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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Er.... can we get a different topic here? This is really embarassing. Besdies, calling on me to save the day is like calling on a duck to save the day.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Prepare for the Pecking of Justice! I am the Human ****!"{ "WHAT?" NT: Signs you've stepped out of your regular comic book and into a dirty Internet fanfic.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Hey, it's President's Day! Time from the Exploding of the Democrat!"
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Area 51, you say? So that's why the real estate man said it was so cheap!"
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A portable generator in case I forgot to plug the time machine back in. NT: Signs that your Signficant Other is Sith.
  6. Re: Anime for HERO: A new Wiki Sure. All that would be needed would be to convert the files to .txt format so I can insert them into the wiki. There would be full credit given to the creator of the writeup, naturally.
  7. Those of you who have wanted to write up your favorite anime characters for HERO now have a new place to post them. I have just launched Anime for HERO: a Wiki on RPG.net's Wiki server where you can post all kinds of anime-related things. the rules, such as they are, are right on the front page.
  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy and tqlgal have been waging a subtle blood feud for seven generations across five different worlds. Among the unintended side effects were the American Civil War, the sinking of the Titanic, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the founding of the McDonald's fast food chain.
  9. The London Daily Telegraph reports that the Pentagon really is conduting expreiments on chips that can be iomplanted in the brains of soldiers to improve their performance. This seems to me an extaordinarily unethical thing to do (what do you do when the guy musters out -- take it out?), but I am wondering what the game effect of having something like that in your head would be. Not to mention the social implciations. Once you get the surgery, do you lose the option of leaving the serivce? In effect, are you now property of the government? If not, how can you ever leave the servide given the obvious danger a guy with hyper-reactions poses to the rest of society?
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I fear I must leave you, Mamo-chan. Only Nyarlyhotep can satisfy me now. Goodbye." "Usagi! Wait!" WHAT?
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "For God, Country and Chiyo Mihama!" NT: Signs the guest list for your funeral has gotten way out of hand.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble has to get a restraining order to stop Grevious Bodily Harm Cabbit from stalking him and eating all his pizza.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat I'm a Yankee-phobe Jihadist I want the U.S. to DIE! In the Prophet's name I'll shed their blood Send them down below to fry! Death to those who say that Islam Is a religion of peace! If you're not a terrorist then you're not a real Muslim At least that's what I'm always told! (Of course, the singer would have gotten just about everything in his worldview absoltuely wrong, but there goes....)
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Billy Cooper of St. Paul, Minnesota wins his fourth consecutive World Series of Candyland championship, and is rewarded with a year's supply of Hershey's Kisses.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The back room of Eddie's Bar and Grill. Where else can you sned out an army to conquer someplace nobody's ever ehard of and munch on Amazo Burger (the one with every iminagle topping, from a fried egg to two slices of ham) at the same time? NT: Signs the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is out of his mind.
  16. Your character (who hopefully has some small clue about the occult) is approached by a 300-year-old vampire with a strange request. Like most vampires she did not choose her unlifetyle, having been made a vampire against her will. Ever since then she has been stalking the night feeding on humans, soometimes siezed by the "blood lust" which causes her to feed to the death of the victim. She lost count of the number of people she'd killed about two hundred and fifty years ago. Now she's sick of it. Throughtout her unlife she has been troubled by the moral implications of what she's done and all the suffering she has caused. Recently she has attempted more "reasonable" approaches to feeding, but the blood lust is still there and all too often she loses her self-control and her "donor" dies in her arms. Now she has turned to your character for help. In her mind, there are only two possible solutions. One is simply to have herself destroyed. Since unlife brings with it a supernaturally keen sense of self-preservation that, however depressed or morally troubled the vampire might be, makes outright suicide impossible, that would mean someone would actually have to hunt her down and kill her -- and because that isntinct would kick in she'd be fighting every inch of the way. The other solution would be for some way to be found for her to not be a vampire anymore -- to restore her to mortality where she can live out a normal. lifespan (since she was about 17 when she became a vampire, she figured she would have about about sixty years left if she became a mortal again). WWCYD?
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat General and Special Relativity. Because the Andromeda Galaxy would look really cool up close.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Mightybec looks rational. NT: Signs that your parents are not nearly as moral and upright as you always believed them to be.
  19. Re: Dukes of Hazzard Hero My father was a blue-collar type -- fisherman's son, ex-Navy SeaBee, and skilled mechanic. But he also kept an extensive library, read Tolstoi to my sister at bedtime, and collected recordings of Vladamir Horowitz (the legendary pianist). He had a keen love of comedy and satire, keeping extensive collections of The Smothers Brothers, Shelley Berman and Bill Cosby. Because my mother was an actress he became quite knowledgable about theatre, and also had a great interest in history. The only thing he lacked intellectually was a degree.
  20. Re: An A-team for the 21st Century I would have Murdoch as a vitim of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. People who start out mentally unbalanced do not get into Special Forces, period. However, anyone can crack under the kind of stress war generates. It might even be linked to whatever it was the A-Team discoeverd in Afghanistan that caused the Army to frame them in the first place. Two Murdoch bits that would have to be discarded: 1. Getting him out of the mental hosptial for each episode. It is damn difficult in modern America for a mentally ill person to be committed to an institution for any length of time. In addition, any attempt to insitutionalize Murdoch would undoubtedly alert the Army to the A-team's location. It's more likely that when he's not being taken care of directly by one of his teammmates Murdoch would be homeless, wandering the streets of LA getting shelter and offd where he can with his illness essentually untreated. Because he is a highly-wanted fugitive, it would be nearly impossible for him to keep up even a medication regimen -- any meds he takes would have to be stolen, or he might be forced to "self-medicate" with marijuana or some other street drug. 2. The running gag of B.A. refusing to fly with Murdoch will conscious will have to go. B.A. would know that Murdoch has problems -- and Murdoch woulod still engage in wacky, unpredictable behavior as way to compensate for the flashbacks and nightmares that plague his existence -- but he respects what Murdoch can do, which is take anything that flies and make it do things its designers couldn't even begin to imagine. And there is an even deeper reason -- the whole damn world is hunting the A-Team. All these four men have to rely on is each other. They all know the only way any of them have a chance of surviving is the knowledge that each has the other's back covered at all times, and that if one is in trouble the others will move Heaven and Earth to save him.
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