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Everything posted by IKerensky

  1. Re: Multigrab on automaton But with his 4rPD he got trouble with the 8 BODY from the blast attack ? or did I miss something ?
  2. Re: Shapeshifter : The Hawk-whale strategy I LOVE THIS THING, what is it from ? is it a book ???
  3. Re: Shapeshifter : The Hawk-whale strategy As a SFX of an attack ? nice idea. I have to check the Morphocombat thingies , sound like there is nice things in it. He have the basic Multiform power so I guess the transformation is instant. Anyway I should probably have him roll to hit with his move through
  4. Hi, one of my PC is a shapeshifter (16 animalsforms build on 350pts max). Under the advice of a fellow PC he plan to use a new strategy : fly above his target in hawk shape then transform into blue whale and crash upon it. It sound pretty effective, even if not discriminary. What I wonder is how damaging it could be to himself. I think that at least he should take damage from being out of the water, then how much damage for the fall and reception on a somewhat pointed target ? Also, what if he DIVE in hawk form before transforming, I guess the extra velocity could be very dangerous... I am also pondering about the Fun factor versus realism, should I allow it because it seems like a fun and inventive idea or disallow it because it looks like a quick way to die.
  5. Re: Multigrab on automaton Well, I used the robot from Champions 6th edition book, with standard heroes from the hero generator of the same book so I guess they were balanced Strangely the only one of the heroes that have less than 10 rPD is the shapeshifter as he use basic creatures from the bestiary without mods... Perhaps I should up them a bit as he got mauled as a Ankylosaurus by 8d6 Blast. (4 rPD hurt a lot). I will try to have the Magnetic Power guy to buy some DC of damage with Squeeze with his experience points. The thing is that I treated the Robot as using a character to hit another, while perhaps I should have used them as using a improvised weapon... But even then... BTW isn't it strange that a STR-40 character could use a weapon in melee to go up to 16d6 while Telekinesis could only go up to 8d6 with a STR-40 ?
  6. Re: How to do Psychomancie ? Yes, in this campaign the equipment require point to pay. So this definitely is a VPP. I didn't thought he had to build the items power to use it but it make sense. Funny thing it that he look like a gadgeteer with a limit on the gadget he can provide (object have to exist within reach). If you consider he also gain Skill level with the item, how much should I put the power pool ? Especially as he can use a lot of thoses items at the same time... Also, what if he keep the item ? wont it lock his VPP ?
  7. Hi, my heroes magnetic manipulator use his STR-40 telekinesis to grab 2 combat robot and to make them collide in mid-air. I made him use a multiple attack for the 2 grab, and calculate the damage taken by each robot to be 8D6 normal. Was it ok with the rules ? the thing is that with the robot STUN immunity and 8 rPD there is basically no way he can damage them. Did I forgot something ?
  8. One of my players want a psychomancie power. He describe it as : "Being able to use an object as its last owner do by reading the psychic imprint". I am thinking about 3 way to do it : 1- a variable power framework: with skills, Combat skills level, PS, SS and KS with several limitations : only work for with skills, Combat skills level, PS, SS and KS, OAF, requires END(?), limited by the skill of the last owner, object need to have been owned long... I am not entirely satisfied with this approach because it is a bit too open and can be abused easily 2- A large number of generic CSL with the limitation : OAF, limited by the skill of the last owner of the used focus. But it wont work for others skills as there is no generic skills. 3- A transform ? The other thing I see if that he use more and more of the same item the psychic imprint should lessen thus I am thinking about charges, perhaps. On the other hand perhaps he use always the same items then make it simply skills and CSL with a OAF. But then he wont be able to learn new items during game.
  9. Re: Looking for a picture/drawing Nices ones... too bad they are all in pirates dressing seems like women cannot wear guns and other things that pirate garb at this time But thanks for the links
  10. Hi, I am looking for a specific image for one of my PC character, I search the internet without success. Does anyone ever saw the image/picture/drawing/figurines of a woman wielding one or two flintlock pistols while garbed in XV-XVI century dress (if possible red) ? Ideally she would have several other pistol hidden into the dress but just the above will be enough I found a lot of picture but the girl alway are pirates while I am looking for more a noble woman look
  11. Re: "La Bande a Victor" (Victor's Men) a french super-villain romantic themed team
  12. Re: "La Bande a Victor" (Victor's Men) a french super-villain romantic themed team Didn't know the book, the synopsis look nice I will try to read it soon. Some characters looks peculiarily interesting (Homo and Ursus, by example)...
