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Posts posted by CorPse

  1. Re: What are you playing now?


    I get to add a new character to the roster.. the Star Hero game is on hold as we let the GM rest...


    Gunnery Seargent William Coglin - Marine Recon in a Post-Apocalypse game just starting up. So far... the world appears to have blown up.


    Blown us as in gone... no more Earth?


    Or blown up as in scorched wasteland?

  2. Re: Crossover Adventure Seed: Traveller Hero


    the year is 1115 Classic Traveller


    a Zhodani Shivva class patrol frigate on patrol along the Great Reft has found a derelict early Solomani Ship


    aboard the ship are several cold sleep capsules









    I'd just walk away ...


    ... slowly.

  3. Re: Shades of Black


    Start early with making Talisman a memorable PC enemy. I used her for months before I ran SOB.


    Very clever... and good advice of course. Should make the scenario work much more organically with an game.

  4. Re: 4-power


    I think the biggest drawback would be for the player. Unless you've GM'ed a lot, coming up with SPD x 4 different character's worth of actions,could quickly become overwhelming.


    And, of course, the GM will have to build encounters that will take into account that there are four of you... more agents, tougher masterminds, etc.

  5. Since not everyone has time to do a lot of research, if you're thinking of running a WWII game you could do a lot worse than checking out Ken Burns new documentary The War. It aired this summer on PBS, and I was very pleased and surprised to see that it was already out on video.


    Very interesting and full of tidbits that I didn't know (not that I'm a war scholar or anything). And lots of color footage—creates a slightly more immediate feel than a lot of WWII docs & films.


    But this series, along with the docu-drama Band of Brothers, would get you a long way toward finding the right tone for WWII setting.

  6. Re: Another New Guy?


    I only do that with CDs... and rarely at that. But I own almost 2000 of those.


    ~70 books, I can keep track of :P


    Yeah, it's funny... if I've read a book, then it's locked in there. But if not, or got it by winning it a convention or something... then, sadly, not so much.

  7. Re: Building a Library



    Well since you recommended I went and checked the comstar site and just bought two "print+PDF" bundles (Traveller Hero book one and book two)

    checking theme now hope thy are good.


    As for the question at hand I can only stress out the usefulness of Hero Designer and of all the generics I would consider Ultimate Martial Artist and Ultimate Skills a most


    Robert will soon have quite a Hero library himself in a few days.


    He's getting a big 'ol shipment from Hero soon! (Maybe I can check out his Traveller books this weekend?) :rolleyes:

  8. Re: Another New Guy?


    HERO Designer... check.

    Hudson City... check.

    I also went with an off-list and bought Gadgets and Gear, as one of my main players is interested in being a "crippled by the yet unnamed evil element inventor type" and will be using a powered suit and other various inventions to get his vengeance.

    Next payday will bring about Ultimate Skill, the combat summary book that was mentioned, and one other yet undetermined book.


    Thanks again for the welcome and all the suggestions. :celebrate


    It's funny, I noticed the strong vote for Hudson City above and I thought, man, I should get that.


    Passing by my bookshelf this morning, I noticed that I already had it, but just hadn't ever had a chance to read it... now it'll go have to go higher on the depth chart.

  9. Re: Building a Library


    Hey all. I am rebuilding my RPG Library after when what can only be described as a rather rough period in my life. I'm doing several RPG systems. But Hero is one I want to look at particularly. A good friend of mine gave me a copy of Star Hero and I'm going to pick up Sidekick Revised from My FLGS. 5ER is a big scary book to the uninitiated' date=' so my plan in to buy the PDF ver and use Sidekick as my primary core book. The only other thing I might buy online is the character gen software as I prefer hardcopy most of the time. Outside of the genre books, anyone have suggestions for additions. I'm not planning on running Hero anytime soon, but you never no about the future ;).[/quote']


    Well, congrats on getting your life turned around...


    As far as books, it might help us to know what you're interests are and what you would run if you were going to get something going.


    Not knowing anything else, I would give a ditto to what Tancred said.

  10. Re: Wild Card's Hero


    If I recall' date=' it's 90% death rate. If you live, it's 90% joker, 9% deuce, 1% ace. However, some jokers are "joker-aces."[/quote']


    Hmmm... I don't know the series.


    Is a deuce someone w/o powers or alterations of any kind?

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