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Michael Hopcroft

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Everything posted by Michael Hopcroft

  1. Re: Up, up and awaaayyy! Before I sound too down on space exploration, I would like to point out that if there was some way I could keep in contact with my friends and family on the Earth, if I had useful skills to offer, and if I were healthy enough toi survivie the trip, I would volunteer in a heartbeat to be a Lunar colonist and settle on the Moon for the rest of my life, raise a family there, be buried in Lunar soil when I die, etc. I think THAT -- the settlement and devlopment of the Solar System as a viable place to live, work, do business, and establish our culture -- should be the ulktimate goal of the next pahse of space exploration. That means expandable dome colonies on the Moon and mars, self-sustaining dspace stations, the mining of the Atseroid belt for useful minerals, contual exchange of information among all parts of the Solar System, the use of solar energy beamed from space to sustain power systems of Earth, trade in goods and travel for people in space, and the development of hydroponic agriculture to the poiint that no colony, whether a space station or a planetary base, would starev to death if cut off from the rest of the solar system for an extended period of time due to war or natural disaster. I'll never see it in my lifetime, but I hope it happens someday. Humankind is too big, too adventurous to be contained on one ball of mud forever.
  2. Out of curiosity, what kind of balance between optimism and pessimism do people like to see in their science-fiction campaigns? Would you play a game in which humanity was essentially on a march to extinction and there was little you could do about it? Or would you prefer role-paying in a setting where life is significantly better for just about everybody than it is now?
  3. The TV series of Ghost in the Shell is starting to be released in the States and is soon going to be running on Adult Swim. What have people whpo have seen it think of it, and what sort of campaignf odder can be obtained from the adventures of Section Nine?
  4. Re: Star Blazers/Capt. Harlock setting. Yes, but Matsumoto had to be very strongly dissauded from including Harlock in Space Batttleship Yamato because he is truly enamored of the character.
  5. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns Just thought of another perfect example of a Teen Spy campaign with some adult PCs as well: The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest! Instead of being plucky kids, Jonny and Hadji were action heroes in their own right. They were joined by Jessie, "Race" Bannon's illegitmate (if that term means anything anymore) daughter, and by Dr. Benton Quest. their greatest nemesis dwelt in virtual reality, cuasing them a great deal of trouble, and they occasionally ran into benton's old nemesis Dr. Tzin (and his twin daughters, who were kick-ass villainesses oin their own right). Jonny was a formidable martial artist and bareknuckle fighter. Hadji was a mathematical prodigy and a master of Hindu mysticism. Jessie could also hold her own in a fight, and all three were formidable techies. I always wondered how Benton felt about Jonny taking after his best friend rather than him. In the series we also learned more about "Race"'s past as a secret agent, which frequently came back to haunt him. We also met jessie's mother on occasion, a fellow spy who could be quite dangerous in a fight.
  6. Re: harnworld -- worth it for HERO? When I had a copy of Harn previously, i was thinking of mainly using the map and letting things go as they may otherwise. This would give players more freedom., The one problem I could see with harn as a setting is figuring out what player characters would DO. The polticial structure is dairly stable, there;s no massive threat to all of harn looming on the horizon, the continent of Lythis is virtually unreachable, and nboodsy is going to have very much money. There aren;lt even any good ruins to loot. One could, i suppose, build the entire campaign around one city in harn, and its intrigues and character interactions. One could even do a camapoign centered around one village and its environs -- even if the PCs never leave the vicinity of the village, things can keep happening to them THERE. The adventure would come to them. so to speak.
