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Status Updates posted by Ragitsu

  1. The pride of the people.

    1. L. Marcus

      L. Marcus

      Thanks for the kind words! :) Trying to figure out the occasion ...

  2. The world would be a far richer place if every person spent more time unearthing the treasure between their ears.

    1. Duke Bushido

      Duke Bushido

      Thank you, Sir (I presume); that is much appreciated.


      Unfortunately, I've come to discover that's not as welcome here as it once was.  ;)   In the world, I mean.



      I agree with you completely.  I miss the days when it seemed more common.  On the plus side, I'm sixty!  I don't have too much longer to worry about it!  :D



  3. There is liberation in a pointless existence.

    1. Lord Liaden

      Lord Liaden

      Did you get that from InspiroBot, or is it your own observation?  ;)

    2. Ragitsu


      I am merely echoing the sentiment; it is far from an original belief. To clarify: by "pointless existence" I mean a sapient life that isn't assigned a grand plan by a nebulous cosmic force or tied to a prearranged path decided by a deity (pick one...). There are those who wish to have the course of their lives dictated by an external force that is fundamental to all of existence, but I - personally - find the notion either terrifying (at worst) or depressing (at best). Why are some people seemingly destined to greatly suffer and/or cause suffering for others? "Life is unfair" is right; I'd hate for this - in the aggregate - to be considered "fair" or "just".


      At least we have the freedom to make our own meaning. Granted, there are still financial, social, physiological and psychological barriers...yet it is still preferable to an existence that amounts to little more than a pawn (no matter how benign intentions end up being). If this is all going to turn out well "in the end", why the messy interim?

  4. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    1. Certified


      If we're going basic flavors, I'll take chocolate. If we're getting all fancy, Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra or some kind of turtle. Why do you ask?  

  5. What is your preferred non-alcoholic beverage?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ragitsu


      You're the third guy that chose H20! Anyhow, I recommend "Reed's"; Canada Dry - at least, nowadays - places more emphasis on sugar than actual spice. Reed's regular ale is sharp, but their beer is even stronger (you may want to dilute it with lemonade or another comparable sweetened citrus juice).

    3. Certified


      Used to drink an unhealthy amount of soda, and I've tried over the years to cut that back in a meaningful way. As far as ginger ale goes there was one brand Fiery that I enjoyed a lot, but they went out of business. What about you? 

    4. Ragitsu


      I've taken a shine to San Pellegrino's sparkling drinks; their Grapefruit ("Pompelmo") flavor is fantastic...and that's the Nestle (i.e., slightly cheaper) variety. The original version contains more fruit juice and less added sugar; furthermore, the can - in addition to being slightly shorter yet wider - features a protective foil cover. Assuming citrus is on the menu at your household, give it a shot.

  6. Wizards of the Coast is making some crazy business decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ragitsu


      They are changing the nature of certain monsters because some folks are perceiving monsters as humans.

    3. Trencher


      I am of the opinion that lots of fey and similar creatures dont belong in a monster book at all and should be in an rpg encounter book.


      And my opinion on orcs are that they are supposed to be the monstrous face of the industrialization of war and society in general but since they have been changed to "proud warriors of nature and peace" style orcs I kinda think they dont belong in monster books as well.


      Monsters should be something that attack and kill you otherwise what is the point of statting them out you know?

    4. Certified


      Seen a lot of these posts on Twitter as well. What I think is happening is that they are trying to move away from the less than savory origins or races like Orcs. Like it or not they have origins in negative racial stereotypes. While working on an article for my own sanity a few months ago I sourced some of the materials WotC is now trying to pull away from. (Article if you are interested. Reference links at the bottom.)


      The other change I was seeing is the Drow, moving them from an inherently evil race, to having a pervasive cult that shadows them. One of the things I find interesting here is while you have similar racial undertones, you also had this anti-feminist aspect. That being, the Drow are a matriarchy which is inherently corrupt and evil. This also translated some wink and nod sexual content for D&D or should we say D&D/s. 


      What I've said in other threads is that if you like the old lore, that material is still out there, and available to you. No one is saying what you can play at your personal table. 

  7. Would you take more umbrage with someone riding your coattails...or riding your mustache?

    1. Ternaugh


      No umbrage, I've given mustache wax to several folks at work to assist them with their handlebars.


      My go-to used to be Firehouse Moustache Wax in the Tacky version, it gives a very firm hold that's waterproof and can last into the next day. It needs to be warmed slightly before application, or it can yank hairs. My profile photo is with the Tacky wax, but brushed out on the second day. It's a dark wax, and can yellow grey or white hair, though. https://www.firehousemoustachewax.com/


      My daily driver right now is from Dubs Was Here. I use the Bayrummer scent, and it's easy to apply. Hold is very good, but not quite as strong as the Firehouse product, and it sometimes requires touching up later in the day. It makes tighter loops than the Firehouse, and can be easily brushed out, but still provide some shaping. https://dubswashere.com/


      One of the folks that I helped at work had started with the Firehouse, but his mustache and beard was completely white, so the Tacky would discolor it slightly. His go-to ended up being a glue stick, which worked amazingly well for him. 


      I avoid Clubman wax, as it doesn't hold very well in the Vegas climate, and had a tendency to foam if it got wet.


      I've tried both Mountaineer and Badass Beards mustache wax, but neither had the hold I was looking for. They're both really good for beard supplies, though. https://www.mountaineerbrand.com/  and https://badassbeardcare.com/





  8. Your avatar reminded me of the following ->



  9. Your avatar reminds me of Gates Becker and Macbeth.

  10. Your imagination is your kingdom; treat your subjects well.

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