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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Re: Fantasy Art Thread And another...... http://fitz.jsr.com/gallery/gallery2/fafnir.jpg
  2. Re: Fantasy Art Thread This is one I painted about 12 years ago. I think it worked out reasonably well, though as usual there are things I'd improve on if I redid it now http://fitz.jsr.com/gallery/gallery2/dungeoneer.jpg
  3. Re: Fantasy Art Thread And another -- from the days when they made monsters with no other reason than to screw over the players
  4. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Just found this guy while I was sorting through some ancient D&D stuff -- he was a nasty piece of work, if I remember correctly
  5. Re: Campaign Speculation: please read, comment Just as a matter of interest, what do the AIs do about the oodles of meteors which enter Earth's atmosphere every day? Do they destroy them all on principle, or do they scan before blasting? How would they prevent communications between Earth-based and off-world resistance fighters? Radio could be jammed I guess, but laser-based comms (for example) would be virtually impossible to detect, let alone interfere with. It occurs to me that disguising supply drones as meteors could be a way for the offworlders to get weapons and what-not to their imprisoned Earth brethren. You'd have a situation a little like the resistance in occupied France during WW2.
  6. Re: Help with map drawing techniques Much depends on what you want to use this map for. Is it purely for your own reference, or do you want to show it to the players? Is geographical accuracy crucial -- by which I mean does the scale have to be precise? Most of the time I find a crappy biro scribble on ascrap of paper does the job well enough.
  7. Re: Where are all the fan-created scenarios? You mean something like the random adventure generators from Fantasy Hero and the like, but offering a few more options? I think that could be workable, and it's something which could benefit from input from the many talented users we have on these boards. and Foxx: That's an exceptionally cool thread..... I don't often read the Champions board so I missed it -- thanks
  8. I spend quite a bit of time wombling about the net looking at rpg scenarios for various systems, trying to find the mythical adventure motherlode which would mean I'd never have to do any work as a GM ever again. So far no luck, though I've found a lot of pretty good material out there. One thing which is markedly absent is material written specifically for the Hero System, of any edition. There are one or two adventures out there, but nothing compared with other systems. d20 and GURPS predominate of course, as one would expect considering their market share, but even relatively obscure systems like Blue Planet have more fan-created adventure material on the web than exists for Hero. What I'm wondering is why this is? Why don't Hero GMs share their work the way others do? I know in my own case it boils down to laziness -- the games I run tend to be fairly unstructured when we start out, with little more than a general aim and a few nebulous notes on major NPCs/organisations/locations. It's not until after the dust clears that I could reasonably massage the original shambles of scraps of paper and cryptic notes into a proper prepared scenario.
  9. Re: OK, Math And Science Experts: Cubic Hexes I live in a country which uses metric units. While I'm old enough to be able to visualise cubic feet quite easily, most of the younger people I know can't, and seven is a terrible number to divide mentally. I really think you should include a cubic metre column.
  10. http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/impacteffects is an online calculator giving the effects of an asteroid strike on an earth-like planetary surface. It returns both the energy released in TNT equivalent and the crater size. Just the thing for sorting out your Evil Empire's interplanetary trebuchet
  11. Re: Suddenly Alone on the Stations Naturally they will all immediately revert to tribal savagery and start wearing lots of studded leather and mohawks and stuff. It's traditional.
  12. Re: Active Defense Rolls I would say that (1) There is the Block maneuver, which is about as active a defence roll as you can get, and (2) adding yet another roll to combat resolution is mostly just a pain in the bum.
  13. I've created a PDF file containing a layout for keeping track of equipment END. You can grab it from http://fitz.jsr.com/roleplay/hero/sci-fi/terranempire/campaign_notes/campaignindex.html -- look under "Resources" in the navigation column.
  14. Re: New planetary dystopia Not at all -- share and enjoy, that's my motto
  15. I've added another snippet of info at my TE campaign site at http://fitz.jsr.com/roleplay/hero/sci-fi/terranempire/campaign_notes/campaignindex.html It's a fairly standard Nazi/Stalinist/Ashcroftist totalitarian dystopia called Pantokrator. Charming place to bring up children.
  16. Re: How do you handle Str magic and End? I pretty much ignored END use in my fantasy campaign, except for Long Term END. The only people who had to worry about that particular bit of book-keeping were wizards, since all spellcasting cost LTE. It worked out reasonably well, since it put limits on magic use and didn't bog down everyone else in accounting.
  17. Re: Initiative, DEX, and Movement. Official or not, I don't like the idea of rigid compartmentalization of character actions at all. The doctrine of "no simultanaeity, no overlap" may be a useful one for wargaming purposes, but roleplaying is a lot more than just wargaming. The way I see it, if a character flies at a rate of 28" per Phase at a SPD of 4, he's going to be flying 28" per 3 seconds -- he doesn't just teleport from one point to another 28" away. Time elapses, therefore someone else acting in those same 3 seconds should be able to affect him during his flight time. I've toyed with a variety of methods of allowing this without doing away with the advantage of having a higher DEX, and the fairest I've come up with so far is just using opposed DEX rolls.
  18. Re: Converting Displacement tons to Hexes A hex 2m from side to side is about 3.46 square metres. Extend that upwards 2m and you get 6.92 cubic metres per hex -- near enough to 7 cubic metres for most game purposes.
  19. Here's one of my very first characters from back in the dim, distant past playing AD&D -- presenting Smirnoff the Fighter, a man of great strength and fearsome fighting abilities, but all the intelligence of a rock. http://fitz.jsr.com/gallery/gallery4/smirnoff.jpg
  20. Re: Re: Critter -- Duct Creeper Go right ahead.
  21. No problem -- it uses a custom template for my Terran Empire campaign, but I don't think that should affect anything in this particular sheet. Edit: Just as a matter of interest, I've started uploading all the HD files I use for this campaign to my website. You can get at any of them from http://fitz.jsr.com/roleplay/hero/sci-fi/terranempire/campaign_notes/campaignindex.html -- just look for "Hero Designer 2 files" in the navigation column. There's even a slim chance that I'll keep them up to date, assuming a miracle occurs and I suddenly get a lot more organised than usual.
  22. I like the idea of making it Korundarian -- Korundite -- Korundinanianite -- uh, from Korun. I think I'll do that very thing, including the silicon body stuff. The point about the Reduced Eating is well taken too.
  23. This creature is a species of vermin found throughout the galaxy, spread by starfaring species. The sheet for it is at http://fitz.jsr.com/roleplay/hero/sci-fi/terranempire/species/critters/ductcreeper.html
  24. The problem, as I see it, is that this Entangle has to replicate the effects of the rules for holding one's breath. A player would be justified in complaining if they somehow asphyxiated faster when subjected to this attack than they would if they were drowning. There's no specific Breathing power or ability in the Hero System (why would there be, after all?) but I think a linked Suppress on the target's breathing would work well to create the desired effect. That way, the existing rules for holding one's breath could be used, and there need be no disparity of effect.
  25. Fitz

    Comm Lassers!?!?1

    yuo gets a r33l str0ng f1@shlight and bl1nk it on & 0ff
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