  7. Has anyhone considered doing a modern-=day camapign with a lot of fantastic elements hidden just below the surface? Like a powerful fianncier being a dragon in disguise, elves hiding in the woods and taking down the occasional loggic crew, Orcs in the sewers mostly keeping to themsevles unless provoked, and the High and Dark Evlves waging a secret war for control of the Earth, using glamours to disguise themselves as humans when not in open combat? Maybe the Elves are in reality giving the orders to all the politicians through subtle means, and anyone who disocvers this is either disposed of or recruited into the conspiracy. ElfMeets in secret places are nbest not stumbled upon -- especially of the Dark Elf variety. magic is real, but only a very few know about this. An amateur casting a spectacular spell in public will draw the attention of the Elves and will be made to learn to control his power more efficiently -- or else.....magic is mainly used for subtle things, like the healing Art, the Cursing Art or the Arts of Decay. the Dark elves use those monsters that are likely to hunt the unsuspecting, such as vampires, as their pawns. The vampires like to believe the dark Elves are THEIR pawns in their bid to make the world their private feeding ground. The High elves counter by training special humans to be monster=hunters who know all the weaknesses of the monsters and can exploit them all. Most ordinary people are completely unaware any of this is going on. The Elves like oit that way. they;d rather the public believe that elves are fairy tales.
  8. Re: Thoughts on Tintin as a HERO Unfortunately, 41-year-old men with bad feet and bad brains can;t enlist in the armed forces. So no enlistment bonuses for me. Then again, i don't have to go into combat unless they invade Portland. In fact, I;'m so broke right now that I really need some money to buy decent meals, not just online services and the HERO books I crave. At least my rent gets paid every month....
  9. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns The strange thing is, the girls are all boy-crazy, yet all the fanfic is yuri. Is it overcompensation, or just the male fantasy that all hot chicks are bi? (A fantasy that the only hot chicks I ever knew in my life would find, frankly, rather insulting.)
  10. Re: Thoughts on Tintin as a HERO Funny, I got the same response when I pposted a thread about Goscinny & Urdezo's Asterix the Gaul over in the Fantasy HERO section. Lots of books people have suddenly decided they want to read....
  11. Since we;'ve been discussing the Belgioan comic Tintin in another part of the forum, I was wondering whether the French comic Atserix the Gaul would be a good example of a comedic fantasy campaign. Asterix the Gaul centers around the last unconquered Gaulish village after Julius Ceasar's invasion in 46 B.S. Although the village is syurrounded by four roman camps, each occupied by three or four cohorts, they hold out because the druied getaifx supplies everyone (well, almost everyone) with a magic potion that makes them incredibly stong and tough. Asterix is the smallest and wiriest warrior you'll ever see, but he cominbed his super-strenght with phenomenal skill and is the bane of the besiegers. Even when he is without the potion (which wears off over time), his wits are still potent enough that he can amlost always otusmart the Romands. Although the cartoonists frequently showed their disdain for anything that isn;t French, the strip was extremely popular internationally and the English-langauge graphic novels sold very well.
  12. Re: Thoughts on Tintin as a HERO The sigth of Thomson and Thompson hoppign on the Moon arm in arm is one I will never forget. One interesting note about Herge is that he did not flee Belgium when the Nazis came. This led to a rather dark period of his career, wher he was compelled to draw anti-Semetic Tintin stories for the occupiers. While these strips durvive, they ahve fortunatrely never been translated into English, and IIRC HErge later renounced them once Belgium was liberated. At least he never got the reputation of being a willing collaborator and his career continued to flourish after the war.
  13. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns There actually was an animated series called James Bond Jr. about 007's teenage cousin (who also happened to be named James Bond) and the adventures he got into. he even had his own nemeses. Totally Spies! has inspired more dirty fanfiction, by the way, than any other show in the genre.
  14. This is more a story-mangaement question than a rules-based question, but how do HERO GMs handly prophesies of doom that come from supposedly reliable sources. prophesies like "Unless (insert relatively weak PC) is killed the world will end" or "The Dark Lord Kvack is destined to cover the world in avian shadow". If the PCs believe the prophecy, will they fight to stop it from coming true? Or will they resign themsevles to the inevitable? Would they kill that unfortunate PC to save the world -- and what if it doesn't work?
