of disparate characters is a real example of how to build such a plotline elegantly. As for other League style characters there was a thread devoted entirely to such speculation on (I think) the Non-Gaming discussion board, entitled LXG TNG and LXG Modern.
  24. Good year to feature Crowley... I believe Thelemites still date their calendar from then. Can I also humbly offer the following link http://www.geocities.com/jessnevins/vicintro.html as a great character resource for the period.
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