  13. Re: "La Bande a Victor" (Victor's Men) a french super-vilain romantic themed team Well, he wont get so well with other character from Victor Hugo Novels. Perhaps, the Opera's Fantoms...
  14. Hi, here is the vilains that compose the "Bande a Victor" the future opposition to my super-heroes. Jean Valjean : Super-strong brick, immune to pain. The charismatic leader prone to rage-fit. Hunted by police. Esmeralda : A high presence dancer and knife thrower, this gypsie-girl can enthrall the men with her glamour when she dance. Quasimodo: A strong acrobat wich is so ugly he make presence attack with his uglyness. Quatre-vingt Treize (93): A duplicator that can duplicate himself up to 93 times. Gavroche et Cosette: Classical "Titi Parisiens" (Paris' street urchins) with power to disappear in the crowd, too cute to get hit by hand to hand attacks. Gavroche got taunting songs that can make foe concentrate on him or lose their powers. Cosette got a special mind control power that force men to do the task she want ("take my water-bucket sir". Classical, aren't they ?
  15. Re: Hero In Two Pages - Complete And now, for thoses that care (and they are not many ) here is french translation : Hero in 3 pages [ATTACH=CONFIG]40465[/ATTACH]
  16. Re: What to buy now ??? Ok, the hero creator in Champions 6th was really a time saver for my PCs But for the NPCs, where could I find stats for mundane goons and gangsters ?
  17. Re: Hero In Two Pages - Complete Good job. Do you got it in .doc or .odt format so I can translate it for my players without wreaking your nice formating ?
  18. Re: Hero System 101: Comments sought Very good job. Tell me when you got a finished version so I can translate it into french for my players
  19. Re: What to buy now ??? Interesting concept; except that : 1- I love the 6th edition books, they look great and nifty. 2- My players dont read english well enough for them to actually create their own characters and equipment so I have so single-handly translate their whim into stats. So ANYTHING that will lighten my work will be appreciated. 3- This system is far too overwhelming to grasp on my own as I need some kind of railroad-ing to help me get started. There is simply too much to create and too many way to achieve the same effect. 4- I like boundaries, Champions Book will get me limits on players/NPC stats and powers and a framework to build on.
  20. Re: What to buy now ??? Thanks for the answers, I will play as a GM
  21. Hello, I own the basic rulebook and the corebook 1 and 2. I buyed the Champions Power book too. Now I want to play in the Champion Universe but I am a bit miffled about what I am supposed to acquire to do so, especially as the online shop doesnt separate champions items from 6th and 5th edition (BTW the website on the right side panel about champions totally ignore the existence of the 6th edition). Can I have the reference of the 6th edition champions book ? I suppose Champion Universe 6th Edition is evident, but did I need News from the World ? What is the name and reference of the Champion 6th edition Genre Book ? I suppose the blue book Equipment is a nice addition, perhaps even the bestiary. Sorry if my questions answer seems evident.
  22. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear An anecdot related to this subject: In an Earthdawn game (a long time ago in a galaxy far far away), I had a Vorst-Human Scout trying to enter a luxury inn to follow on an elf noble. The vorst is dressed Vorst style : Black leather Armor, with many spikes and claws, with dented blade sword, and a large crystal spiked shoulderpad. His first try to come into the Inn by the front door result in his prompt ejection by the Troll Bruiser. So the player try to be sly. He buy a flour bag, and go knock at the kitchen backdoor. When the door opened he put the bag on his shoulder and declare 'I am the baker delivery man'... The cook have a long look at him, his swords, the flour that is covering the right part of his black armour, the empty bag that is dandling from the crystal spikes on his shoulder... next thing the player remember is contact with an hard surface when the troll bouncer try to beat his own record at Vorst tossing. So I am all for the player remembering to change clothing when in town...
  23. Re: Assuage my fears about the complexity This game is as complex as YOU want it to be. On the inner core it is simple : roll 3d6 try to hit 11 or less. You dont need to read/apply all the rules/powers. Just use what you NEED. As you feel a need preparing a scenario look into the book to find the rules related. For beginner, use precreated characters you found elsewhere. When you are used using them start making small modification. When you will feel the need to create your own characters and powers that will mean you have mastered the system enough congrats
  24. Re: How many Combat Luck for Mousquetaires ?
  25. Re: How many Combat Luck for Mousquetaires ? I supposed that to be funny.... ... alas I dont get it Being french I just cant write it musketeer, look too weird
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