  15. One of the most popular fantasy series running right now on American TV is Rumiko Takahashi's anime Inu-Yasha, in which a girl from our time falls through a well, winds up in fedual Japan, and becomes involved in a fued among demons. Has anyone ever wanted to figure how HERO would model any of the characters from that series?
  16. Re: TV Teen Titans Writeups Has anyone tried to writew up Slade, or are we still not sure of all the things the Titans' nemesis can do? In other words, and we going to wait untilt he end of the series because Slade may have even more tricks up his sleeve than we can guess?
  17. Re: Hey Surbook: Playing around with mythology can be fun! Rumiko Takahashi did it all the time. I remember once being told "The best way to understand Urusei Yatsura is to VBE Japanese." Takahashi satirized the tradtional take on Oni by have them as a race of aliens and kaing her main character a young Oni who happens to be gorgeous instead of hideous. Orgiinally she was meant to plague the life of the here, but over time she mellowed consideraly (although she did retain her violent jealous streak). Her electric shocks were also a nice touch.
  18. Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow I have GOIt toi find out about this company, but I'm disappointed it's d20. Mayvbe there's soemthing I can raid.
  19. Re: Early "What do you want to see?" for Teen Champions As someone who has experienced school, I can say with some assurance that classmates, especially the wrong kind, do indeed cause problems. Social cliques and ostracism are very potent weapons that can ruin a teenager's life based even on rumor. the problems faced by the Scooby Gang in the early seasons of B:TVS is an excellent example. And finally, as an example of how this peer pressure can be overcome -- at the end, the student body embraced Buffy and even fought at her side.
  20. I've been sorely tempted to replace my long lost coyp of Columbia games' Harnworld set 9which is comp[osed of several books and at least one map). the only rpoblem is that i don;t know how well HERO handles the sort of low-magic setting Harn is made out to be, and I don;t know fi i want to go to the expense of buying (and the trouble of learning) HarnMaster so i can play in Harn. So would this be a foolish investment?
  21. In honor of Christopher Reeve, I got the idea of creating a Champions character based on the concept of a powerful superhero who had, in combat against a foe that would have destroyed the planet, sacrificed his mobility. Now he is paralyzed -- unable to move any of his limbs, occasionally needing a respirator to breathe -- but still determined to not only be an example, but to help those worse off than himself. His combat days are done, but as a voice for peace, justice and compassion he weilds enormous power and influence. People losten to him because they know what he has sacrificed on their behalf. And his teammmates frantically struggle to find a way to let him at least walk again, but the paralysis resists super-medicine and magical healing. Indeed, the days where his courage will be needed most are head of him....
  22. Re: TV Teen Titans Writeups Here's my take. He turned out to be extremely expensive, mainly because of all his skills. Robin Player: Val Char Cost 18 STR 8 30 DEX 60 18 CON 16 19 BODY 18 24 INT 14 18 EGO 16 28 PRE 18 18 COM 4 12 PD 8 9 ED 5 5 SPD 10 12 REC 8 50 END 7 37 STUN 0 6" RUN02" SWIM013 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 192 Cost Power END 20 Utility Belt: Multipower, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2) 1u 1) Robinrangs: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (30 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) [6] 1u 2) Smoke Bombs: Sight Group Flash 6d6 (30 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) [6] 1u 3) Rebreather: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Ten minute's worth of air; -1/4) 0 17 Battle Staff: Hand-To-Hand Attack +8 1/2d6 (43 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 4 20 Increible Leaps!: Leaping +10" (13 1/2" forward, 6 1/2" upward) (Accurate, x4 Noncombat) 2 Powers Cost: 60 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver 4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 5 Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 7 1/2d6 Strike 4 Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5 1/2d6 Strike 3 Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 +v/5, Target Falls 4 Atemi Punch: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND 4 Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND 5 Breaking Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 0 1/2d6 , Disable; Target