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Everything posted by Susano

  1. If you ever do that for weapons, let me know.
  2. Jason looks to be trying to get a lot of 4e and 5e material out in PDF, so there's that.
  3. True. But the text was written by Jason and Ross Watson, so this is what they intended as the message to be.
  4. In addition. no other company produces back-dated material. All D&D material for 5E, all Shadowrun material is for 5E, GURPS is for 4E, Savage Worlds is for the newest edition. Same with all other systems.
  5. No, I don't think there's a need to change the text. And no, there's not going to be 4E character sheets.
  6. The point I'm trying to make isn't that the product is HERO-centeric -- the campaign, after all, was a HERO campaign for 20 years. The point is that to dismiss it due to it coming out under 6E rules, when aside from the character sheets, there are no other 6E rules in the book.
  7. Strange, since the bulk of the book has no system stats in it at all.
  8. Author for what? The core book has material by myself, Sean Fannon, Ross Watson, and Steve Kenson. That's it as far as I know. Unless you count all of the testimonials to Aaron.
  9. You can buy into the Kickstarter for 20 cowry shells. Get the archive for 1 cow.
  10. Greetings everyone. If you are a fan of Surbrook's Stuff and the Champions/HERO System resources it contains, please keep reading. After a number of years of nothing happening, some major progress has been made in moving my site to a new web format. I have uploaded the site to Pantheon and am now looking for people who know HTML who can help me edit the pages. I intend to create some user accounts on Pantheon, where the page is being hosted for development. If you're interested, you can log in and start cleaning up the pages, fixing URLs and other issues. Also, if you know CSS you could help improve the theming, and if you know Drupal you could help me create menus and such for all of the content. Please email if you're interested.
  11. As Hyper-man noted, you get charged if and when the campaign is successful. Which would be at the end of the month.
  12. We're at 248 backers, $16.958, and 84%. Please, share the word! Fantasy Hero Complete reached over 500 backers! Strike Force can do the same! Tell your gaming group, your friends, your mom, your friend's mom! Let the world know about this project! Help me, Hero Community, you're my only hope.
  13. And don't for get the cover sheets for your TPS reports.
  14. If you could come in Sunday to make up the other 85% that would be great....
  15. WE ARE LIVE! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2000633882/aaron-allstons-strike-force
  16. I don't think it's for sale any where, so I'm not sure. I also really can't recommend it... I feel it's not very well written.
  17. I am planning for 2017. That is based on my schedule and that of High Rock Press.
  18. I have no idea. That's up to Evil Beagle and High Rock.
  19. I'd recommend Fantasy Hero Complete... but I'm biased.
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