Falls 4 Knife Hand: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6 +1 4 Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 33 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs 3 Sacrifice Throw: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls 5 Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 28 STR to take weapon away 3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 Strike; Target Falls 3 Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 +v/5, Target Falls 1 Weapon Element: Staffs 1 Weapon Element: Polearms Martial Arts Cost: 57 Cost Skill 3 Acrobatics 15- 3 Acting 15- 3 Analyze: Agility Skills 14- 3 Armorsmith 15- 3 Breakfall 15- 5 Bugging 15- 3 Bureaucratics 15- 3 Climbing 15- 3 Combat Driving 15- 3 Combat Piloting 15- 32 +4 with All Combat 10 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers, Military Computers) 14- 7 Concealment 16- 3 Contortionist 15- 3 Conversation 15- 3 Criminology 14- 3 Cryptography 14- 7 Deduction 16- 3 Demolitions 14- 3 Disguise 14- 3 Electronics 14- 3 Fast Draw 15- 3 Forensic Medicine 14- 2 Forgery (Documents) 14- 3 High Society 15- 3 Interrogation 15- 7 Inventor 16- 5 KS: Jump City 14- 5 KS: Gotham City 14- 5 KS: the Suprheroic World 14- 4 Language: Japanese (completely fluent; literate) 4 Language: Spanish (completely fluent; literate) 4 Language: Italian (completely fluent; literate) 3 Lipreading 14- 3 Lockpicking 15- 3 Mechanics 14- 5 Navigation (Air, Land, Marine, Space) 14- 3 Parachuting 15- 3 Paramedics 14- 3 Persuasion 15- 5 PS: Circus Performer 14- 5 Rapid Attack (HTH) 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged) 7 Security Systems 16- 7 Shadowing 16- 3 Sleight Of Hand 15- 3 Stealth 15- 3 Streetwise 15- 16 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Marine, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain, Underground, Urban) 14- 7 Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems, Metal Detectors, Radar, Sonar) 14- 7 Tactics 16- 3 Teamwork 15- 3 Tracking 14- 10 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes, Rafts, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Spaceplanes, Submarines, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles 9 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Flails, Homemade Weapons, Nets, Staffs, Whips 4 Weaponsmith (Missiles & Rockets, Muscle-Powered HTH, Muscle-Powered Ranged) 14- Skills Cost: 277 Cost Perk 15 Money: Filthy Rich 6 Reputation: Legedary Sidekick on hiw own (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6 6 Contact: Batman (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 8- 25 Vehicles & Bases Perks Cost: 52 Cost Talent 16 Berserk Fury 16 Crippling Blow 18 Evasive 14 Fearless 11 Inspire 3 Lightsleep Talents Cost: 78 Total Character Cost: 716 Val Disadvantages 10 Enraged: When moiral sesne offended (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14- 30 Hunted: Slade 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Kitten 8- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 25 Psychological Limitation: Committed to being the best (Very Common, Total) 15 Psychological Limitation: In Love with Starfire (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Hunting Slade (Common, Strong) 25 Social Limitation: Duty to Teen titans (Very Frequently, Severe) 20 Social Limitation: Secret identity (Dick Grayson) (Frequently, Severe) 5 Social Limitation: Still Under the Batman's Shadow (Occasionally, Minor) Disadvantage Points: 155 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 361 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  23. Re: TV Teen Titans Writeups Don't do that either. I don;t want you to do anything just because I;'m depressed. Like your robin by the way, but I;'d change a few things by outting a few more items into the utility belt and giving some of the things he uses more evoactive names. The edged darts he throws, for example, could be called Robinrangs, as they are his variation of the Batarang principle. You might also want to make use of some of hois ninja-like abilities -- he has a tendency to show up from the middle of s\nowehgere, or to seem to have avnished complteley only to reappear just in time to take the decisive action. One other note: Robin, like Batman before him, is VERY intimidating in spite of his small size. Robin is always the one who confronts the bad guy and demands information with the air of "tell me what i want to knwo or VERY bad things will happen to you". You also might want to increase the amount of hand-to-hand damage he does, as he has taken down foes that would seem immune to hand-to-hand attacks with single blows.
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